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When researching a medical topic, people should be searching respected medical & scientific databases and sources (NIH, The New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Mayo Clinic research, John Hopkins, Kaiser Permanente, etc.). That is where professionals and your doctors go to get latest information on medical issues. Unfortunately, the general public does not understand this research concept and is not knowledgeable about the existence of such resources. The public mistakenly thinks googling something and pulling up claims from unknown individuals, with no credentials on the subject is of value. NO, IT IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH! Real medical information comes from known respected sources, and experts with substantial credentials who are highly respected by their peers.

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Replies to "When researching a medical topic, people should be searching respected medical & scientific databases and sources..."

With all due respect, sometimes respected sources say one thing and then say something else three months later. But, I generally agree with your statements. I wouldn’t shout out my reply though. (regarding public)