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Hi! So glad to find these posts. I was diagnosed with CVST on Dec. 13, 2021. It truly took me by surprise! I was getting ready to go study at the library and all of a sudden my vision was challenged. I started seeing black and white lines moving like a heatwave with a great deal of distortion. Called the nurse and she told me to get to the nearest hospital. Took a Uber and they took me immediately. I am now on Pradaxa after being hospitalized and diagnosed with CVST after MRI and aggressive dose of Heparin, then Lovenox. Under the care of a neurologist. I go today for further blood test studies. My question to some of you is if you felt fatigued while on blood thinners or is this a symptom of CVST? I just don't feel myself. It was very helpful reading your posts. I am 59 years old and in seminary. A very active woman with no diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. I am not obese and I stay active. No estrogen issues. They are still running tests to try to figure out the "why?" God bless you for this site.

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Replies to "Hi! So glad to find these posts. I was diagnosed with CVST on Dec. 13, 2021...."

Brockman1, what a shock. Thank goodness you got help right away. I'm hoping fellow members like @makingfriends @timw6 @moondusk @awa @kiwimn17 @kyglo @pattylynn can share their experiences with fatigue and CVST or blood thinners.

Brockman, how did the further blood studies go? Any updates?