As you must know, our exchange has meant a lot to me. Will it be all smooth sailing from here on, who's to say; at the moment, though, I couldn't be more pleased with how much better I feel today than I did only a few weeks ago. I too would like our conversation to continue.
If you like, my "civilian" email address send me a private message. Don't be misled by the ".edu," I'm not a college prof. I worked for going on twenty years for the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, which is a program of the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo. That's why the ".edu." I'm retired now, however, making do on a modest pension, while supplementing this income by writing (and a little acting, when I'm offered a juicy role!).
Otherwise, I'm happy as a homebody. I have a life partner (a poet); she has a home of her own two miles from where I live. We have been thinking about combining households, yet protecting hers and my much-needed solitude. A challenge!
I'll stop at this point. I fear I'm at the threshold of Too Much Information. 🙂 I'll close, hoping also that somehow we continue our conversation
Ray (@ray666)
Hi Ray, please note that I removed your personal email address from your message above. We recommend not posting personal contact information in the public forum. You can use the secure private message function to exchange contact information with another member.