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My first stint I was diagnosed with stage 2 BC at 49 - I had partial mastectomy then 3 years tx and 2 years Letrozole - I asked to do letrozole for 2 in stead of 3 years because I heard it was hard on your bones
I had also done chemo and radiation. Two years after completing 5 years of those drugs I was diagnosed with Stage 2 BC - in exact same spot.
I had a double mastectomy and rejected chemo and radiation this time. Have just completed 5 years on Anastrozole- hot flashes galore- looking forward to saying goodbye to those - other side effects hard to tell as I was going through a fairly turbulent time when I went back on those meds. I am 62 now and hoping to get my health back this year!

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Replies to "My first stint I was diagnosed with stage 2 BC at 49 - I had partial..."

I have been off of all endocrine therapies for more than two years and the hot flashes continue for me. I am on a few other drugs, so I never really know for sure what gives me which gifts. I keep a paper fan close and that really does help. When it is a 100* I just stay home for fear of dehydration.
You are truly resilient, I applaud you. What are your plans for health moving forward?