Multiple lung nodules: Might they be noncancerous? What next?

Posted by felix536 @felix536, Aug 17, 2021

I have 3 lung nodules measuring 4mm, 6mm and 14 mm in three different lobes. Have had ct scans showing no change in 6 months and have another scan scheduled in three months per my pulmonologist. Should I get a second opinion from an Oncologist or wait it out? What are the chances of this being noncancerous?

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Let me show everything; I'm 82, 10 yrs ago smoker, COPD now ,but doing well on sprays ..
Are my chances worse ?

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John- No one can tell you what your chances in life are for anything! If I could I would be wealthy, VERY wealthy. What I can tell you is that you need to be seeing a pulmonologist, have all of your vaccinations and booster. Keep protected with a mask and do breathing exercises to keep your lungs active. If you can, get out on good days to walk. Get a suggestion from your doctor as to the best breathing exercise inside that you can do.

Only be around people who are healthy and have had vaccines and boosters. This might kick up a sand storm here but this will prevent a whole lot of illness for you.

Are you asking if your chances for living longer are better because you are doing better with the spray?


Yes. Dr treated me with Amoxicillin for infection, she thinks the cloudy look of nodule is prior infection, then 3 months a CT again.
As a COPD patient and former smoker,10 yrs ago , she says % is still low, not 5% .

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I do not see any answers to my comments when asked. John Steller 


I do not see any answers to my comments when asked. John Steller 

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Hi John, Sounds like you’re having trouble seeing the responses that several members have posted to you. Click this link and start reading from here:

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I'm new here.. Do I ask you my question..John

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Questions: Post it all here ....diagnosis, treatments advised, drs, hospitals......everything you might want to ask or tell....up to your wishes to disclose.....Most of us are sharing the boat with you...


Welcome, John, to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to respond. It is indeed harrowing to learn that something unexpected is growing in your body. The only thing that I can tell you is that to take one thing at a time. I don't know much about your medical history so I have a couple of questions to help me know what is going on.

First, I am a 24-year lung cancer survivor with a history of many treatments. I have had 2 types of lung cancer. I am treated at a major teaching hospital in Boston.

What brought you to getting care for a doctor's visit? Many lung lesions under 9mm are not considered cancerous. There are different types of cancer and having a CT scan is the first scan that will help determine what is going on in your chest. I glimpsed a hint that you are on an antibiotic and already have a CT planned?

What is the date of your CT? If you have an infection then it should pretty much show up an improvement. If there is something else going on that is not based on a bacteria then further testing is needed, hence the CT scan.

I agree with Sue that having your sputum tested is a good idea. Have you had this done?

I smoked for 35 years. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer but if you have lungs you can get lung cancer.

WHat kind of doctor is ordering the tests? DO you know him/her and do you like him/her?

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I am 82 with COPD and three years in a row of CT scans ..this year a 18mm,cloudy, by 9mm solid nodule showed. Never prior years. Pulmonologist treated it as infection in past , said wait 3 months to CT again. Because I smoked 10 yrs ago, chances are 25% , not 3, that its cancer,; I'm getting a second opinion next week.
She also suggested a full body Scan to see if there are other nodules AND a biopsy..I read they are very dangerous unless absolutely necessary. ( collapse lung , difficult to do biopsy).
Please comment.
John Steller


Hi John, welcome to the group. You said that a week ago you were diagnosed with an 8mm solid nodule in your right lung. How was the nodule found? Have you had a biopsy to determine whether it is cancerous or not?

I look forward to learning more about you and to the questions you have.

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New CT scan last month showed a 18mm cloudy, 9mm solid nodule, none in 3 prior scans over 3 yrs. Pulmonologist treating it as infection. Then 3 months do another CT..
A former smoker, 10 yrs ago, doc says 25% chance , not 3% , chance cancer.. knock it out with radiation if still there..
Opinion ??


I am 82 with COPD and three years in a row of CT scans ..this year a 18mm,cloudy, by 9mm solid nodule showed. Never prior years. Pulmonologist treated it as infection in past , said wait 3 months to CT again. Because I smoked 10 yrs ago, chances are 25% , not 3, that its cancer,; I'm getting a second opinion next week.
She also suggested a full body Scan to see if there are other nodules AND a biopsy..I read they are very dangerous unless absolutely necessary. ( collapse lung , difficult to do biopsy).
Please comment.
John Steller

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Good morning John.

Please remember this: Statistics are not predictions. I can't tell you how many people are alive years after they were told that they wouldn't be because of statistics. People have cancer, people are different. I am a person and have lived far beyond the 18 months that were given to me as a survival statistic. October 3, 2021, was my 24th year survival anniversary from my first lobectomy. I have a radiologist who I had to continually remind that I wasn't a number. He said that numbers don't lie. I asked him "Then what was I?"

Has a PET scan been ordered yet? I would think, prior to a biopsy, that they would do one. You can ask your second doctor. You are right, biopsies can be dangerous. Everything that you cited about them can be true, however, sometimes they are not, and sometimes they are necessary. Mine went very well, with none of the things that you mentioned happening.

A three-month span for CT scans is very common to track any growth. Do you have the radiologist's report from this past scan? I suggest that you keep all of your written reports, even lab reports. I have used mine to compare back if I've needed to.

Even if you have been treated with antibiotics for several years you are at the very beginning of a much different journey. It will seem very confusing and scary. Please don't make it more so by reading statistics, odds, or anything else that has to do with the dreaded "WHAT IF" scenario. It will drive you nuts.

I hope that you will come back and tell me about your second opinion. I had one and was glad that I did. I live on the east coast and go to Mass General. I went to another major hospital in Boston for my second opinion. A team of doctors met with me. They agreed with my doctor and the team he put together for me: A chemotherapist, radiologist, and oncologist. I still have them. To me, it's worth going to a teaching hospital.

Have you thought of this?


I do not see any answers to my comments when asked. John Steller 

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John- Are things any better?


John- Are things any better?

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Yes. I'm reading comments from people.


Yes. I'm reading comments from people.

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Oh, good. If you have any further concerns let us know.

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