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DiscussionMysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?
Lung Health | Last Active: 4 days ago | Replies (3471)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "I do take antihistamines for my allergies and I have heard that it could cause some..."
i do not think so doctors are going to help unless you goto to someone who will cost a fortune, those top doctors are rare, and our normal docs do not know about our condition.
now i am almost 99% certain that our condition is either due to allergies or indigestion.
after researching a lot, i guess anti histamines are the real culprits, as well as allergies, you maybe getting some upper respiratory reliefs from those so called non drowsy selective H1 anti histamines, but they do more harm than good.
what exactly is happening, when you take anti histamine, it blocks your bodys flow of histamines at those H1 receptors only, it means it does not actually neutralizes or reduces histamines, but only blocks them, basically closing the door at those H1 receptors, which results in no symptoms at the upper respiratory tract, however what most people have no idea about is that there are many more histamine receptors in body.
there are many more H receptors like H2, H3 , H4. when you take anti histamine, it still causes your body to release histamines, however those histamines will never make it to those H1 receptors, it means you have only stopped those symptoms, only at the upper respiratory tract where those H1 receptors are present, but the main problem, the secondary problem it created is that those excessive histamines are now instead of going in your h1 receptors, are flowing to those other H2, H3 receptors where they should NOT be..!
H2, H3, H4 are literally located in your LUNGS, heart, stomach, abdomen etc, now due to that histamine disbalance, its causing overflooding of histamines inside your lungs and even heart, abdomen, which is then resulting in that mild but PERSISTENT shortness of breath we both having, in my case i am also getting heart palps 24/7 simply because of that exact same reason, too much histamine around heart are causing my heart to beat lounder, histamines act as messengers at heart, and stimulant inside your brain. But now those histamines are not able to communicate properly, anti histamines only stopped the symptoms at the upper respiratory tract, but now the communication is impaired, heart is not able to pump blood accross the body effectively, ARTERIES ARE NOT ELASTIC DUE TO ANTIHISTAMINES BLOCKING H1 RECEPTORS LOCATED AT ARTERIES, and is resulting in bounding pulsation, simply because arteries are not moving freely, now the thing is that this will not show in any diagnostic tests.
WE BOTH EVEN HAVE GERD! it means we are also getting small amounts of acid inside our lungs, and you all must be taking PPIs or tums, these antacids and wondering why its not stopping your shortness of breath? It reduces all other GERD symptoms but does not helps with SOB, if you will go back to your doctor, they will think that YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE GERD..! and they are totally wrong and i will explain why.
GERD is not caused due to high stomach acid at all..! but due to low hydrochloric acid ( your main stomach acid), it means you have low stomach acid, as well as its PH ( acidity ) is above 4 which is too high, it should be around 2.5 ..!
Still, this is not the real problem, the real problem is actually your LES not working properly, AKA NOT CLOSING..!
"The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a bundle of muscles at the low end of the esophagus, where it meets the stomach. When the LES is closed, it prevents acid and stomach contents from traveling backwards from the stomach. The LES muscles are not under voluntary control"
and bingo, this is why those mainstream pharma antacids are not working, all they doing is worsening the condition by further alkanizing your stomachs PH, as well as further reducing your stomachs acid, which will after some time gonna result in indigestion, leaky gut etc.
and since it does not fixes the main problem, it will not work for SOB, even tho you will have very low stomach acid after taking those PPIs, that SOB will still not go simply because little amounts of acid is still flowing back inside your lungs, but now since its weak it will not cause that heartburn symptom, but will still cause SOB.
Real treatment for GERD is fixing that LES valve, it must be closed all the time, that is the only 100% way of CURING the acid reflux and GERD, antacids do not do that, LES is controlled by your autonomic nervous system it means you cannot even control it yourself.
in our case its most likely both, gerd + allergies and histamine disbalance caused due to antihistamines, just in like in math and chemistry you have to balance both sides of the equation, when the balance will disrupt, it will cause a lot of problems.
I will start getting allergy shot + close my LES which will completely eliminate my GERD, i am quite optimistic about it, lets see if it works.