Any positive stories about Benzo tapering? I need hope
Would love to hear some positive stories from people whom have tapered off benzos. Positive only please. Give me some hope. No horror stories! I need some encouragement!
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I hear ya. Most of us on this thread are in the same boat. We’re all dealing with anxiety, depression and how to deal with it. You’ve got plenty of company here!
That is what I have been struggling with for years and years. OCD included. I've been on Clonazepam 0.5 mg tablets consistently for the past 6 years and see no hope to tapering now since trying to slowly taper in the past caused noticeable side effects and I relapsed. Went back on it
I am sorry to sound so negative but this has been my dilemma w/Benzo.
@sears, @leah09- Greetings friends. It's been awhile since I posted, but thought I would chime in on this thread.
I have been on 1 mg of Clonazapam for well over 35 years. It seems like it "softens out any bumpy roads" for me and I've never felt a need to increase my dosage nor do I sense any real side effects unless I miss a dose (take mine 1st thing in the morning) and usually by 11:00 if I miss I'm feeling like missing my caffeine fix.
In several past posts I've mentioned different techniques I've used to reclaim my life from the severe anxieity and panic attacks I was dealing with. At first having my wife next to me while driving or flying helped a lot. Simple (maybe just for me) taking a half a pill with me (just in case) whether I was driving over the dreaded bridge, flying on a plane or even driving on a 3-4 lane freeway, knowing I had that little bit of security seemed enough for me. I may have taken that extra 1/2 a pill a few times, but over time just the added confidence of doing these things again helped tremendously in overcoming them. It's never compleately great, but reclaiming my life from where I was has been Wonderful! Now being retired from running my own construction company for just over 40 years life has given me far less stress! Although still as I age (today I turn 70) other stresses can invade as I deal with some health issues, but I feel very blessed to have a very supporting wife and 3 adult children that love their Dad!
Hope this Positive story helps you!
Jim @thankful
That is just wonderful how you handled that. If I could get over some hurdles in my own life, like feeling guilty all the time for taking Benzo for anxiety every day I'd be a better person. Congrat's to you! Leah09
Benzos are a dilemma. That’s why there are so many forums on the internet addressing this issue. If the doctors knew what they were doing there would be no need for Connect and others. We all try to help each other the best we can. Sad state of affairs.
Please don’t feel guilty! There is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. You’re doing all you can do in this place and time.
The problem I am now experiencing being on Clonazepam for the past 5 years, going on 6 years, is memory impairment and a "dull" feeling since it works on the GABA receptors in the brain. Clonazepam does very little to stop my OCD but it does indeed "curb" the daily GAD I encounter. The reason I feel so "guilty" is because of my religious beliefs. I struggle with physical dependence upon this Benzo and that's what makes me feel so guilty. My Doctor appointment is coming up in March. Leah09
I’m sure you’re doing the best you can. It will all work out sooner or later.
Memory problems are a common complication of using anti-seizure medications. However these difficulties may revert back to normal especially if you've been on Klonapin short term.
Long-term use of this medication may cause memory damage to become irreversible.
Why feel guilty being dependent on a medicine that eases your suffering?
I am dependent on one of my seizure medicines but because of it I no longer have seizures. I certainly don’t feel guilty for being seizure-free and healthier and neither should you. That's easier said than done perhaps especially with OCD.
I don’t claim to know why people with OCD suffer more with guilt but I would think talking to a therapist might help.
I believe that if you could successfully taper off of Klonopin and still handle your anxiety by talking to a therapist or some other treatment and possibly get your memory back it that would be great.
Doesn't your physician have you on medication for the OCD?
Take care of yourself,
I just want to add that I used to be on Klonopin for seizures however it didn’t help so I tapered off of it.
I tapered extremely slowly and I never had any withdrawal effects. People frequently say they taper slowly but in actuality from taper schedules I have read here and other places they were going much too quickly.
Good luck,