Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, May 12, 2020

This discussion was created as a place for members to share their journey with neuropathy. This will allow members to easily learn from each other what has helped them and hopefully help new members avoid some of the painful and difficult struggles some of us have faced. The following is a suggested outline for sharing your story that would be helpful for other members for comparison to their own neuropathy story.

— When did your neuropathy start? What were the symptoms? When and how was it diagnosed?
— What treatments or medications have you tried?
— What side effects have you had, if any?

— What would you tell your best friend if they told you they had neuropathy?
— What activities have you had to give up because of neuropathy? What do you instead?
— How has your life changed socially? at work? at home?

What's your neuropathy story?

Note: If you want to ask a question for another member who has posted their neuropathy story here in this discussion, be sure to add their @membername in your post, for example @johnbishop. Your question may already be discussed in other neuropathy discussions. Be sure to check here first: That way this discussion can be reserved for member neuropathy stories and hopefully make it easier to read and find similar symptoms to your own.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


I still take the Nephedipine every day. Before I realized i was not adjusting to temperature changes, I was wearing open toe sandals in the winter so my feet wouldn't overheat.
My neuropathy is improving a lot. I was able do do a very short jog yesterday after using the Chi machine I mentioned elsewhere, for 2 weeks. I have 2 months of chemo left, but I don't think it affects my neuropathy any more.

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That’s great!!! What’s a Chi machine?


That’s great!!! What’s a Chi machine?

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Hi @luann262 - Thought I would share this 8 minute video that discusses what Chi is and also gives a demo for the Chi machine.

In reply to @twobrooklyn "What’s the cost!" + (show)

What’s the cost!

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Price depends on which one you want to buy - Looks to be from $280+ down to $140 range from the ones on Amazon - The original one (according to this site) is $480 - I think I might skip on this one unless I knew someone that had one and I could see it and try it before buying,.


If you read the Mercari blurb I sent above, you will see that the one advertised is $50 plus shipping. when and if mine wears out, I will buy another.


It has been a 4 year journey filled with troubleshooting and misfires before landing on my new normal of Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. I joined Mayo Connect 1year ago because I was lost and needed support of others who understand my doubts, fears and were experiencing similar diagnosis.

My downfall began August of 2016 (age 46). I had unusual neck and head pain from painting. My PCP sent me to physical therapy, no relief after 1 month. On to acupuncture for 2 months, nothing. Xrays were of no value. Jan 2017 my MRI revealed 1 moderate cervical herniated disc and 2 bulging discs. Ah hah, the answer! Wrong. 2 spine surgeons agreed surgery was not the answer and sent me to Pain Management. I was diagnosed with occipital neuralgia and cervical spondylosis. I worked with 2 different Drs because the first PM Dr. could only provide help to my neck while my head needed help too. This resulted in a total of 4 cervical and occipital nerve blocks as diagnostic tests (these are preliminary to Radio Frequency Ablations). From that point, July 2017 through January 2019 I received 10 Radio Frequency Ablations on my neck and head. Burning off the nerves provided initial relief but, eventually petered out. I so badly wanted to be cured and get back to work. I kept receiving these intrusive procedures and they became physically harder to take.
I developed Neuritis which felt like fire works in my neck and my shoulders now were becoming decrepit. I lost ability to use my arms and shoulders properly. I believe (and so does my neurologist) that these ablations were having repercussions on my body and causing nerve damage. I was prescribed short term Gabapentin eventually followed by Lyrica and a few round and rounds between the 2 drugs due to insurance coverage.

During this time, headaches and severe migraines were playing a role but again, my head pain was more than migraine. Occipital neuralgia supposedly. After 2 neurologists,…chronic migraine was diagnosed and I began botox injections every 3 months. I felt like a HUMAN PINCUSHION for 2 years straight between 40 botox needles at a time to the head plus all those God awful needle entries to my head and neck from RFA's I then began the newly introduced migraine monthly self injections of Aimovig followed by Emgality and now Ajovy (they lose effectiveness for me after 8 months or so).

