Have you tried the new Protocol 525 product for neuropathy relief?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Apr 21, 2020

I have used the original version of the Protocol 525 product (https://theprotocolworks.com/) since 2016. I have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy with the only symptom being numbness in both legs. When I started taking the protocol, the numbness was just below my knees. After 2 months, the numbness seems to be just above the ankles which is subjective on my part with no additional testing. I do feel it is a win-win for me as my neuropathy has not progressed like I was told it would by the neurologist. I have continued taking the protocol in hopes that it may continue to roll back the numbness symptoms. I have noticed some new feeling in my feet in the last 2 months. Some feeling has returned to me feet and they seem to feel better lately although I still have the numbness – hard to describe the difference.

The Protocol 525 is not a cure for neuropathy. It treats the pain and discomfort symptoms of neuropathy without the drugs which have their own side effects. Have you tried the Protocol 525 or the original protocol? Did it help? If yes, how? If no, please share.

Note: I have no commercial investment in the protocol and I am sharing this information as someone who has found some degree of relief using this combination of supplements. I also discussed these supplements with my Mayo primary care team before I started taking them. The care team sent them to the pharmacist for review who did not have any major concerns for me taking them.

*** Edited Oct 3, 2023 ***
For more information and a list of the ingredients, please see the frequently asked questions on the Protocol's website here - https://theprotocolworks.com/faq/.

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Thank you so much for this kind and thoughtful note. I am so happy to have found this community. I have
really not given exercise the attention it deserves. It's something I've always hated but I'm trying to cultivate a different mindset. It's one of the few things I can do to help myself and will try to look on it as a positive action I can take instead of a chore to put off. Thanks for the encouragement. Bunny

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I’m with you Bunny, it does take motivation. And, not being an athlete, it isn’t always easy to be enthusiastic about exercise! I do like to walk, but winter is here, so much harder. I have an app on my phone and set a steps goal. This helps me to try to reach my goal each day. And, when you count walking from the parking lot (I park as far away as possible) to work, doctors, etc. that helps me reach my goal. If you can walk with friends or neighbors, that helps too. Just doing steps in place or if you have a staircase, works. There are several exercises you can do on a couple stair steps. And, there are a wealth of Tai Chi, Qigong videos, Zumba, etc. videos out there that you might find motivating. And, there’s always dancing! I’ve been know to dance the equivalent of 3 or more miles in an evening 💃🏼!


I've was diagnosed with PN five years ago at age 58. Symptoms were mild at first but now feet are numb and am taking Gabapentin. PN is beginning to happen in both hands. I asked to increase the Gabapentin dose but my neurologist instead recommended Alpha Lipoic Acid because he thought it would help without introducing serious side-effects. I used ALA for a few weeks but began to have serious reflux issues and discontinued. So, was initially interested in Protocol 525 discussed in this thread, but the first ingredient in the 525 list is Na-RALA which is a form of Alpha Lipoic Acid so now not so sure, but perhaps will try it for a few weeks and see. My wife suggested taking Omeprazole for the reflux.


I've was diagnosed with PN five years ago at age 58. Symptoms were mild at first but now feet are numb and am taking Gabapentin. PN is beginning to happen in both hands. I asked to increase the Gabapentin dose but my neurologist instead recommended Alpha Lipoic Acid because he thought it would help without introducing serious side-effects. I used ALA for a few weeks but began to have serious reflux issues and discontinued. So, was initially interested in Protocol 525 discussed in this thread, but the first ingredient in the 525 list is Na-RALA which is a form of Alpha Lipoic Acid so now not so sure, but perhaps will try it for a few weeks and see. My wife suggested taking Omeprazole for the reflux.

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@bryanbay - How much Alpha Lipoic Acid were you taking daily when you had the side effects? Depending on how much you were taking daily, it could just have been a matter of not getting gradually used to it and/or not taking it with food. The Protocol 525 version for new users has special instructions for taking the Na-R-ALA. It has to be ramped up slowly until you can take 1200 mg daily without discomfort. Everything else is the same for the new user version as the normal version.


@bryanbay - How much Alpha Lipoic Acid were you taking daily when you had the side effects? Depending on how much you were taking daily, it could just have been a matter of not getting gradually used to it and/or not taking it with food. The Protocol 525 version for new users has special instructions for taking the Na-R-ALA. It has to be ramped up slowly until you can take 1200 mg daily without discomfort. Everything else is the same for the new user version as the normal version.

