Strategies & Realities - Hearing Loss in Social Settings
It's that time of year when families get together and, in many cases, even with COVID still in the air, friends get together too. Not that hearing loss is 'seasonal' It's for real year round! This morning I attended a brunch sponsored by an organization I belong to. Masks required; except when eating. Masks or not, social settings are challenging for people who don't hear well. I'd love to hear how others with hearing loss are coping. Will you share your thoughts and solutions?
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Sorry I'm so late to reply. (It's been a hectic 3 or so weeks for me). I appreciate your reply, and now I will answer the question you asked me.
Yes, I will see my an audiologist in about a week. I went to see my ENT for my yearly visit about 2 months, and for some reason, he decided to set up an appt. with an audiologist (at the same health care center) where I suppose I'll get a hearing test (first one in 6 years)
Interestingly, I've never had a REM test, as the link that Sue gave in her reply on Dec. 31, talked about.
My ENT did place a myringotomy tube in my right ear (worst ear), which had an infection. That was 3 years ago, and I'm not sure what it was supposed to do. When I found out 6.5 yrs ago that I had hearing loss, I didn't know much, and must have bought my aids without any research (pretty much the first ones that were offered to me - thru Truhearing)
Thanks for any help or suggestions, as I'm still looking for a replacement for my 6.5 yr. old Widex Uniques. As you said in your post a couple of days ago, I, too have trouble in noisy situations, and for sure, I will try to pair my next aids to my Android phone.
What brand do I want to get? I have no idea.