Magnesium Supplementation with Stage 3A CKD

Posted by csage1010 (Sue) @csage1010, Oct 1, 2021

Hi all,

Any information on the safety of Magnesium supplementation with Stage 3A CKD? I find it helpful for headaches, sleep, and bowel regulation. Thank you.

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@csage1010 As kidney patients, it is wise to keep track of vitamin and mineral supplements that sneak in to our daily diets! From what I was able to find out, magnesium itself will not cause a negative kidney interaction. Here is a useful article from WebMD that gives a ton of great information about magnesium:

I take a daily vitamin in the morning, but also take 400 mg of magnesium at night, in a pill form. Does it help my painful muscles? Possibly. My medical team knows all my supplements OTC [over the counter] and has not discouraged me from taking this.

How much are you taking every day? If you look at the "dosing" tab on the link above, it calls out for no more than 350mg per day for an adult.


@csage1010 I wanted to connect you with some additional members who have experience with this topic, either their personal experience or that of someone they are for. Members @jenniferhunter @suemer have both discussed magnesium for kidney disease and may be able to share more with you.

@gingerw has also shared some great information with you.

How long have you been taking magnesium?


I used to take it on and off prior to my recent CKD diagnosis. Really avoiding any supplements and OTC things in general until I see the Nephrologist. It can't come soon enough.


I used to take it on and off prior to my recent CKD diagnosis. Really avoiding any supplements and OTC things in general until I see the Nephrologist. It can't come soon enough.

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Csage, I’ll be interested to hear what you learn about supplements, especially magnesium and over-the-counter medications at your appointment with the nephrologist. Please do report back.


@csage1010, I had kidney transplant in May of this year. Prior to surgery, my lab works didn’t include magnesium nor did I take the supplement. After surgery, I have been always tested for it and always came out below the normal range. Both the nephrologist at the surgery hospital and my regular nephrologist (whom I am now under her care) prescribed me to take the supplement. I have been taking the Magnesium Plus Protein 133 mg. 3x per day until now. It’s over the counter but kinda difficult to find in regular drugstores. It’s usually available in 400 mg. pill. I asked the hospital nephrologist if I could take the 400 mg. pill instead. He stated it causes diarrhea in some cases that’s why he split in 133 mg. three times a day. The 133 mg. pill is also available in Amazon.
I suggest that you always check with your doctor/nephrologist prior to taking any supplements or vitamins. Were you tested for it and found deficiency? Prior to transplant surgery, I was taking daily vitamins, specific to CKD patients, as prescribed by my nephrologist.


Great advice leahdrose! Checking with your physician is always the first step.

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