Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

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I have a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Can sleep sitting up help alleviate this? Please help. I can't get out of bed.

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Welcome @infiniteree, I have mornings when I have a difficult time getting out of bed but for me it's due to not going to bed early enough. Do you mean it's physically hard to get out of bed due to pain or problems with your arms or legs? Do you have polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)?


Good luck. It's all so complicated, isn't it?

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yes it is! But soon we will know more than the doctors , lol, especially with this great Forum. Forgive me Mayo. No offense ☺️


Welcome @infiniteree, I have mornings when I have a difficult time getting out of bed but for me it's due to not going to bed early enough. Do you mean it's physically hard to get out of bed due to pain or problems with your arms or legs? Do you have polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)?

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Yes, I have polymyalgia rhumatica and the pain is so excrutiating it takes me over an hour to get out of bed. So its physically hard due to the problem in my hips. Does anyone else have this difficulty?


I have a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Can sleep sitting up help alleviate this? Please help. I can't get out of bed.

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Hi @infiniteree have you been diagnosed with PMR and prescribed prednisone? If so, the proper dosage would alleviate your symptoms. Before I was diagnosed, I did a lot of stretching in bed before getting up, but it didn't really help. After I did manage to get up, I sometimes felt I would faint from the pain. I never tried sleep sitting. I would just try to move in ways that caused the least amount of pain and eventually be able to get up. Would it be possible to take a couple of tylenol (the lower dose pills, not extra strength, or one extra strength) before you get up? Wait for them to take effect, then try. You could have them at your bedside with a glass of water before retiring for the night. Maybe that would make getting out of bed bearable. Of course, check with your doctor to make sure that's okay. All the best, Teri.


Hi @infiniteree have you been diagnosed with PMR and prescribed prednisone? If so, the proper dosage would alleviate your symptoms. Before I was diagnosed, I did a lot of stretching in bed before getting up, but it didn't really help. After I did manage to get up, I sometimes felt I would faint from the pain. I never tried sleep sitting. I would just try to move in ways that caused the least amount of pain and eventually be able to get up. Would it be possible to take a couple of tylenol (the lower dose pills, not extra strength, or one extra strength) before you get up? Wait for them to take effect, then try. You could have them at your bedside with a glass of water before retiring for the night. Maybe that would make getting out of bed bearable. Of course, check with your doctor to make sure that's okay. All the best, Teri.

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Thanks Terri. Yes I have been diagnosed. The problem now seems to be finding the right dosage. I appreciate your response and I will try the tylenol.


Thanks Terri. Yes I have been diagnosed. The problem now seems to be finding the right dosage. I appreciate your response and I will try the tylenol.

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Hi @infiniteree, Do you mind sharing what how much prednisone you started on? There is another discussion which you might find helpful -- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pmr-dosages/

I think the recommended starting dose is between 12.5 and 25 mg prednisone. I started at 20 mg for both occurrences I had of PMR.


Hi John, my doctor started me with 5mg he has now switched to 20mg. I hope that should do the trick.


Hi @infiniteree, Do you mind sharing what how much prednisone you started on? There is another discussion which you might find helpful -- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pmr-dosages/

I think the recommended starting dose is between 12.5 and 25 mg prednisone. I started at 20 mg for both occurrences I had of PMR.

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I started on 20 mg of Prednisone 3 weeks ago and the pain is gone! 5 months of shear agony before diagnosis. My right hand is still quite stiff as it had atrophied in that time, but working on it. So much better than 3 weeks ago, I can't be grateful enough. It does come with some side effects, but they are nothing compared to THAT pain. One grateful chick here.


Hi John, my doctor started me with 5mg he has now switched to 20mg. I hope that should do the trick.

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Hi @infiniteree, I'm glad @johnbishop posted what he did and that you're up to 20 mg of Prednisone. You should experience great relief.


Hi @infiniteree, I'm glad @johnbishop posted what he did and that you're up to 20 mg of Prednisone. You should experience great relief.

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Thanks I sure hope so.

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