Covid-19 Reinfection: Can I get COVID again after having had it?

Posted by neverlosefaith07 @neverlosefaith07, Jan 22, 2021

I have a question can I get covid 19 again after having it once

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My mom was fully vaccinated with Moderna March 2021. She contracted covid May 24, 2021. Was rough for about 2 weeks but life went back to normal. She also tested negative every week thereafter…. She then contracted covid again August 18, 2021. 86 days or 2months 25 days apart. she tested positive the second covid infection for 13 days straight. She has been negative but this round of covid has been debilitating. She still has yet to return to work & she is going crazy not being able to be there and living out her life mission as director of an ALF for adults with mental disabilities/mentally challenged. We have tried so many different treatments and nothing has worked. She sleeps 12+ hours with a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon. My mom is a go to bed around 8-9pm and up coffee made 5am and ready to go- type personality… Now She can’t stay awake and has a long list of symptoms that are still present to this day. She is my best friend and when she struggles & hurting I feel her pain too… I’ve spent hours and hours researching to try and discover treatments that are working for others similar to her…Just know they are getting closer and you will make i through this incredibly challenging time.

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Oh I am so sorry to hear what your Mom is going through! It is heart-wrenching to see a loved one suffer.
My biggest concern is her being infected twice after the vaccine - have the doctors checked to see if she has formed antibodies? Does she have any underlying conditions or take medications that would suppress her immune system? If she hasn't been checked, it would be a good idea to find an infectious disease specialist to set up a consult.

Next, it looks like she is suffering long-Covid symptoms, which is now being treated by many special programs around the country. These have a variety of specialists to evaluate your Mom's condition exactly, then create a personal program to get her back on her feet. Just know that it can be a long, slow process. Have you looked for a program near you? You can start by searching here: Or check into the program offered by Mayo:

Please let me know how she is doing, and what your next stepa are.


Oh I am so sorry to hear what your Mom is going through! It is heart-wrenching to see a loved one suffer.
My biggest concern is her being infected twice after the vaccine - have the doctors checked to see if she has formed antibodies? Does she have any underlying conditions or take medications that would suppress her immune system? If she hasn't been checked, it would be a good idea to find an infectious disease specialist to set up a consult.

Next, it looks like she is suffering long-Covid symptoms, which is now being treated by many special programs around the country. These have a variety of specialists to evaluate your Mom's condition exactly, then create a personal program to get her back on her feet. Just know that it can be a long, slow process. Have you looked for a program near you? You can start by searching here: Or check into the program offered by Mayo:

Please let me know how she is doing, and what your next stepa are.

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Sue, this was my first engaging in mayo connect & I am so glad I began engaging! She has not checked for antibody that I am aware of- but given it’s been over 5 weeks since her positive test & she already tried the monoclonal antibody treatment- I would assume she has antibodies for sure… She has no underlying conditions- healthy 52 year old female not taking any medications to suppress her system. She had just had her first infection almost 3 months prior to this most recent august re-infection…so she would have had antibodies develop in May as well…I’ve read about studies on the long term antibody that gets produced after infection- as a potential “cause” for the over-active immune response in some of these long term covid individuals. Her Eosinophils were really high on one of the last blood work ups she had done. Inflammation of heart, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, winded very easily, physical exertion makes everything way worse. She has covid headaches that are severe sometimes, tinnitus that will not go away, still no taste and smell, lung damage doctor said “would heal with time” and chronic fatigue that’s debilitating. She has to set an alarm for 9am and takes a while to get going because the brain fog is so bad. She was always a 5am coffee person. But We have set up an appointment with my integrative medicine doctor as the next step for her to try. I will be driving (she lives 2 hours from me) to pick her up and take her on Tuesday for a full consultation. She has tried everything locally, so she wants to try this approach. I went to this practice to “detox” before TTC and she diagnosed me with autoimmune disease-Hashimoto’s specifically & increased risk for type 1 diabetes among host of other great insights to my body. I had not known I had any autoimmune prior to January. Hopefully this appointment can unveil something to point us to a more targeted treatment to get her back to normal. The next step would be to seek out appointment with Mayo via the references you provided if we still do not move in the right direction after this step tuesday. Thank you so much for the references! I shared them with my mom and it led her to another link that was the biggest revelation we have made since this whole process! On The Atlantic there was insight to a woman who described almost exactly everything she has and experiences day to day. it provided some hope that there are people out there with MUCH closer aligned symptoms than any studies, discussions, articles, research, insight, videos, etc we have come across to date! thank you so much for sharing those links, they have already provided so much new information to both of us. Thank you thank you! 🙏🏻


