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Did you test your thyroid levels under the same conditions i.e. same time of day? I have read recommendations thyroid labs are best drawn first thing in the morning before your thyroid medication & any breakfast.

I recently participated in the American Thyroid Association Patient Education Forum. I specifically asked (in a break out group) why FT3 (Free T3) was not tested. I recall the doctors saying something to the effect it was difficult to register a accurate FT3 blood level. That the body has FT3 located in multiple sites. A good doctor will work with a symptomatic patient to understand why.

My limited general understanding is that when one has a “Hashi flare” thyroid hormones may be spilled into the blood stream & consequently spike the blood level afterwards. Many thyroid patients test for any gluten issues & make other dietary changes to try & reduce these flare ups.

You are very smart to start so young troubleshooting your thyroid signs & symptoms. A Pharmacist by the name of Dr. Izabella Wentz was afflicted by Hashimoto’s at a young age too & she has chronicled her early struggles in books as well as online. She has turned her thyroid journey into a life long career passion seeking to help others struggling with this diagnose.

If you haven’t read her story you might cull helpful pointers you can discuss with your doctor from viewing online how she mastered her thyroid setback. She has published much & continues to be a source of inspiration to those trying to sort all this out!

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2 thoughts:

I believe, after years of taking thyroid meds, that women and maybe men are often diagnosed as " fine" after thyroid testing when, in fact, they are being impacted by the thyroid. No doctor told me that but I have a suspicion based on anecdotal evidence. I have no idea how to move forward on that premise.

My health has been full of symptoms without diagnosed conditions There are blissful times when a group of symptoms are diagnosed and can be treated. As I read your post I thought I would offer a wild card diagnosis that I experienced and was cured from by a ridiculously simple procedure.

Parathyroidism - I had never heard of the parathyroid glands. To make it more confusing these tiny little glands located behind the thyroid have no common function with the thyroid. But, if they are a problem, they are a big problem because of the symptoms which seem to come out of the blue and there are many of them and they do feel related to the thyroid. I know it sounds crazy but once you are cured you cannot remember the symptoms.

As a point of reference, my memory began to suck. SUCK! I was hot or cold or hot or cold, mood swings...many symptoms. Wanna know the bizarre thing, today I am literally searching my brain to remember a thing about all those symptoms and they were intense and challenging.

I will say no more because I have no clue about the source of your symptoms. There are many possibilities. I pray you find a diagnosis soon. At the least this post may have taught you a new medical condition.