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Welcome @hsconz, It is comforting to finally know that you are not alone battling this condition. I'm not sure if you have had a chance to read through the discussion but thought I would mention the post earlier in the discussion where @sarahbrhein shared some really good information. Here's the link to her post - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/634674/

I don't have the coughing problem but do have the crusting in the nasal passage and stuffiness. I used a proprietary Mayo Clinic nasal spray for 3 months along with a twice daily nasal rinse but I'm now just doing the nasal rinse in the morning and evening before going to bed. I may give the Ponaris nasal emollient she mentioned a try also as I've been off of the medicated nasal spray for about 6 months and don't breathe quite as good as when I was on the nasal spray.

Have you found anything that helps some with the crusting?

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Replies to "Welcome @hsconz, It is comforting to finally know that you are not alone battling this condition...."

Arm &Hammer Simply Saline 3xday, followed by gentle blowing from each nostril, has solved crusting problem.
In dry conditions and before sleep, I spray a small amount of pure oil into the tip of one nostril (septum side).
(4 bad nosebleeds within 2 weeks for no apparent reason - from that spot.)

Thank you so much for the info!! I will absolutely check that out. Sleeping with a humidifier seems to have been helping some. I have been realizing I am sleeping with my mouth open which is probably drying me out too. I am going to watch my diet for a few days and see if it can be silent reflux affecting it.