← Return to Partner in hospital with COVID: It's the ultimate scare of my life

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good morning or early afternoon, please bare with me as my life doesnt just feel wacked it is wacked.
my house computer quit working my washer broke, i recently had 2 surgeries on my foot from mersa, i lost the rings ricky has given me, ive also lost my silver earrings, 2 of my 3 dogs recently passed, my income is the same but rickys not working and so income for the house is probably down at least 70 2 80 percent less. we have no coverage for medical bills, im pretty sure we'll loose our car because of no payments soon.
ugh! one of my usual phrases is, "expect the unexpected." lol, its easier said then done i suppose.
the above is just right off my head and then theres no tags on my truck but i got the keys yesterday for the car which is completely legal but this morning had a flat so blah blah i still feel strong and the only real issue im having, other than the above, is rickys state of mind.
he kept chuckling with disbelief at what is happening. its difficult for me not to start balling my head off. I really dont know how i dont. I think psychologically my brain is in charge and my brain knows i can ball my head off later if need be and it just isnt the time.
I could go on and on with issues of the world and i just had to catch my breath and be thankful rent n utilities is paid might loose the car but register the truck and its fine.
I need to remember Im so filled with all over the map emotions and not forget my fellow people such as all the support im getting from this site. It seems I have no time for anything but i feel ive accomplished absolutely nothing by the time i get to bed at 3 or 4 am and wake up bombarded with things to do.
other than getting the tire fixed but not until around 3 waiting on a compressor from my landlord so i can drive to les schwab and a few phone calls im not doing to much today cause i had my second shot yesterday so my arm hurts ive got a head ache and oh my gosh after putting the spare on the car last night and not getting home till almost 10 im beat.
I hate i feel like im being selfish. i ramble on n on about me. I should be asking and showing sharing grace nice conversations and so forth for you and all who have reached their hand and heart out to me.
please forgive me if i dont. life is crazy and im over whelmed. i know in the long run God knows what hes doing and he gives me strength.
so if lori and all others can be patience with me for a few days i would really appreciate it. right now this is all fresh and new and Ive been dealing with it for a month now but i hadnt realized the severity of it until i reached out for support
Im thankful for each and everyone of you. this is turmoil. Its of all of you, making it a little easier.
he wont be home for a couple of weeks, if that, so meantime im looking for a hospital bed. an electric one so hes able to come home instead of a nursing facility. who doesnt love coming home???????
i have a small house, my name is adell. im not rich and ive explained my finances but i can pay up to 100 or 150 so please keep your eyes ears n heart open for a hospital bed
like i said just bare with me while i try to grasp onto my current situation.
i have to make sure im okay first/
thanks for all the support. im sorry for all who are going through such unexpected sadness worry.
your all special and no one deserves to go through this like ever.
respectfully @pleasedontgo, adell

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Replies to "good morning or early afternoon, please bare with me as my life doesnt just feel wacked..."

@pleasedontgo Have you checked out the Caregivers discussion group?
There are many wonderful, helpful people, especially @IndianaScott . Try the site, i know you’ll find lots of information!

Oh my dear, dear, Adell! First thing that entered my head when reading this message today was; You need to give yourself some credit for holding yourself together under this much pressure and having presence of mind to reach out to Connect! We’re all about support in our forum. Think of us as a table full of Aunties and friends! (Uncles too, though most of mine would just reply with a grunt or “what you need is a good…” then walk out the door. 😉 But we’re here to help in any way we can, sometimes just to lighten the burden off your shoulders by listening.

Adele, I had your phone number removed for your personal safety because this is a globally public forum. I understand your wanting to get a hospital bed for when Ricky returns home. Were you told he’d require one to be able to be at home? He may not need a special bed so I’d wait until you know. That way you can use the $100-150 for something more vital.
I like @becsbuddy idea of renting or contacting a senior center which loans out medical equipment for short time use.

Let’s put some focus on you. Ricky’s in the hospital being well attended at this point, but my girl, you are frazzled beyond the pale. I know you’re probably used to a division of labor between the two of you. It’s really hard to take on all that responsibility by yourself now and it’s pulling you under.

What can you do to gain some control over your life? It will take baby steps at first.
Financially, are there things draining money that you can offload?
If you have a truck do you need the car? You could get out from under that loan, leaving you with more money.

It sounds like you’re working full time and by the end of the day you’re back home trying to get everything else accomplished. What is sapping so much of your time and energy at home?
A suggestion is to sort through things that require your time. Write down in order of their importance. List the truly important tasks only! This is what I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed with ‘stuff’ in my head. I find actually writing down what I need to do, compresses that list and makes it all manageable. When I see certain things in writing, I realize they’re just not that important anymore.

Do you have any friends or family members who might be able to lend a hand with lawn mowing, helping around the house, etc? Just to get you back on track? Recovering from surgery on your foot has to be adding to the complications!

Try to get to bed by 10:30 -11:00 each night instead of 3 or 4 AM. That’s not sustainable. And often we get ourselves in a state of mind where we just can’t slow down or stop. Been there! But I will tell you, there is nothing more important than your health!!
So Adell, I mean this sincerely, slow down a little and breathe. My daughter, now 38, told me last year how much it meant to her growing up, when I’d grab the area above one or both of her wrists when she was worked up about something. It was meant to have a calming affect and apparently it did. So if I could, I’d reach through this computer this morning to hold you by the arms and calm you down. Take a deep breath and together we’re going to get you through this. You need to take care of you!

How is your foot healing now after the MRSA surgeries?