Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

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My PMR symptoms began not long after I got my Maderna COVID shots. I’m still waiting for my 1st appointment with a Rheumatologist. (Dec.). Needless to say, I’m gun-shy of the booster. Is there any information on ‘COVID immunization shots being related to an onset of audio immune diseases’? Thank you for all your help.


My PMR symptoms began not long after I got my Maderna COVID shots. I’m still waiting for my 1st appointment with a Rheumatologist. (Dec.). Needless to say, I’m gun-shy of the booster. Is there any information on ‘COVID immunization shots being related to an onset of audio immune diseases’? Thank you for all your help.

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I had my first bout of PMR thirteen years ago in 2008 when I was 62. It lasted six to eight months and then went into remission until January 2021 when I received my first Covid vaccination. I didn't suspect the vaccination at first and went ahead with the second shot, after which I became unable to function without assistance for the simplest tasks. Then it dawned on me that the Covid vaccination had re-triggered the PMR. I began prednisone treatment and got almost immediate relief from the pain and stiffness. As soon as the lab tests showed that the inflammation levels had returned to normal, I started a slow taper of the prednisone. The rheumatologist gave me a schedule and advised that it would take three months if things went smoothly. I felt extremely lucky to be able to discontinue the prednisone after carefully following the prescribed schedule. Although I still have some residual pain and stiffness, particularly in the morning, I am continuing to improve. I even went ahead with the booster shot, since the rheumatologist advised that I would likely have a more severe case of Covid with a worse outcome because of my autoimmune condition. He said it would be better to take the booster and then deal with the PMR again than to risk contracting Covid. Before I took the shot, the pharmacist opined that since I had overcome the PMR my body had adjusted to the antibodies and he must have been right because I have had no issues with the booster. I am a 75 year old woman and weigh approximately 100 lbs. I feel very grateful to be mostly pain free after enduring a debilitating bout of PMR.


A very good question I started my pmr symtoms 2 weeks after my first Pfizer shot and when I got my second I was just diagnosed and on 40 mg of prednisone I just got my booster this time Moderna and on 10mg not sure how effective these shots are being on this drug it appears that some folks get this disease after a vaccination ie flu ,shingle, Covid, etc would be nice if there was more research on this I just got my 65+ flu shot


I was diagnosed with PMR 12 months ago and initially prescribed 20mgs of prednisolone which worked almost instantly. I began the slow (although I now realise not slow enough) taper to 4mgs in July and experienced my first flare, so after some mucking about I finally increased to 10mgs and now I am on 7.5mgs. I have learnt that once below 10mgs, one should only reduce by .5mg at a time. I couldn’t believe that .5 would make a difference but it really does. I will stay at 7.5mgs pred until after Christmas and then attempt to taper some more.

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I weaned myself off prednisone three or four times. I replace drugs with Green Tea, black pepper, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon and a pat of butter in the tea. Two cups per day does the job.


I was diagnosed with PMR 12 months ago and initially prescribed 20mgs of prednisolone which worked almost instantly. I began the slow (although I now realise not slow enough) taper to 4mgs in July and experienced my first flare, so after some mucking about I finally increased to 10mgs and now I am on 7.5mgs. I have learnt that once below 10mgs, one should only reduce by .5mg at a time. I couldn’t believe that .5 would make a difference but it really does. I will stay at 7.5mgs pred until after Christmas and then attempt to taper some more.

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Good info. I too was over eager to taper and had a bad reaction, with giant cell arteritis symptoms. So back up I went to 15 mg. I have been on prednisone for 18 months, I’m sorry to say. Just at 5 mg this week and have been tapering very slowly by .5 mg/ month. I do notice the increased stiffness/ nerve pain for about a week or so after dropping the dose, but then I level off. I’m hoping to go down to zero by mid 2022.


I had an echo and a streww test yesterday. I never had heart issues before. With excercise I get some pressure on my chest It goes away if i sit for 3 or 4 mins. Could this be brought on by the Pmr or the steroids?


My doctor is sending me for an echocardiogram to check things out because I am on prednisone just as precaution check. I have been on prednisone since June started at 40 mg have tapered to 9. reducing now 1 mg per month if all goes well. Fingers crossed


my doc sernt me fpr an echo and a stress test. I haven't got the results yet. I wonder if pmr affects the hesrt.


Good morning! I'm Kay and I was recently (last 2 months) diagnosed with PMR. I'm so glad to find this site. I'm on prednisone and taking Advil which helps with the pain. Every morning I usually end up taking my Advil first and then sitting in a chair with a heating pad. I try though to get up and move around instead of just sitting until the pain subsides. I'm so interested in hearing other stories and what others do to help themselves. They say this can last a few years. I find that there are some side affects from prednisone. I experience some sweating. It reminds me of hot flashes. I'm tired and just feel off. My nose runs as well at times. Do you experience this?

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I was diagnosed 7 months ago and am now down to 6 mg. of prednisone a day. I too have unusual sweating, and fatigue. I used to work out at least 3 times a week before PMR, that has all gone downhill. Because of Covid, I work out a bit at home, but it isn't the same. I feel tired almost all the time. My legs don't work as well as they used to. I can no longer squat without holding on to something, and it hurts to stay in a squatting position. I am 72, soon to be 73. I feel like I aged 10 years in the past year. Hopefully when this goes away I can regain the strength in my legs and arms. I wish you well. Thank God the prednisone stops the pain in my muscles. But is does cause me to nibble too much, and sleep is difficult at night. But I remember having sleep problems even before prednisone. That might be age related. Who knows? Good luck to you, this is an amazing group of people you have aligned with. I love this Mayo Clinic connect. It helps to talk with others going thru much of the same things you are.


I was diagnosed 7 months ago and am now down to 6 mg. of prednisone a day. I too have unusual sweating, and fatigue. I used to work out at least 3 times a week before PMR, that has all gone downhill. Because of Covid, I work out a bit at home, but it isn't the same. I feel tired almost all the time. My legs don't work as well as they used to. I can no longer squat without holding on to something, and it hurts to stay in a squatting position. I am 72, soon to be 73. I feel like I aged 10 years in the past year. Hopefully when this goes away I can regain the strength in my legs and arms. I wish you well. Thank God the prednisone stops the pain in my muscles. But is does cause me to nibble too much, and sleep is difficult at night. But I remember having sleep problems even before prednisone. That might be age related. Who knows? Good luck to you, this is an amazing group of people you have aligned with. I love this Mayo Clinic connect. It helps to talk with others going thru much of the same things you are.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I agree, this site is amazing. I’m 71 so your age. My 20mg ea day of prednisone doesn’t take away my morning pain but by afternoon I’m better. I wish you well and here’s to remission!!! Take care!

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