During these times, stranger things began throughout my body. Back and hip pain had begun developing. Toe and foot pain, along with hand pain. These pains all lead me to Orthopedic Drs. who x-rayed and said nothing's wrong, I must have sprained something. I wore a boot for the foot I couldn't walk on, a hand brace (from weeding too much – what? who gets a weeding injury). I had an MRI of my back…it showed a mild disc protrusion. Yeah, so what. Just like my neck, nothing major to be effecting me this way. I received epidurals in my back and started PT again. The common theme began to reveal that nothing majorly, structurally, was wrong with me. I felt too young to be falling apart to all these unexplained, tormenting pains. I myself, decided to go to a Rheumatologist to rule out fibromyalgia. The Dr said I have mirroring symptoms but, not fibro and suggested my Lyrica dose be increased.

January 2019, I had just had my final rounds of ablations and my pain was exacerbated from them, more than ever. In retrospect I believe I made a big mistake having too many and pushing for the reason of getting my life and job back. It backfired on me. The Fall prior began oddities in my body such as tingling in my hands. Pins and needles all over. My body was not neurologically right. In addition, I was exhausted, having palpitations and shortness of breath. These symptoms slowly grew and took over my body. I managed miserably to get through the holidays then went to my Neurologist in January. I explained through tears and frustration that something was wrong neurologically and if he couldn't figure it out I was going Mayo Clinic. It was finally then that he tested me via skin punch biopsy and diagnosed me with Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. Ahhh hahhhhhh, finally! I was not going crazy, it was not all in my head, there was a name for this chaos in my body.

And so it began…a thorough and extensive workup to find an underlying cause. A plethora of blood work and genetic testing. I had already had MRI's on my brain, neck and back. I had bloodwork drawn prior for SED rates when I was trouble shooting but, this testing lasted for 2 months. Immediately landed on a B12 deficiency. I began B12 injections every other week for months until my level regulated. I slowly had more energy and could breath better without my heart racing.

Now, we work on regulating and controlling nerve damage and pain . My neurologist says maybe 2 -3 years nerves will regenerate. It's a crap shoot. I stick with Lyrica, tried Cymbalta for over a year then weaned myself off because I had memory issues. Throughout my pain journey, I began taking Nucynta until my new insurance wouldn't cover it. I moved to Norco (hydrocodone) and added medical marijuana for when hydrocodone is not enough.

My body was increasingly feeling sunburned, pins and needles, electric shocks in my head and face, sharp unexpected pains throughout, burning and weakness. By spring of 2019, my legs started to die and walking became restricted. This was and still is my biggest fear. At the same time, with my body in a state of flux, I developed Chilblains on my feet with tenacious itching, red painful sores and my feet were flaring between red hot and blue, purple, grey colors. My neurologist claims it was from neuropathy. This bout brought me to a dermatologist, vascular and cardiologist for ample testing (echocardiogram, CT scans) and ruling out any other misfires. After this episode settled, my Neurologist suggestion lidocaine infusions to control pain. I sat for 5-6 hours in the apherisis unit of my local hospital every Monday for 5 months. Lidocaine is a slow drip infusion that increases dose based on body weight. I was "in it to win it" (similar to my radio frequency ablations) but, it was a failed experiment for me and offered minimal relief. Others receive benefit.

I also had a spinal tap to rule out autoimmune diseases. I do not have any, thank goodness. However, the spinal tap left me with a ferocious spinal headache which landed me in urgent care followed by the ER and needed a cocktail to stop the pain. Never in my life have I experienced something so painful. This all lead me to seek the help of a chronic pain psychology for 2 months. I needed help but found she wasn't the one to help. I got nothing from her. I am fortunate to depend on family and friends and Mayo Connect for my mental health support.

My suggestion to anyone with peripheral neuropathy or symptoms….please do your research and gain knowledge about your body. Be your our advocate. I learned the hard way that we're kind of on our own out here. Drs can only take you so far and dont have the time to care as we want them to. It's very important to find a good PCP (primary care physician) and establish a relationship. They will lead and direct to the best of their abilities. My PCP is wonderful! He is my hydrocodone prescriber. He recommended medical marijuana for my comfort. He wrote my disability letter and qualified me for long term disability both through my job and Social Security. I know he's got my back. I also take a supplement protocol, try to eat healthier, and keep active as best I can and practice mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditation. I also benefit from weekly myofacial release therapy. In June I will attend Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Program for 3 weeks

Living with peripheral neuropathy in a constant battle. A 24/7 job. It takes mental strength and tenacity to not be defeated by it. It takes a village, if you will, to have all hands on deck, by way of medicine, mental health, holistic approaches etc… I say I still work but, no longer get paid. I'm sorry for the length of my story but, it was therapeutic for me and I thank you for reading it. I'm happy to help further should anyone need.

