Completed 5 years of anastrozole. Withdrawal symptoms? Side effects?

Posted by christinej @christinej, Jul 24, 2018

Monday, July 23rd, after consulting with Dr. Loprinzi, we decided to have me stop taking anastrozole. (Arimidex). It has been 5 years since I started the drug after breast cancer surgery and radiation. Has anyone stopped this drug and had any withdrawal symptoms? The nurse from Blue Group sent me an email today saying that there are no withdrawal symptoms after stopping this drug. Soooooooooooooo, is this all in my head? Definitely having some type of withdrawal.

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Did you try Evista (raloxifene)? It's a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator), as opposed to an AI. I had problems with the AIs, too, but raloxifene has been a breeze in comparison, plus it has the added effect of strengthening bones. It's expensive, however, depending on your drug plan.

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Funny you should ask. I actually failed to tolerate the natural AI's I tried, so now I'm moving to the Tamoxifen. Like I said on another post I'm happy (or not super happy) to be the guinea pig here, not that anyone else will have the same reactions I had! I'm just unlucky.

I'm going to try tamoxifen next. I already have the prescription and I believe that is a SERM. I'm on a short break to get the other meds out of my system then Tamoxifen and pray I can tolerate it!


I posted this to another discussion, but I think it bears repeating. Apologies for the duplication.

I follow all the discussion in the Breast Cancer group. I'm most impressed with the critical thinking you do and that you work with your health care teams, research information, and weigh risk and benefits for solutions that work for you. While you share your experiences and what you learn, you do not tell others what to do. Thank you!

That said, I would like to post some thoughts and cautions.

When considering complementary or alternative treatments, be open-minded yet skeptical. Learn about the potential benefits and risks. Here is an article from Mayo Clinic that might interest you about evaluating claims made by the producers and/or sellers of supplements, natural products and other alternative medicines.

Always discuss any new treatment, changes in dosage or alternate possibilities with your oncologist.

A few things that many of you have already stated clearly that I would like to underline:
1. While you share the diagnosis of breast cancer, each person's journey is different. How a person responds to treatment will be unique to them.
2. What works for one person may not for someone else.
3. Not everyone experiences side effects from aromatase inhibitors and/or tamoxifen. The people who experience no or mild side effects are less likely to post to an online discussion like this one.

Keep this disclaimer in mind
"All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community."

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I totally got the message here!


Funny you should ask. I actually failed to tolerate the natural AI's I tried, so now I'm moving to the Tamoxifen. Like I said on another post I'm happy (or not super happy) to be the guinea pig here, not that anyone else will have the same reactions I had! I'm just unlucky.

I'm going to try tamoxifen next. I already have the prescription and I believe that is a SERM. I'm on a short break to get the other meds out of my system then Tamoxifen and pray I can tolerate it!

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Just so you know... Evista doesn't have the serious side effects and risks of Tamoxifen.


Just so you know... Evista doesn't have the serious side effects and risks of Tamoxifen.

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I will make a request for Evista! Thank you for telling me this. I'm a bit overwhelmed, as I'm sure others feel when not tolerating the AI's and I really need all of the feedback and education I can get right now! Really grateful for your knowledge!


Stopped after 5 years last week. Now experiencing insomnia even though I take 5 mg ambien - will this go away soon?


Stopped after 5 years last week. Now experiencing insomnia even though I take 5 mg ambien - will this go away soon?

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Are you saying you never had insomnia on an AI and now you have it after you quit?


Stopped after 5 years last week. Now experiencing insomnia even though I take 5 mg ambien - will this go away soon?

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I took it for longer than 5 years but I have never been a good sleeper so I am a terrible judge of this. How long have you been off? How long on the ambien?


Are you saying you never had insomnia on an AI and now you have it after you quit?

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I’ve had insomnia long before I was on an AI. I take a low dose ambien every night and sleep great. 3-4 days after my last dose of anastrozole, I couldn’t sleep all night (even with low dose ambien!) - happened again the next night. I texted my onco’s nurse and she told me to up my dose of ambien for a bit until the AI gets out of my system. Tried it last night and slept great! I read that it takes 6-12 days for it to get out of my system! Has anyone heard of this before?


I’ve had insomnia long before I was on an AI. I take a low dose ambien every night and sleep great. 3-4 days after my last dose of anastrozole, I couldn’t sleep all night (even with low dose ambien!) - happened again the next night. I texted my onco’s nurse and she told me to up my dose of ambien for a bit until the AI gets out of my system. Tried it last night and slept great! I read that it takes 6-12 days for it to get out of my system! Has anyone heard of this before?

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I would think any med will cause some side effects that might take a bit to subside. Congrats on finishing your 5 years! Time to celebrate!


I’ve had insomnia long before I was on an AI. I take a low dose ambien every night and sleep great. 3-4 days after my last dose of anastrozole, I couldn’t sleep all night (even with low dose ambien!) - happened again the next night. I texted my onco’s nurse and she told me to up my dose of ambien for a bit until the AI gets out of my system. Tried it last night and slept great! I read that it takes 6-12 days for it to get out of my system! Has anyone heard of this before?

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I agree with @mjay , time to celebrate, you made it! If it is only a week or two of this, you can do that standing on your head.

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