MCTD (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease)

Posted by EllashaB @ellashab, Oct 3, 2011

Ok, here goes my story....4 Weeks ago I was diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue disease...I am normally a busy busy person, I work full time as a police officer, volunteer at my church, work a lot of off duty, and I have Three Boxer Dogs that I show, and I'm I have a lot going on and this has pretty much put a stop on everything...I'm on 30mg of Prednisone, Plaquenil, Imuran, and Amitriptiline (for depression, anxiety), and Nexium twice a day...Some days I'm fine and other days I can't get out of bed either because I'm so tired or I'm having a flare. I would just like to talk to other people who have this disease and who can relate to me. I feel like I'm losing my mind and body for that matter.....Is it always going to be like this? How do I slow myself down? The concept just seems so alien to me....HELP

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

Hello, @beekb – I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @lisalucier and others. I have no experience with what you are going through other than the feeling of confusion trying to understand medical condition summaries. When I review mine after an exam I always have questions...what does this mean? etc... I try to make a list of the questions I have so that I'm ready when I have my next appointment and I take the list with me so that I don't forget to ask the doctor. If they give me an answer I don't understand I ask them if they can give it to me in layman's terms. Sometimes I will message my Mayo Care Team through the patient portal with a question if I don't have an upcoming appointment and they have been very responsive.

I would definitely try to get them to answer any questions you might have probably starting with your biggest symptom/concern as suggested by @lisalucier.


Hello, @beekb - I wanted to add my welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You'll notice I moved your post here to an existing discussion in the Autoimmune Diseases group where many members are talking about multiple conditions. If you click on VIEW & REPLY in your email notification, you will see the whole discussion and can join in, meet, and participate with other members talking about their or their loved ones' experiences.

That does sound very difficult for you as you try decipher what may be going on. I'd like to introduce you to @johnbishop @lucindaj1 @lioness @bluejean, who may be able to provide some support and input as you seek answers to the abnormal ANA blood test, inflamed bile docs with copper infiltration, and wonder about vascular disorder, insulinoma and connective tissue disorder.

At this moment, @beekb, what symptom is the most difficult for you?

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Thank u for your response. The insomnia, anxiety, night sweats upon early wakening, chest swelling/bloating despite wt loss and depression are the worst right now. I can take the back pain and the worries about the things they found and sure it is exacerbating by not sleeping more than a few hrs a night on med. I also worry about the medications and supplements I’m taking and the effect on liver. Like does fenofibrate cause the copper in the peripheral heptocytes? Or Wilson late onset -I am a researcher so look up things. But my anxiety prevents me fr articulating as well as I might. I had postpartum depression 20 years ago and on setraline for most of those 20 years. Last Oct with the fibroscan result I, to my folly, went off it. Back on and waiting for it to work. Using sleep herbal teas, lavedar oils and lotion, valerian and melatonin as in the past. Trying to walk a little and get sun. Appetite coming back and eating healthy, drinking lots of h2o. Working 3 days - fantastic employer - helps to be in land of living. Good support fr fam and friends. Made appts here at home to help get answers.


Your case is interesting. I started having severe dizzy spells, heat flashes mixed with chills, skin break outs, extreme fatique. At first, I thought I was going through early menopause based on the symptoms. When I don't feel well, I am out for the count, literally no energy.

I have several drs running several tests which all come back as normal. Then one test showed positive for Shogrens (not sure of the spelling). Saw a rheumatologist and he said I scored positive but too low for shogrens. He did a saliva test and blood work again and it came back as normal this time. I can also take allegra which relieves the symptoms so according to the rheumatologist, no shogrens.

My allergy dr thinks I may have hives. I took 2 more tubes of blood and now he thinks it may be Mixed connective tissue syndrome. I am fatigue, dizzy, etc but the other symptoms I really don't have.

I was sent to an ENF which after several balancing tests and a brain scan said I have a 23% loss in my inner ear on the left side thus the source of my dizziness and balance issues. This makes sense since after I work out, I am too dizzy to move. Heck, I can be sitting and get dizzy. They have me on clonazepam to take a night and seems to be working. But, if I wake up dizzy, I have nothing to help me during the day.