Be well-

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Rachel, you have been through it! Bless you.


Rachel, you have been through it! Bless you.

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@total99 Haha yes, yes, I have, but
I've come out on the other side and am managing well after getting help and clarity and Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center.

Thank you for reaching out. How are you doing on your neuropathy journey of pain management?


I have been diagnosed with idiopathic neuropathy by a neurologist. I had tingling in my feet for a couple of years, no big deal. Then I decided to start a walking program, and the burning pain started suddenly in my feet. I have now started physical therapy with laser therapy. Does anyone know if laser therapy works? I do get temporary relief from a CBD hemp ointment my chiropractor gave me, not cheap but lifesaving, especially in the middle night when the pain is awful. I think its on Amazon, CBD CLINICPAIN RELIEF, its used on athletes, has to be LEVEL 5, clinical strength.


It has been a 4 year journey filled with troubleshooting and misfires before landing on my new normal of Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. I joined Mayo Connect 1year ago because I was lost and needed support of others who understand my doubts, fears and were experiencing similar diagnosis.

My downfall began August of 2016 (age 46). I had unusual neck and head pain from painting. My PCP sent me to physical therapy, no relief after 1 month. On to acupuncture for 2 months, nothing. Xrays were of no value. Jan 2017 my MRI revealed 1 moderate cervical herniated disc and 2 bulging discs. Ah hah, the answer! Wrong. 2 spine surgeons agreed surgery was not the answer and sent me to Pain Management. I was diagnosed with occipital neuralgia and cervical spondylosis. I worked with 2 different Drs because the first PM Dr. could only provide help to my neck while my head needed help too. This resulted in a total of 4 cervical and occipital nerve blocks as diagnostic tests (these are preliminary to Radio Frequency Ablations). From that point, July 2017 through January 2019 I received 10 Radio Frequency Ablations on my neck and head. Burning off the nerves provided initial relief but, eventually petered out. I so badly wanted to be cured and get back to work. I kept receiving these intrusive procedures and they became physically harder to take.
I developed Neuritis which felt like fire works in my neck and my shoulders now were becoming decrepit. I lost ability to use my arms and shoulders properly. I believe (and so does my neurologist) that these ablations were having repercussions on my body and causing nerve damage. I was prescribed short term Gabapentin eventually followed by Lyrica and a few round and rounds between the 2 drugs due to insurance coverage.

During this time, headaches and severe migraines were playing a role but again, my head pain was more than migraine. Occipital neuralgia supposedly. After 2 neurologists,…chronic migraine was diagnosed and I began botox injections every 3 months. I felt like a HUMAN PINCUSHION for 2 years straight between 40 botox needles at a time to the head plus all those God awful needle entries to my head and neck from RFA's I then began the newly introduced migraine monthly self injections of Aimovig followed by Emgality and now Ajovy (they lose effectiveness for me after 8 months or so).

During these times, stranger things began throughout my body. Back and hip pain had begun developing. Toe and foot pain, along with hand pain. These pains all lead me to Orthopedic Drs. who x-rayed and said nothing's wrong, I must have sprained something. I wore a boot for the foot I couldn't walk on, a hand brace (from weeding too much – what? who gets a weeding injury). I had an MRI of my back…it showed a mild disc protrusion. Yeah, so what. Just like my neck, nothing major to be effecting me this way. I received epidurals in my back and started PT again. The common theme began to reveal that nothing majorly, structurally, was wrong with me. I felt too young to be falling apart to all these unexplained, tormenting pains. I myself, decided to go to a Rheumatologist to rule out fibromyalgia. The Dr said I have mirroring symptoms but, not fibro and suggested my Lyrica dose be increased.

January 2019, I had just had my final rounds of ablations and my pain was exacerbated from them, more than ever. In retrospect I believe I made a big mistake having too many and pushing for the reason of getting my life and job back. It backfired on me. The Fall prior began oddities in my body such as tingling in my hands. Pins and needles all over. My body was not neurologically right. In addition, I was exhausted, having palpitations and shortness of breath. These symptoms slowly grew and took over my body. I managed miserably to get through the holidays then went to my Neurologist in January. I explained through tears and frustration that something was wrong neurologically and if he couldn't figure it out I was going Mayo Clinic. It was finally then that he tested me via skin punch biopsy and diagnosed me with Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. Ahhh hahhhhhh, finally! I was not going crazy, it was not all in my head, there was a name for this chaos in my body.

