Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Dr. Gupta in Great Britain (a PMR expert) is now leaving patients on 2-3 mgs. prednisone. Shows benefit and minimal/no side-effects. Check healthunlocked.com for more info (that's a social network for health issues and they have a large, well-informed group with PMR/GCA).

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Thank you that sounds hopefull


Thank you that sounds hopefull

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Thanks that sounds hopefull,
ill try the website


10mgs/day at one time or schedule 4 x 2.5 megs every 6 hours. What's recommended?;

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If taking your dose all at one time works, do that. I now take my 10 in a split dose with 7.5 or 8 in the morning and 2 or 2.5 in the evening. Each of us is different so it pays to experiment, but once or twice a day is typical.


My stiffness has increased recently I went from 10 mg to 9 mg. Each morning I am really stiff in my upper legs left wrist and shoulder. I take my meds at 5 or 6 am so that by 11 am I am ok to do physical activity my crp level is 1.0 so that is fine. Should I feel this stiff each morning as my dosage gets lower. I started at 40 mg in June now tapering about 1 mg every weeks to a month. any thoughts


My stiffness has increased recently I went from 10 mg to 9 mg. Each morning I am really stiff in my upper legs left wrist and shoulder. I take my meds at 5 or 6 am so that by 11 am I am ok to do physical activity my crp level is 1.0 so that is fine. Should I feel this stiff each morning as my dosage gets lower. I started at 40 mg in June now tapering about 1 mg every weeks to a month. any thoughts

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Hi there. That's a very rapid taper. If I were you, I'd go back to where I last felt good and stay there a month. Then try a very slow taper, maybe one mg. or half mg. a month. Never more than a 10% drop at a time. Best to you.


If taking your dose all at one time works, do that. I now take my 10 in a split dose with 7.5 or 8 in the morning and 2 or 2.5 in the evening. Each of us is different so it pays to experiment, but once or twice a day is typical.

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Does the evening prednisone interfere with your sleep and cause strange dreams? I have been loathe to take it then because of that reason. Thank you for posting.


I was a bit concerned about sleep issues, but have no problem at all.


Good morning! I'm Kay and I was recently (last 2 months) diagnosed with PMR. I'm so glad to find this site. I'm on prednisone and taking Advil which helps with the pain. Every morning I usually end up taking my Advil first and then sitting in a chair with a heating pad. I try though to get up and move around instead of just sitting until the pain subsides. I'm so interested in hearing other stories and what others do to help themselves. They say this can last a few years. I find that there are some side affects from prednisone. I experience some sweating. It reminds me of hot flashes. I'm tired and just feel off. My nose runs as well at times. Do you experience this?


Does the evening prednisone interfere with your sleep and cause strange dreams? I have been loathe to take it then because of that reason. Thank you for posting.

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I'm now on one 20mg per day and I take it in the morning after my Advil. They are keeping me on this 20mg for an extended time. I seem to sleep good, in fact, I'm very sleepy/tired at night.


can anyone tell me how they faired after getting off of steroids. Did you have any further treatemt that helped?

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My first indication that something wasn't right was when I was in such discomfort/pain. I tried getting into Orthopedics but the wait was too long. I then found out about an urgent care Orthopedics clinic near me. That Dr. thought that it might be PMR (first I've ever heard of it). He started me on 50mg/day for 3 days, then 40mg for 3 days, then 30...etc. etc. As I decreased the dose the pain returned. Five days later of totally being off the meds I had a regular appointment with the Orthopedic doctor. He did blood work, xrays, etc. and confirmed it. I then met with a Rheumatologist whom I love and sticking with. She placed me on an extended prednisone plan. I pray that as I eventually decrease the amount that it will finally be gone. Thank you for sharing your question.

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