Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Snow and ice, we’re lucky to occasionally get a little frost but it only lasts a short time.
I walked 1.7 miles today and went up 7 flights of stairs.
See’s is my favorite too.

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@jakedduck1, Congratulations, Jake. You're getting in some good walks recently and wow on those stairs. Can't imagine!

I'm in bed again, spending most days very quiet. My blood sugar is testing 47, 49... 59 is the highest since 1/28. Not taking the diabetic meds, eating York candy, packets of sugar, mints....I don't have sugar products in the house! Waiting for some response from my primary doctor, called 3 different days and was never able to get through. Sent a couple of HELP messages on his patient portal which is slow to respond. Finally, today called again, office closed until Monday morning, so, called back and left a message with after-hours answering folks. Hope to get a call back from the office?????? If not, I'll eat more sugar and tomorrow go to Crucial Care tomorrow. This is the pits! Seems to be something new all too often, but I never thought I'd have an issue with too low sugar!
Send me some candy, Leonard! I have nothing sweet...ordered some for tomorrow's delivery.

Glad you're doing so well these days. I've missed everyone as I've been staying pretty quiet recently.
Blessings, my friend. elizabeth


@jakedduck1, Congratulations, Jake. You're getting in some good walks recently and wow on those stairs. Can't imagine!

I'm in bed again, spending most days very quiet. My blood sugar is testing 47, 49... 59 is the highest since 1/28. Not taking the diabetic meds, eating York candy, packets of sugar, mints....I don't have sugar products in the house! Waiting for some response from my primary doctor, called 3 different days and was never able to get through. Sent a couple of HELP messages on his patient portal which is slow to respond. Finally, today called again, office closed until Monday morning, so, called back and left a message with after-hours answering folks. Hope to get a call back from the office?????? If not, I'll eat more sugar and tomorrow go to Crucial Care tomorrow. This is the pits! Seems to be something new all too often, but I never thought I'd have an issue with too low sugar!
Send me some candy, Leonard! I have nothing sweet...ordered some for tomorrow's delivery.

Glad you're doing so well these days. I've missed everyone as I've been staying pretty quiet recently.
Blessings, my friend. elizabeth

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@ess77 Get some protein into you! I was having some blood sugar problems, too, and my kidney dr told me I need to keep up with good protein. Peanut butter, tuna, chicken, greek yoghurt, whatever your system can handle. Small meals work for me.

Let me know how you are doing?


@ess77 Get some protein into you! I was having some blood sugar problems, too, and my kidney dr told me I need to keep up with good protein. Peanut butter, tuna, chicken, greek yoghurt, whatever your system can handle. Small meals work for me.

Let me know how you are doing?

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Glad to hear peanut butter is good protein. Made a double batch of pb cookies today with 1/2 the sugar. Over 2/3 eaten already by friends and family at impromptu potluck.


Glad to hear peanut butter is good protein. Made a double batch of pb cookies today with 1/2 the sugar. Over 2/3 eaten already by friends and family at impromptu potluck.

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Now you’re a lady who knows how to get her vitamins. My friend invited me over for dinner last night. She fixed me a nice steak dinner and some luscious brownies with marshmallow cream and caramel & nuts. They were to die for. She didn’t eat any desert because of her diabetes. If I had diabetes I couldn’t have anything like that in the house. Then she sent me home with a meatloaf, broccoli, twice baked potatoes.
Not to brag but do I know how to pick friends or what? Speaking of nuts, I have a question for @imallears. We were talking about sweet potatoes versus yams. Some places we looked it said they are all sweet potatoes. other places we looked said they are definitely different. another place said that people that think they’re looking at three potatoes are actually yams My friend and I believe that a sweet potato has a light beige skin and the inside is white and yams are orange inside . So my question is, is it a regional thing.? Do people from different parts of the US and world for that matter if no call a sweet potato with the white inside one thing in California and something else in New York or the south or the north?. Anyones opinion welcome.
Have a good day all and if Sue has any cookies left I know she will,



Yes indeed you pick good friends. I’m from New York and we used yams only around the winter holidays when we didn’t want anything too sweet. I don’t know if it’s regional but, here in Florida, people are from all over the country and I have only seen sweet potatoes on menus. I see yams more often around the holidays in the stores. So who knows?
The terms are used interchangeably and you can tell the difference when you see them.
Yams are good in soup but I prefer sweet potatoes to make fries or just mashed.

Both are good and both types are grown if Florida. Watch those sweets ya big nut!

FL Mary



Yes indeed you pick good friends. I’m from New York and we used yams only around the winter holidays when we didn’t want anything too sweet. I don’t know if it’s regional but, here in Florida, people are from all over the country and I have only seen sweet potatoes on menus. I see yams more often around the holidays in the stores. So who knows?
The terms are used interchangeably and you can tell the difference when you see them.
Yams are good in soup but I prefer sweet potatoes to make fries or just mashed.

Both are good and both types are grown if Florida. Watch those sweets ya big nut!

FL Mary

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@jakedduck1, @imallears , @sueinmn, and all...Well, my goodness, ya'll. This is an interesting discussion...This southern gal didn't know there was any difference. I thought yams and sweet potatoes are interchangeable, the same plant. Not so, it seems. In the research I found they are indeed 2 different plants. The sweet potato is the one I know...red skin and orange/pink inside meat. Delicious and oh, so healthful. Love them baked and as fries. High in potassium, vit 'C' and 'A' and low in carbs. No fat. just what we add...they are good for evening your blood sugar and losing weight. Yams are beige, Jake, with white meat.

I love sweet potatoes, learned they have a sister potatoe and hope to have some in the near future. We've always used the term interchangeably, as FL Mary said.

Hope all are well....BTW: found out the reason for the weird, extremely low blood glucose readings - expired test strips! Embarrassing! I did enjoy the added sweets to my diet for several days, but nothing to worry about. It took me 7 days with growng concern and questions to figure out the strips have an expiration date...I didn't realize that or that it's for real, they do expire. I fournd a newer back-up package, expiration 2/21 not 2/20...and the reading if perfect. Ha! Now, with red face I go to my primary doc next week and we have a laugh while he takes bloodwork.

I worked on the patio yesterday, ordered and put up groceries, worked to begin to recondition. I planned to walk today a bit, but we're socked in with rains and wind. Actually, a lovely day to enjoy through the windows. I'm seeing so many birds now, my 3 mourning doves now are 4, someone got a mate. Good for her/him. I also have a very small dove now, too. Someone had a family. And on it goes...I do enjoy those creatures.

Enjoy your walking, folks. Soon, I hope to be out there with you.
Blessings as you enjoy this life. Elizabeth


I almost did it, just shy of my 3-mile goal, 2.8 miles yesterday.


I almost did it, just shy of my 3-mile goal, 2.8 miles yesterday.

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Color me excited. 5 miles Today, including 9 active hours. And I got to spend 1/2 the day hanging out with my brother. And we hosted an impromptu happy hour with drop in visitors including old friends and our new manager.


I almost did it, just shy of my 3-mile goal, 2.8 miles yesterday.

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Got me walking, too! We had a snowstorm but now the sun is out and the ice is gone. Hallelujah. Will be 60’ today but another storm is coming. I decided to get out my Zoomba exercise video and do that on days when i cant get out.
Boy, Leonard, you are doing so well! I had hoped to get in some longer walks while n Washington DC, but it was snowing there, too. I’ll just keep on keeping on!


Sounds like you need to come to California for some nice weather.

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