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I am glad I found this thread. This all sounds very similar to the symptoms that I am having, along with a couple more.

1. The actual throat clicking, sounds as described by many in this thread. The clicking is never painful, it is on the left side, it comes and goes, and is just mostly rather annoying and is anxiety inducing. It mostly happens for me if I am looking straight on and swallow saliva. If i tuck my chin or look either way or back it doesnt happen most of the time.
2. My left ear has been gurgling some with swallowing or burping. On that, the doctor saw some earwax impaction, cleared that, and saw some infection. Treating me with antibiotics for that.
3. Seasonal allergies on top of all of this doesnt help either. I normally get fall allergies pretty good and have been fighting that with a postnasal drip the last few weeks.
4. I also get a weird metallic taste in my mouth from time to time. This could be part of the allergies and postnasal drip, could be GERD, it could also be COVID related. I was vaccinated for COVID in the spring, but not discounting that I could have gotten a very mild case of it and just had lingering effect. This symptom does seem to be getting less pronounced.

As for the cause of the clicking for me, there may be a very real cause of it that is on me but still need to see. I do participate in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and given that one of our literal goals is to choke each other...I may have taken a bad choke to cause this particular issue. We shall see.

I have a followup with my doctor tomorrow who had already said she would refer me to an ENT if the current course of treatment didn't resolve the issue. I will definitely let you all know what I find out!

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Replies to "I am glad I found this thread. This all sounds very similar to the symptoms that..."

Hello @jdrochester, Welcome to Connect. Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad to hear you have a follow up with your doctor soon and will be able to let us know of your progress with finding the causing of the clicking. Since you mentioned it may have been due to trauma (?) from your Jiu-Jitsu participation I thought you may find the following article interesting in that it mentions the possible cause of trauma in this rare case.

Clicking hyoid: A rare case report and review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4922244/

I have some of the same issues. Got a few XRays and the only thing they found was a abscess under my left wisdom tooth. I have to go to an oral surgery but until then when I swallow the clicking is still happening. My left ear feels stuffed, I have post nasal drip and I also have GERD!