Want to connect with others with Splenic B cell Marginal Zone Lymphoma

Posted by April @sabtahis, Jul 24, 2016

There are over 80 different subtypes of lymphoma . This is a slow growing lymphoma.I'd like to know and communicate with any patient if possible.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Blood Cancers & Disorders Support Group.


Yes! This is wonderful news. After reading your previous post with the comment about this being a slow growing lymphoma I was going to ask about your blood numbers and if ‘wait and see’ might be an option.

Other members with your condition ( @reneemp @kayak4me) are in the same holding pattern. It’s a postive place to be, yet challenging with not focusing on the what ifs. Don’t let that rule your life!
Stay active, enjoy every day to the fullest. Get out and walk, exercise, try new experiences, work on hobbies. Nature is healing! You live in central Minnesota. It’s gorgeous and just begs for being outside.

What activities do you enjoy?

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Thank you for encouraging words!
Because of COVID 19, have not been active as I was……5 days a week working out plus walking. Plan is to go back to working out
…especially walking outside or on treadmill.
My blood counts were low back in October, will have new labs
Within next couple weeks.
The dr I have been working with will be leaving come Dec 30, so will
Be assigned to a new dr come Jan. Feel that will be a good move.
Don’t think much will change.
Anyone ever done a Clinical Trial at Mayo? Dr suggested this however we live 150 miles away, just does not seem feasible.
New saying at this house…’Motion is Lotion’!


Thank you for encouraging words!
Because of COVID 19, have not been active as I was……5 days a week working out plus walking. Plan is to go back to working out
…especially walking outside or on treadmill.
My blood counts were low back in October, will have new labs
Within next couple weeks.
The dr I have been working with will be leaving come Dec 30, so will
Be assigned to a new dr come Jan. Feel that will be a good move.
Don’t think much will change.
Anyone ever done a Clinical Trial at Mayo? Dr suggested this however we live 150 miles away, just does not seem feasible.
New saying at this house…’Motion is Lotion’!

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Oooo love the phrase…Motion is Lotion! That’s so true! It’s like the ol’, Use it or Lose it, but this is smooother. ☺️


Just returned from follow up with first hematologist dr., he has told me I do not need to rush into treatment so will not be scheduling until after the CT he decided he wants along with labs again. So pretty much, things are in ‘wait and see’ mode.
I feel just fine and am happy I do not need to rush into anything. 😌

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That is great news! I am in a wait and see pattern too. Have a bone marrow biopsy today so hopefully I will continue in this holding pattern. Wishing for a cup of coffee 😀.


That is great news! I am in a wait and see pattern too. Have a bone marrow biopsy today so hopefully I will continue in this holding pattern. Wishing for a cup of coffee 😀.

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Renee!!! Good luck BMBX today!! Snag a pack of Lorna Doone’s for me please! ☺️ Here’s a send off Hug!


That is great news! I am in a wait and see pattern too. Have a bone marrow biopsy today so hopefully I will continue in this holding pattern. Wishing for a cup of coffee 😀.

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Hope your Bone Marrow biopsy goes well!
Also am keeping good thoughts going your way for a great diagnosis
After biopsy.
I am still doing the treatment however waiting til January to forge ahead.
Keep in touch!


Renee!!! Good luck BMBX today!! Snag a pack of Lorna Doone’s for me please! ☺️ Here’s a send off Hug!

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I hope the biopsy goes well and lab analysis will be in your favor..
On an SMZL general note, what I am wondering, what event(s), or test (s), triggers going from watch and wait to IV therapy? So would like to hear from anyone about their experiences, doctor discussions, lab results, etc I plan to have this discussion with the Hematologist, but would like to hear it from your perspective as well. Thanks


Thanks for the kind wishes. All went well thanks to the sedative. I do not remember a thing. The blood draw and iv poke were worse than the biopsy - I have small veins so I’m it takes a few tries.

I have the same question as Stan. What are the indicators and/symptoms that move one from a holding pattern to active treatment?

Enjoy the day all. Renee


Thanks for the kind wishes. All went well thanks to the sedative. I do not remember a thing. The blood draw and iv poke were worse than the biopsy - I have small veins so I’m it takes a few tries.

I have the same question as Stan. What are the indicators and/symptoms that move one from a holding pattern to active treatment?

Enjoy the day all. Renee

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Another topic for everyone with SMZL. If you are willing to share, how are you dealing with Covid 19? I have SMZL watch and wait and my hematologist feels that I am immunocompromised and encouraged vaccinations. I've had 3 Moderna shots in Feb, March, and October. I have not had Covid, Have you had Covid while on watch and wait or during/after infusions, the severity of illness? or anything else you can comment on. Thank you


Another topic for everyone with SMZL. If you are willing to share, how are you dealing with Covid 19? I have SMZL watch and wait and my hematologist feels that I am immunocompromised and encouraged vaccinations. I've had 3 Moderna shots in Feb, March, and October. I have not had Covid, Have you had Covid while on watch and wait or during/after infusions, the severity of illness? or anything else you can comment on. Thank you

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I have had three Pfizer vaccines and no Covid. I practice safe behavior yet my partner is a flight attendant which has been and is cause for concern.


Another topic for everyone with SMZL. If you are willing to share, how are you dealing with Covid 19? I have SMZL watch and wait and my hematologist feels that I am immunocompromised and encouraged vaccinations. I've had 3 Moderna shots in Feb, March, and October. I have not had Covid, Have you had Covid while on watch and wait or during/after infusions, the severity of illness? or anything else you can comment on. Thank you

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I had the Pfizer immunizations in Feb, March, and booster in October. I have not had Covid. I just returned from Thanksgiving in California and flew in and out of Burbank airport with no issues so far. I do wear a mask everywhere I will encounter the public in a closed, indoor space.
I used to love to sit in the aisle seat while traveling by plane, but now I choose a window seat and turn my body to face away from people while I read a book.

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