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Hello, it has been a while since I posted anything regarding my SMZL treatments. I have finished the initial 4 Rituximab infusions on 11/4. My labs have improved significantly, especially the H&H. I feel great and I have somewhat plateaued with my weight loss. My spleen went from 23 centimeters to 16. My doctor wants me to have 4 more infusions which will start on 11/29. I also have my 2nd opinion appt at Mayo on 12/17. I changed my diet completely to cut out as much sugar as I could. (prior to this diagnosis it was a major part of my eating habits) I drink alkaline water mostly and organic fruit and vegetables whenever possible. The nutritionist at Ironwood said the most important thing to concentrate on while getting the infusions is eating protein and drinking a lot of water to flush out the Rituximab so it doesn't linger after it's done killing cancer cells.

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Replies to "Hello, it has been a while since I posted anything regarding my SMZL treatments. I have..."

Fantastic news! Thank you for sharing your progress report. Rituximab worked its magic for me too so it’s great to hear how well it’s working for your SMZL. It’s also an inspiration to fellow members like @kayak4me who may be receiving this treatment down the road.
It’s tough to give up sugar isn’t it? I did a few years ago, along with no wine! Gasp!! But once the urge is over it’s amazing how easy it is to say no! And now I don’t miss wine at all. In fact my husband poured a little in a shot glass the other day, just for me to sip. Ugh! My once favorite wine tastes awful! But I still have to cheat daily with my small chocolate fix. I think it’s also important to have a guilty pleasure to balance things out. ☺️
What was your favorite sugary treat that you miss the most?

cdwilm27, Thanks for sending the update. It is great to hear you are responding well to the treatments and look forward to more posts as your care continues.

Hi and thanks for sharing your story. I’m 45 and was diagnosed with SMZL about 2 weeks ago and had my first Rituxan injection today. Lasted about 8 hrs and actually had a scary infusion reaction within the first 5 min. Thankfully they are able to quickly get things under control and slow it down for me. The rest of the time I was perfectly fine. Anyway, I really appreciate you and others sharing their story and your treatment experiences. There’s so little out there and so hearing from others really helps!