← Return to MGUS diet: Any tips on food to enjoy or prevent progression?

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Because my husband was already fully into advanced myeloma before he was diagnosed, I am not as educated as others here on MGUS. What I will mention about diet is highly processed foods, especially those full of corn. Much of the corn in highly processed foods is sprayed with herbicides. Herbicides have an association with myeloma.
The other thing I would mention is vitamin D for your bones. Keeping your bones healthy and your kidneys healthy are paramount if you do get myeloma. Many, many people never get myeloma but if you do, you want to start with healthy bones and healthy kidneys. The great doctors at Mayo told husband to take calcium with D, and walk because it is the single best exercise for your bones, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
I found the comment you made that you were low risk of becoming myeloma interesting. When husband was diagnosed in 2010, we attended a weekend workshop and it was explained at that time, they were not sure why some people changed and some didn’t. I love that they can stratify that now.
May I ask if you were in the military or had any of the typical exposures that might have put you at risk?

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Replies to "Because my husband was already fully into advanced myeloma before he was diagnosed, I am not..."

Was not in the military. I am on calcium and vitamin D as you noted. I do not eat processed food and watch sodium intake as recommended by the nephrologist. I see him every three months now. Nephrologist also has me controlling my fluid intake. I monitor fluid intake daily per his recommendation. He believes bubbles in my urine was due to uncontrolled HBP which began in 2020 after my hysterectomy. Now with better medications for HBP my HBP is controlled and as of august if this year no more bubbles in urine and protein in urine much lower. Both the nephrologist and the hematologist said this has nothing to do with the MGUS diagnosis. Also I do aqua size classes twice a week and water walk once a week. Also walk at lest half mile or a mile a day depending on weather. I’m 76 years old and pretty active.