This all started with severe skin break outs everytime I ate. I can take one bite of food or a sip of a beverage and my head is spinning, my skin breaks out in rash looking lines and/or spots. The only things I am safe from is water, unsweet tea, and diet soda. I tested negative for food allergies, pollen, nature, and actually only allergic to dust (after being poked several times).

I've had a nasal MRI, breathing tests, and another round of 10 tubes of blood for various tests only to be informed this past Wed that everything was normal.

I am quite frustrated as to what is going on with me. I too am very active, travel for my company weekly, in school full time, and stay busy busy. I am wondering how your MCTD was diagnosed and if your symptoms progressed over time. Do you think it came about with diet or certain foods?

I am also curious as to which foods help / hinder these symptoms. I heard various kinds of berries help as well as rice, fish, cinnamon, flex seed.. does all this really work?

Anything you can offer would be greatly helpful and appreciated as I am frustrated yet anxious to find out what is going on with me.


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it would be good to test the thyroid the TPO antibody to make sure you don't have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and to do an EKG to make sure the electrical system is intact


it would be good to test the thyroid the TPO antibody to make sure you don't have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and to do an EKG to make sure the electrical system is intact

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Welcome @clarecmt2, Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you might have some experience with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis and any treatments you've had?


Welcome @clarecmt2, Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you might have some experience with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis and any treatments you've had?

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I just recently got the diagnosis after a thyroid test for T3,T4 & TSH
The T3 and T4 were normal but the TSH was high & climbing
prompted the test is about mid January I started getting a rash here & there on my body ... I would scratch it & it would raise up into a welt... at that point wherever you put pressure on my skin including my feet on the bottom it would become inflamed with hives and welts...ugh got an appointment ASAP ...Doctor ran auto immune tests and thyroid & Put me on prednisone 10mg
I could not tolerate that dose I cut it in half ...that got me through until I saw my primary a couple of weeks later Rand another thyroid panel and the TSH was around 8...
I was freaking out
The primary is an internist so he knew to run the TPO test to see if I had a Hashimoto's
sure enough it came back positive
I just started thyroid medication a week ago I believe the rash is getting better I have used a allegra all the way through after I stopped the prednisone
alongside the rash/hives came intermittent severe reflux
it would feel like my stomach was in my throat and I couldn't get relief from burping I have been panicked this whole time
when I told someone about my keys they said I caught it early I may have and I'm glad for that because I didn't get any of the traditional symptoms of hair loss , weight gain etc.
it is too early to tell how effective the thyroid medication will be because it takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in
I have always had normal T3 and T4 with slightly elevated TSH
but it had gone off the charts
what is my story I am still taking Allegra and I think the intermittent rash and hives is halfway better
Do you have Hashimoto's and if so what is your story


I just recently got the diagnosis after a thyroid test for T3,T4 & TSH
The T3 and T4 were normal but the TSH was high & climbing
prompted the test is about mid January I started getting a rash here & there on my body ... I would scratch it & it would raise up into a welt... at that point wherever you put pressure on my skin including my feet on the bottom it would become inflamed with hives and welts...ugh got an appointment ASAP ...Doctor ran auto immune tests and thyroid & Put me on prednisone 10mg
I could not tolerate that dose I cut it in half ...that got me through until I saw my primary a couple of weeks later Rand another thyroid panel and the TSH was around 8...
I was freaking out
The primary is an internist so he knew to run the TPO test to see if I had a Hashimoto's
sure enough it came back positive
I just started thyroid medication a week ago I believe the rash is getting better I have used a allegra all the way through after I stopped the prednisone
alongside the rash/hives came intermittent severe reflux
it would feel like my stomach was in my throat and I couldn't get relief from burping I have been panicked this whole time
when I told someone about my keys they said I caught it early I may have and I'm glad for that because I didn't get any of the traditional symptoms of hair loss , weight gain etc.
it is too early to tell how effective the thyroid medication will be because it takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in
I have always had normal T3 and T4 with slightly elevated TSH
but it had gone off the charts
what is my story I am still taking Allegra and I think the intermittent rash and hives is halfway better
Do you have Hashimoto's and if so what is your story

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Hi @clarecmt2, Fortunately I don't have Hashimoto's along with my other conditions - PMR, idiopathic small fiber PN, osteopenia and degenerative disc disease along with a few other conditions. I shared my story in another discussion here - There are a few other discussion on Hashimoto's that you might find helpful. The newest discussion is listed first.

