What is pain management?

Posted by martoof @martoof, Oct 18, 2021

Is pain management (PM) merely *not complaining*? Making pain subside or go away? Distracting oneself from the pain? I ask because I recently went to a pain management clinic, where after a lengthy intake/question process, I was prescribed Vicodin! Any qualified, serious input would be deeply appreciated! Thank you!

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It’s great you found relief.
My neurologist recommended I take Topamax for my seizures however I declined. In epilepsy circles it’s often referred to as Dope-a-max even by some doctors. I’d suggest you have regular check ups with an ophthalmologist. It can cause various eye conditions including blindness although rare and can lead to kidney stones and other kidney issues and since I’ve already had 8 kidney stones so another reason I didn’t want to try it.
Best of luck to you,

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Jake, I only took it for 2 weeks. Made me feel awful but it cured my pudendal nerve damage.

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