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For the past 2.5 years I am seeing a Rochester Mayo hematologist and labs for my SMZL every 6 months. And have labs locally at the three month points. The Hematologist would like another Bone Marrow biopsy and blood workup in the next few months to establish a new baseline.. Over this time, my labs are very slowly trending worse and my spleen is gradually increasing in size. So am wondering when and where this journey will lead. But that may be on hold as another lung nodule popped up on the recent CT.
To explain further, during my every 6 month visits to Mayo, I also see an Oncologist. Two years ago while diagnosing my SMZL, they found early stage lung cancer and had surgery at that time. For this new lung nodule, I am scheduled for surgery on Monday.

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Replies to "For the past 2.5 years I am seeing a Rochester Mayo hematologist and labs for my..."

Your post reminds me of how much people have on their plates and the depth to which chronic disease affects us. I will be thinking of you on Monday and wish you a successful surgery and outcome.

As to where the SMZL journey leads, I am optimistic about the medical field's attention to our lymphoma. That being said, I dare to say our spleens and numbers are more apt to increase than lessen yet every case is different. The only thing I know to do is remain active - have just admitted to myself I need to add weight-bearing exercise to my regimen. I have a gut feeling that my blood glucose health and SMZL numbers are intertwined in some way.....

Again, best to you and please keep us posted.

Good morning, Stanley. SMZL is fortunately, (is that even the right word when dealing with a blood cancer?) a slow progressing situation and I know you’re on a watch and wait holding pattern. That’s a difficult position to be in sometimes as we’d rather just “know and deal with it”. At least that’s how I am. I like to face my enemies head on and give ‘em the stink eye. 😉 Hopefully you’re finding the conversations in Connect helpful with the handful of others who share your same condition.

I noticed that you have surgery scheduled next Monday for the nodule on your lung. I took the liberty of reading through your past posts and haven’t seen any conversations about your lung condition except in passing. We have a very active Lung Cancer group if you’d like to Connect with some members who have experience and encouraging journeys to share. I’d like to introduce you to a fellow mentor, @merpreb.

Anytime we have surgery it’s an anxious time. I be thinking of you Monday and hoping all goes well for you. 🙂 Are you feeling ok, any concerns?