And so it began…a thorough and extensive workup to find an underlying cause. A plethora of blood work and genetic testing. I had already had MRI's on my brain, neck and back. I had bloodwork drawn prior for SED rates when I was trouble shooting but, this testing lasted for 2 months. Immediately landed on a B12 deficiency. I began B12 injections every other week for months until my level regulated. I slowly had more energy and could breath better without my heart racing.

Now, we work on regulating and controlling nerve damage and pain . My neurologist says maybe 2 -3 years nerves will regenerate. It's a crap shoot. I stick with Lyrica, tried Cymbalta for over a year then weaned myself off because I had memory issues. Throughout my pain journey, I began taking Nucynta until my new insurance wouldn't cover it. I moved to Norco (hydrocodone) and added medical marijuana for when hydrocodone is not enough.

My body was increasingly feeling sunburned, pins and needles, electric shocks in my head and face, sharp unexpected pains throughout, burning and weakness. By spring of 2019, my legs started to die and walking became restricted. This was and still is my biggest fear. At the same time, with my body in a state of flux, I developed Chilblains on my feet with tenacious itching, red painful sores and my feet were flaring between red hot and blue, purple, grey colors. My neurologist claims it was from neuropathy. This bout brought me to a dermatologist, vascular and cardiologist for ample testing (echocardiogram, CT scans) and ruling out any other misfires. After this episode settled, my Neurologist suggestion lidocaine infusions to control pain. I sat for 5-6 hours in the apherisis unit of my local hospital every Monday for 5 months. Lidocaine is a slow drip infusion that increases dose based on body weight. I was "in it to win it" (similar to my radio frequency ablations) but, it was a failed experiment for me and offered minimal relief. Others receive benefit.

I also had a spinal tap to rule out autoimmune diseases. I do not have any, thank goodness. However, the spinal tap left me with a ferocious spinal headache which landed me in urgent care followed by the ER and needed a cocktail to stop the pain. Never in my life have I experienced something so painful. This all lead me to seek the help of a chronic pain psychology for 2 months. I needed help but found she wasn't the one to help. I got nothing from her. I am fortunate to depend on family and friends and Mayo Connect for my mental health support.

My suggestion to anyone with peripheral neuropathy or symptoms….please do your research and gain knowledge about your body. Be your our advocate. I learned the hard way that we're kind of on our own out here. Drs can only take you so far and dont have the time to care as we want them to. It's very important to find a good PCP (primary care physician) and establish a relationship. They will lead and direct to the best of their abilities. My PCP is wonderful! He is my hydrocodone prescriber. He recommended medical marijuana for my comfort. He wrote my disability letter and qualified me for long term disability both through my job and Social Security. I know he's got my back. I also take a supplement protocol, try to eat healthier, and keep active as best I can and practice mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditation. I also benefit from weekly myofacial release therapy. In June I will attend Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Program for 3 weeks

Living with peripheral neuropathy in a constant battle. A 24/7 job. It takes mental strength and tenacity to not be defeated by it. It takes a village, if you will, to have all hands on deck, by way of medicine, mental health, holistic approaches etc… I say I still work but, no longer get paid. I'm sorry for the length of my story but, it was therapeutic for me and I thank you for reading it. I'm happy to help further should anyone need.

Be well-

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Rachel, I'm so sadden by what you are going though. I'm having the same kind of pain only it started in my left foot and spread upward. Sometimes I feel my face getting sensitive and my tongue is burning. I never thought something like this could happen to me at my age of 57 when it all started, I was in good health. I've seen numerous doctors and had several test, to make a long story short. The rheumatologist ruled out Sjogren's and fibromyalgia. I even had back surgery for a herniated disc that didn't help. I will be going in for my second skin biopsy the 1st one came back negative a year ago. I'm taking 50mg of Lyrica 2 x daily and I started LDN 1.5mg now I moved up to 2mg.The LDN save my sanity so far and I believe in God that has saved my life literally.
I pray that the Mayo Pain Rehab give you some relief. Please share an update for us.

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