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I was taking 200mg in the morning and 200mg in the late afternoon. My neurologist said to avoid being horizontal for an hour or so after each dose to reduce reflux. If 1200mg is the target, I was at a low dose. Perhaps start again at 200mg per day and slowly increase.


@greenacres - I take 1200 mg daily of the Na-RALA. Here's the complete list of my daily supplements for neuropathy - Na-RALA 1200 mg. Magnesium 400 mg. B12 Methylcobalamin 8000 mcg. Methylated Folate (5-MTHF) 100 mcg. Omega-3 Fish Oil 1000 mg. (EPA 330 mg. DHA 220 mg). D3 2500 IU (62.5 mcg). Acetyl L-Carnitine 1000 mg. Vitamin K (as K2) 200 mcg. Thiamin (B1) 50 mg. Riboflavin (B2) 50 mg. Niacin (B3) 20 mg. Biotin (B7) 20,000 mcg. Organic HSO 1.5 oz.

Half of the quantity is taken in the morning and half in the evening. The Biotin is taken at noon -- needs to be taken with at least 2 hours apart from the other supplements or it's less effective. More info on the protocol's website - https://theprotocol525.com/faq/

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John, Are you still on the protocol? What are your thoughts on the new protocol for 2022? I am just starting the protocol. Hoping for help. I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid for @ least 5 yrs so ramping up was not a problem. Thanks, Lisette


John, Are you still on the protocol? What are your thoughts on the new protocol for 2022? I am just starting the protocol. Hoping for help. I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid for @ least 5 yrs so ramping up was not a problem. Thanks, Lisette

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Hi @lisette43 -- Yes, I'm still on the protocol. I have a week or so left of the older 525 protocol and have my first order of the 2022 version to start on. I like the changes that were made, especially switching to the B12 lipsomal tablets for better bioavailability. I also like the change to Flaxseed Oil capsules which I used to take before starting the protocol. To make it easier for me, I have 3 larger 1-week pill cases and mark them AM, NOON, PM which I fill from the protocol bottles once a week on Sunday. The old version had Protocol 525 labeled proprietary bottles and the new version consists of bottles for each supplement from different manufacturers of good quality supplements. It reminds me of when I first started the protocol in 2016 and we use a frequently updated list of links for purchasing each of the supplements for the protocol from Amazon and sometimes direct from the manufacturer. Amazon provided the 2 day shipping which was helpful because we didn't order all of the supplements at the same time since each supplement had a different number of capsules so you didn't run out of all of them at the same time. Ordering was always on your mind and planning so you didn't run out was sometimes a problem. I like that I can get a months supply at a time or several months or autoship if I prefer.

Here's what's new...
"In January 2022, the new improved Protocol was introduced with the following changes:
We have replaced the Fish Oil / D3 capsule combination, added a 1000 mg Flaxseed Oil capsule (x2 daily) in its place – Flaxseed Oil is a vital plant-based source of Omega 3, 6 & 9 who’s essential fatty acids, unlike ALL others, most resemble that of Organic Hemp Seed Oil. We have returned to the B12 cobalamin sublingual lozenges containing Folate that you dissolve under your tongue for the greatest oral B12 absorption and bioavailability. We have moved K2 to the Midday position separating it by a couple of hours from D3, again for greater bioavailability and the Chelated Magnesium Glycinate content is being reduced from 400 to 200mg daily, 1 AM/ 1PM."

Edited my reply...Missed this note that the different labelled bottles are temporary - "We expect the NEW blended version of the Protocol to be available in mid 2022. BEST OF OUTCOMES!"
-- https://theprotocol525.com/products/the-protocol-525/


Hi @lisette43 -- Yes, I'm still on the protocol. I have a week or so left of the older 525 protocol and have my first order of the 2022 version to start on. I like the changes that were made, especially switching to the B12 lipsomal tablets for better bioavailability. I also like the change to Flaxseed Oil capsules which I used to take before starting the protocol. To make it easier for me, I have 3 larger 1-week pill cases and mark them AM, NOON, PM which I fill from the protocol bottles once a week on Sunday. The old version had Protocol 525 labeled proprietary bottles and the new version consists of bottles for each supplement from different manufacturers of good quality supplements. It reminds me of when I first started the protocol in 2016 and we use a frequently updated list of links for purchasing each of the supplements for the protocol from Amazon and sometimes direct from the manufacturer. Amazon provided the 2 day shipping which was helpful because we didn't order all of the supplements at the same time since each supplement had a different number of capsules so you didn't run out of all of them at the same time. Ordering was always on your mind and planning so you didn't run out was sometimes a problem. I like that I can get a months supply at a time or several months or autoship if I prefer.

