What helps the symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy?

Posted by margie1234 @margie1234, Dec 12, 2021

Good morning
I know most members here have more severe symtoms than I.
I woke up one morning in august with both feet tingling and with a sandy like feeling under my toes and bottom of both feet. I had no previous warning. My family doctor said that is strange maybe it will fo away on its own?? I had a short assessment with a poditrist which cost me $95 dollars and he said I had beginnings of small fiber neuraphy buy cushioned insoles and come back if it gets worse. To see a neurolagist here is 3 year wait and I have no coverage I am at my wits end on what to do for this. I thought only diabitics got this. My anxiety level is off the wall. I have researched on line and do stretches and walk. Any advice on what to do to possibly stop the tingling would be so much appreciated. Margie

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Good evening @anya40. Thank you for introducing me to the soft flannel booties. Do you remember the manufacturer's name. Here's the problem.......I have icy cold feet at night not burning. I wonder if they might not have a pair that will warm up my feet. That is the way it seems to go....you have hot feet and I have cold feet and we both have SFN. What medications have you found helpful? Are you using medical cannabis?

May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm.
PS....I think it is midnight now and so......Happy New Year!

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Hello Chris, the soft flannel booties I wrote about are made by a company called Natra Cure. I know they make mittens with an insert that you heat in the microwave, but I don't know about the booties. However, I feel certain that if they do make them, you'll find them on Amazon. As for meds......when this all started, I saw my PC who said I might have neuropathy, called in a script for gabapentin, said it might help and sent me on my way. I was on the gabapentin for about 3 days, developed a rash over my entire body and was told to stop taking it. So, as of today I'm not on any meds. for neuropathy. However, I am on a very small (as needed) dose of Prednisone for my polymyalgia, and I feel as though it also helps with the neuropathy pain. Amazingly I don't have a lot of discomfort during the day, it all begins at night about an hour after I go to bed. I found a great team of neurologists who treat people who have chronic headaches, neuropathy, and other diseases of the nervous system. They sent me early this week to have a lot of blood work done and next week I'll begin a series of nerve block treatments (praying they help). As for medical cannabis, the neurologist discussed that with me, he said that CBD is what they would recommend for me because it works well with pain relief, anxiety and sleep. But when they saw in my medical records that I take blood thinners for Afib they said people who take blood thinners cannot use CBD. Hope you find the heated booties. Also- have a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.


Good evening @anya40. Thank you for introducing me to the soft flannel booties. Do you remember the manufacturer's name. Here's the problem.......I have icy cold feet at night not burning. I wonder if they might not have a pair that will warm up my feet. That is the way it seems to go....you have hot feet and I have cold feet and we both have SFN. What medications have you found helpful? Are you using medical cannabis?

May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm.
PS....I think it is midnight now and so......Happy New Year!

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Chris, I’m always interested in following your posts. For my ice cold feet at night I use a “Cozy Winters” foot of the bed large heating pad. It is 35 x 20“. It has a pocket on one side that you can touch your feet in but I like to keep my feet free to move around. That’s one of the reasons I really like this heating pad is it is large enough I can move around in the bed without having to keep my feet in one position. It has five heat settings but I generally just keep it on the lowest setting. Occasionally turn it up to number two if my feet are too cold when I get into bed. They also wear Rock Dove nomad slippers if I’m just sitting around in the evening. These two items have really made a difference in my ice cold neuropathic feet. Hope you have a healthy and happy New Year’s. Bcool


Chris, I’m always interested in following your posts. For my ice cold feet at night I use a “Cozy Winters” foot of the bed large heating pad. It is 35 x 20“. It has a pocket on one side that you can touch your feet in but I like to keep my feet free to move around. That’s one of the reasons I really like this heating pad is it is large enough I can move around in the bed without having to keep my feet in one position. It has five heat settings but I generally just keep it on the lowest setting. Occasionally turn it up to number two if my feet are too cold when I get into bed. They also wear Rock Dove nomad slippers if I’m just sitting around in the evening. These two items have really made a difference in my ice cold neuropathic feet. Hope you have a healthy and happy New Year’s. Bcool

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Thanks so very much....I didn't even know those existed. By the way.....what if you have a bed partner who is happy without a "Cozy Winter?"


Hello Chris, the soft flannel booties I wrote about are made by a company called Natra Cure. I know they make mittens with an insert that you heat in the microwave, but I don't know about the booties. However, I feel certain that if they do make them, you'll find them on Amazon. As for meds......when this all started, I saw my PC who said I might have neuropathy, called in a script for gabapentin, said it might help and sent me on my way. I was on the gabapentin for about 3 days, developed a rash over my entire body and was told to stop taking it. So, as of today I'm not on any meds. for neuropathy. However, I am on a very small (as needed) dose of Prednisone for my polymyalgia, and I feel as though it also helps with the neuropathy pain. Amazingly I don't have a lot of discomfort during the day, it all begins at night about an hour after I go to bed. I found a great team of neurologists who treat people who have chronic headaches, neuropathy, and other diseases of the nervous system. They sent me early this week to have a lot of blood work done and next week I'll begin a series of nerve block treatments (praying they help). As for medical cannabis, the neurologist discussed that with me, he said that CBD is what they would recommend for me because it works well with pain relief, anxiety and sleep. But when they saw in my medical records that I take blood thinners for Afib they said people who take blood thinners cannot use CBD. Hope you find the heated booties. Also- have a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.

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Thanks for the Natra Cure info. I hope to hear back from you about the nerve block tratments. I had a nerve block with my thumb surgery. My hand and arm were freaky for a day or so. I hope you find some relief. I am working on my Quality of Life projects for 2022. Did you give yourself a gift?

May you have comfort and ease.


Thanks so very much....I didn't even know those existed. By the way.....what if you have a bed partner who is happy without a "Cozy Winter?"

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I sleep in a queen size bed and it goes just about halfway across the mattress so you could pull yours over the edge of the mattress a little bit or your partner could keep their feet on their side of the bed! It makes all the difference in whether I can sleep or not. Wishing you well, Bcool


Hello Chris, the soft flannel booties I wrote about are made by a company called Natra Cure. I know they make mittens with an insert that you heat in the microwave, but I don't know about the booties. However, I feel certain that if they do make them, you'll find them on Amazon. As for meds......when this all started, I saw my PC who said I might have neuropathy, called in a script for gabapentin, said it might help and sent me on my way. I was on the gabapentin for about 3 days, developed a rash over my entire body and was told to stop taking it. So, as of today I'm not on any meds. for neuropathy. However, I am on a very small (as needed) dose of Prednisone for my polymyalgia, and I feel as though it also helps with the neuropathy pain. Amazingly I don't have a lot of discomfort during the day, it all begins at night about an hour after I go to bed. I found a great team of neurologists who treat people who have chronic headaches, neuropathy, and other diseases of the nervous system. They sent me early this week to have a lot of blood work done and next week I'll begin a series of nerve block treatments (praying they help). As for medical cannabis, the neurologist discussed that with me, he said that CBD is what they would recommend for me because it works well with pain relief, anxiety and sleep. But when they saw in my medical records that I take blood thinners for Afib they said people who take blood thinners cannot use CBD. Hope you find the heated booties. Also- have a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.

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where do you get nerve blocks?


Basically at a spine institute!


Basically at a spine institute!

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At a pain management practice.


As long as I can remember, my feet hurt. The pain did not go over the moon until Aug, 2018. Long story short, Medical CBD is the only thing that reduces my pain....I have tried many things, even surgery.

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