many small lumps under skin
For a few months now I have been noticing small (smaller than 5mm) lumps more and more often in different places on my body.
It started on my abdomen with a few small ones, then I noticed it at the transition to my anus, then on my shoulder, on my neck and next to my chest, I don't know if new ones keep appearing or if I just keep noticing new ones.
None of the lumps grow or hurt, the areas feel very very slightly bumpy, but you really have to
pay attention. Also, the lumps are hard.
I have already been to the doctor for a larger lump on the back of my head, which the doctor saw no reason to worry about. He also didn't think one of the lumps on my abdomen was a cause for concern.
Blood tests from July showed normal lymphocyte levels.
Does anyone know what this could be? Is a second opinion from another doctor useful?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: When I asked him what the lumps were, he wasn't sure himself, however, as mentioned, he wasn't concerned either.
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@mawty Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! How did you find us?
Yep, I can only imagine how frustrating this may be for you, finding lumps like that, in different parts of your body. Have you been to see a dermatologist, yet? They are typically more skilled and experienced in issues like this. While it could be hair follicles having some kind of reaction, you definitely want to be sure. My suggestion is to write out all your medications [both over-the-counter and prescription], when do you notice the lumps/bumps most [after a swim, after a shower, temperature changes, etc], list the soaps you use not only for body cleaning but detergents used for washing clothes/sheets, so that when you get to the dermatologist, they might help see a pattern emerging. Oh, and do you get your clothes professionally cleaned? That might be a cause.
Our skin is a sensitive organ, definitely! I hope you have some ideas how to move forward and that others will join in our conversation! Meantime, get out that paper and start listing things! Will you do that for me?
I have rosacea and I get tiny hard kernel feeling bumps on my face that look like pimples but don't act like them. The derm doc gave me prescriptions for metronidazole and can't think of the other but neither helped. What helps a lot is azelaic acid which I figured out many years ago by doing my own research. I first found it on an international pharmacy for $20 and the same was $300 in the US, crazy right? I did confirm this with a dermatologist I saw who is from India. The Ordinary brand Azaleic Acid 10% makes a very nice one that is sold at Sephora $7.90 - super soft cream, you'll find others by googling. I have one called Finecea also. Azelaic acid works if it is rosacea. I recently found a serum azelaic acid that I like a lot that I found on Amazon, a serum, which does not feel as if it adds another layer to my face. I often just dab it on a spot when I get one. The serum has a dropper and when I was at the last 1/4-1/3 of the bottle, I added water and dropped it into the itchiest spots I get on my scalp where I got no relief with anything I tried. It worked miraculously. Lastly, I recently began using the top line department store skin care products by La Mer and I couldn't believe how it cleared my skin overnight, practically. It was an obviously improvement overnight. La Mer products worked the best but cost the most. Obviously, none of these options I mention are covered by insurance but the physicians ideas don't work. Not for my rosacea. I have an occasional keratosis crusty thing that shows up but it is different, it feels more like a superficial crusty stand-alone tag. My husband who never wore sunscreen has them all over his back. The skin I have is so incredibly reactive I guess and I study the internet for similar symptoms then try everything. Sadly, the docs can't fix everything and don't always have the time for the details.
@donnacarp - Thank you for this info. I saw 15% azelaic acid on Amazon and wonder if that is too strong to use on my face. Also, which brand worked the best for you? Have spent a fortune on wipes, sprays, etc. because, like you, doctors have been no help for me, so any brand name or additional info you can share is greatly appreciated.
YES, I have used 20% also. #1 - Eva Naturals Azelaic Acid 10% Facial Serum which I dab on spots throughout the day(Amazon), #2 - Ecological Formulas EFM-MZMX2 Melazepam Emollient Cream for Acne and Rosacea 20% (Amazon with pics and questions) - large tubes, as a woman, it is not as compatible with cosmetic stuff since it pills but it does soak in and work, #3 - The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% (Sephora and The Abnormal Beauty Co) is the first one I used is a really nice soft matte finish, #4 - Azelex $20 + ship from overseas is what I asked my MD and she confirmed and I purchased from without issues, #5 - Finecea (10%) I found online at a pharmacy that required a prescription but they took my personal info and created a prescription for me then sent the medication. I have all of these because when I find something that works, I buy it all and rotate. None of it has been expensive at all compared to my distress and peace of mind. I hope this helps
You may need to see many doctors. Don't give up, if they had to suffer with these skin conditions they certainly would'nt like it AT ALL!
Hello I am experiencing something very similar. Did you ever figure out what this was? @mawty ?