Here's what's new...
"In January 2022, the new improved Protocol was introduced with the following changes:
We have replaced the Fish Oil / D3 capsule combination, added a 1000 mg Flaxseed Oil capsule (x2 daily) in its place – Flaxseed Oil is a vital plant-based source of Omega 3, 6 & 9 who’s essential fatty acids, unlike ALL others, most resemble that of Organic Hemp Seed Oil. We have returned to the B12 cobalamin sublingual lozenges containing Folate that you dissolve under your tongue for the greatest oral B12 absorption and bioavailability. We have moved K2 to the Midday position separating it by a couple of hours from D3, again for greater bioavailability and the Chelated Magnesium Glycinate content is being reduced from 400 to 200mg daily, 1 AM/ 1PM."

Edited my reply...Missed this note that the different labelled bottles are temporary - "We expect the NEW blended version of the Protocol to be available in mid 2022. BEST OF OUTCOMES!"
-- https://theprotocol525.com/products/the-protocol-525/

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In reply to @lisette43 "Thanks" + (show)

Can I try the new version of 525? I am 92 years old and have been on Gacapentin for several years with side effects and would love to not take them any more. slowly I am reducing the dosage from 1600 and now take 1200 a day and CBD at bedtime .My problem is mainly pain in my feet at night time which keeps me awake.Rachel Fields


Can I try the new version of 525? I am 92 years old and have been on Gacapentin for several years with side effects and would love to not take them any more. slowly I am reducing the dosage from 1600 and now take 1200 a day and CBD at bedtime .My problem is mainly pain in my feet at night time which keeps me awake.Rachel Fields

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Greetings @fields123, Congratulations on being 92 years old. How long have you had neuropathy? You indicate your are reducing the dosage of Gabapentin and replacing it with CBD at bedtime. Is that a CBD tincture you are using? That's what I do now also.....600 mg of Gabapentin and one dropper of a CBD/THC 2:1 dosage. I am so happy to introduce you to @johnbishop. He is the most knowledgeable person for the 525 protocol. You will be in good hands.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Can I try the new version of 525? I am 92 years old and have been on Gacapentin for several years with side effects and would love to not take them any more. slowly I am reducing the dosage from 1600 and now take 1200 a day and CBD at bedtime .My problem is mainly pain in my feet at night time which keeps me awake.Rachel Fields

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Hello @fields123, I would like to add my welcome along with Chris @artscaping and others. I'm 78 and have been taking 525 and it's predecessor since 2016. I don't have the pain with my neuropathy but others members of the Facebook group have been able to taper off of the gabapentin and other neuropathy medications after being on the protocol for a short period of time - but each person is different and the amount of time is not the same. If you want to try it, I would recommend taking the list of ingredients and discuss them with your doctor before starting.

You can find the list of ingredients on the website under the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - https://theprotocol525.com/faq/ --- "Active Ingredients: Protocol formula daily: B1 50mg, B2 50mg, B3 20mg, B7 20,000mcg, Flaxseed Oil 2000mg, na R ALA 1200mg, D3 4000 IU, Chelated Magnesium 200 mg, B12 lozenge 3000mcg, Folate 1200mcg, K2 200mcg, Acetal L Carnitine 1000mg, 3Tbs Organic Hemp Seed Oil".

They also have Hemp Seed Oil (HSO) Skin Therapy which I use nightly on my feet as a moisturizer. It seems a little pricey at $23 for a small 2 oz bottle but I only need a few drops at a time and I'm able to rub my feet for a few minutes with it until it is absorbed. I also wear loose crew socks when sleeping after putting the HSO oil on my feet which seems to help me. I have been getting a month or so out of each bottle.

Have you tried any kind of skin moisturizer on your feet at night or massaging them?

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