← Return to Severe Constipation


Severe Constipation

Digestive Health | Last Active: Mar 16 4:34pm | Replies (151)

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Hi all, it’s been a while and I have updates. Prunelax did nothing as well as lactolose. But that doesn’t matter. After my surgery scheduled for Sept 29th I got worst. The stress was killing me so I canceled. I don’t have cancer I have a severe motility problem which allowed me the time to think more about why I don’t want a total colectomy. I stated early June pelvic floor PT and acupuncture and EVERY OTC laxative ever made. Getting sick from every one along with cramps and always massive diarrhea or nothing. Now my problem started June 2020 after ACDF 3 fusion surgery. Bowels shut down completely.
Now, I’ve picked a wonderful team of folks who approach this completely different. I found a wonderful Licensed Naturopathic Doctor who took blood for many food sensitivities. Not full blown allergies. My results were crazy and I’ve eliminated the foods and it’s made a huge difference. She also looked at my thyroid and I’m hypo so on a low dose med called Tirosint because it has minimal fillers. I take prescription VSL#3 probiotic medical food. I see a colon hydrotherapist weekly and another woman who does Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy along with massage weekly. I take mag O7 2 to 3 caps every night and I now go to the bathroom. It’s small soft formed pieces and some loose but I go with absolutely no side effects from anything. I was discharged last week from pelvic floor PT. I hope in the next few months it will be the colon hydrotherapist. I think the Visceral might keep going longer. I feel great. I’m increasing my diet every day. I’m adding what works without cramps or constipation.
I was told my colon was not functioning. I was scheduled for a total colectomy. If I had cancer I would not have hesitated but I don’t.
This has been a long rode but worth every minute and every dollar. My advice is be sure you have researched everything possible for your own situation. This all works and is still a wok in progress but I feel wonderful. I have my colon. It was my inner voice constantly saying be sure and I never was. I’m glad I listened. I feel very blessed and grateful to all of the folks on my team working to help me keep my colon too.
Wishing all the best holidays and a healthy New Year! On on the rode to getting back my life 100%…all the best, Joanne

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Replies to "Hi all, it’s been a while and I have updates. Prunelax did nothing as well as..."

That is such good news Joanne @mothermary1 ! I know you went to Disney World as you were slowly improving. Did you have fun with your grandson? And stay healthy?
How did you find the naturopathic doctor?