-- Sjogren's, Hashimoto's and Thyroid Dysfunction: Got questions:
-- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in remission:
-- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis:


Hi @clarecmt2, Fortunately I don't have Hashimoto's along with my other conditions - PMR, idiopathic small fiber PN, osteopenia and degenerative disc disease along with a few other conditions. I shared my story in another discussion here - There are a few other discussion on Hashimoto's that you might find helpful. The newest discussion is listed first.

-- Sjogren's, Hashimoto's and Thyroid Dysfunction: Got questions:
-- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in remission:
-- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis:

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I appreciate your response & I am sorry to hear you are dealing with multiple conditions...I too have ostepoenia and degenrative discs
I will read your post you shared your story and get back to you


I know this is a very dated post & also has a chain of comments, but I chose to start with the first comment in hopes that the earlier commenters were still following it.

I am 41 yrs old, multiple autoimmune dx over the past year (which I have learned that is common and they mostly all share same symptoms…don’t get me started on that whole mess). It has literally impacted every single part of my life from physical to mental to emotional and has shaken me to my core! One common theme I did notice is that ALOT are in my age range (30-55) are Type A personalities, go-go-go, likely ADHD or undiagnosed ADHD, confident, independent, strong females! So I’d love to connect with a group that fits that description because I am really struggling to find myself in this new “normal” because it’s so foreign to me. If you would like to connect - I’d love to figure out how we can start a little group of our own to be a support group for each other. Lots of symptoms, lots to share, and brain dumps on the public are just inconsiderate ;).

May the light shine a little brighter even in our darkest moments - 🤗


I know this is a very dated post & also has a chain of comments, but I chose to start with the first comment in hopes that the earlier commenters were still following it.

I am 41 yrs old, multiple autoimmune dx over the past year (which I have learned that is common and they mostly all share same symptoms…don’t get me started on that whole mess). It has literally impacted every single part of my life from physical to mental to emotional and has shaken me to my core! One common theme I did notice is that ALOT are in my age range (30-55) are Type A personalities, go-go-go, likely ADHD or undiagnosed ADHD, confident, independent, strong females! So I’d love to connect with a group that fits that description because I am really struggling to find myself in this new “normal” because it’s so foreign to me. If you would like to connect - I’d love to figure out how we can start a little group of our own to be a support group for each other. Lots of symptoms, lots to share, and brain dumps on the public are just inconsiderate ;).

May the light shine a little brighter even in our darkest moments - 🤗

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@raepent1 You’ve asked a really good question! This article from The Atlantic Magazine tries to explain it.
But I still want to know “why us, why me”? I’ll ask other members to join this discussion @2011panc. @yellowdoggirl. @gingerw @ess77 @willows . They probably have something to contribute
You know, @raepent1 , you can start a discussion on the Autoimmune Disease discussion page. On the right of the box, typed in blue, it says ‘start a discussion’. Tap that and it will take you to the right place! Just don’t limit it to the 30-55 age group. Any a quite a bit younger than you and just joining the fight and some are dealing with it at age 80+.
We’re glad you joined the group! And hopefully you can learn from members here and us from you. Will you come back and see what the others have to say?


@raepent1 You’ve asked a really good question! This article from The Atlantic Magazine tries to explain it.
But I still want to know “why us, why me”? I’ll ask other members to join this discussion @2011panc. @yellowdoggirl. @gingerw @ess77 @willows . They probably have something to contribute
You know, @raepent1 , you can start a discussion on the Autoimmune Disease discussion page. On the right of the box, typed in blue, it says ‘start a discussion’. Tap that and it will take you to the right place! Just don’t limit it to the 30-55 age group. Any a quite a bit younger than you and just joining the fight and some are dealing with it at age 80+.
We’re glad you joined the group! And hopefully you can learn from members here and us from you. Will you come back and see what the others have to say?

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@raepent1 here’s a photo of the page you want to go to:

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