steam has proven to be ineffective for my moms recovery. taking shower or cooking anything that produces steam or cleaning agents are big triggers for her shortness of breath chest tightening and feeling winded easily with a lump in her throat. like she can’t breath. i purchased her an air purifier that i have used for years to try and eliminate as much bad particles (dog hair, dust mites, mold, bacteria, etc) from the air as possible for her bedroom. The Winix 5500-2. Sorry you’re dealing with the doctors that are stuck in their bias ways and not listening to their patients… patients have been ahead of the curve far before a lot of the medical doctors… if only they listen- try to find a doctor who will listen and help you get on the right path… your symptoms similar to panic attack are not that in majority of people with similar symptoms like you… don’t let them tear you down though… be your own advocate and keep looking till you find a doctor willing to listen and help you put a plan in place 🙏🏻🙏🏻


my mom 52 year old healthy female- got fully vaccinated moderna march 2021. got case of shingles 5 days post her first dose (shingles confirmed by doctor diagnosis). contracted covid infection may 24, 2021. Did okay was not great but pulled through after about 2 weeks… 2 months and 25 days later she was confirmed (pcr confirmed again) positive diagnosis with covid for the second time august 18 2021. …. she is currently not someone who was sent to the hospital yet but only because she is the best patients staying on anti inflammatory foods diet only, additional supplements, doing her breathing n exercises and stretching and in the beginning she used any energy she had to call and read on ways to stay out of hospital. she is however struggling immensely to get over this second covid infection that lead to “long covid syndrome”. we charted all symptoms from the start of this second infection 6 weeks ago today and she had over 60 listed on a form she printed from a resource on Mayo with symptoms to bring to your doctor. It’s unreal for a generally healthy woman no underlying conditions fully vaccinated to be a “breakthrough-BREAKTHROUGH” case within 3 months apart. all testing diagnosed and confirmed and i’ve documented the entire 8 months between her, myself, and anyone’s experiences i personally know- and all the research i have done… my husband had covid in December and after what the vaccine did to my body and my moms… i worry there is something yet to be untold about the vaccines. I would just say it could make your body overreact and be bad for you… or it could protect you fully… or it could hurt you weaken your immune system possibly causing you to contract covid easier and then you can still be fully vaccinated and get covid twice… a lot to unpack and a lot yet to be discovered and reported with both vaccines and virus… be confident in your decision either way. there’s a lot more about both then there was 6 months ago!


my mom 52 year old healthy female- got fully vaccinated moderna march 2021. got case of shingles 5 days post her first dose (shingles confirmed by doctor diagnosis). contracted covid infection may 24, 2021. Did okay was not great but pulled through after about 2 weeks… 2 months and 25 days later she was confirmed (pcr confirmed again) positive diagnosis with covid for the second time august 18 2021. …. she is currently not someone who was sent to the hospital yet but only because she is the best patients staying on anti inflammatory foods diet only, additional supplements, doing her breathing n exercises and stretching and in the beginning she used any energy she had to call and read on ways to stay out of hospital. she is however struggling immensely to get over this second covid infection that lead to “long covid syndrome”. we charted all symptoms from the start of this second infection 6 weeks ago today and she had over 60 listed on a form she printed from a resource on Mayo with symptoms to bring to your doctor. It’s unreal for a generally healthy woman no underlying conditions fully vaccinated to be a “breakthrough-BREAKTHROUGH” case within 3 months apart. all testing diagnosed and confirmed and i’ve documented the entire 8 months between her, myself, and anyone’s experiences i personally know- and all the research i have done… my husband had covid in December and after what the vaccine did to my body and my moms… i worry there is something yet to be untold about the vaccines. I would just say it could make your body overreact and be bad for you… or it could protect you fully… or it could hurt you weaken your immune system possibly causing you to contract covid easier and then you can still be fully vaccinated and get covid twice… a lot to unpack and a lot yet to be discovered and reported with both vaccines and virus… be confident in your decision either way. there’s a lot more about both then there was 6 months ago!

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What did your Mom learn at her appointment this week? Were any ideas towards healing offered?
Also, this article was referenced in Connect a few days ago, I think it is worth reading simply because it shows 1) post vital symptoms are not that well understood, and have gone on long before Covid, 2) many doctors and scientists are as puzzled as we are, and 3) research is underway.

I will suggest a 3rd possible cause for you Mom's sever reaction - having both the Shingles virus, and Covid twice, are a triple assault on her body. My suspicion is that the combination of Shingles and the first Covid infection affected her immune system in some way.

At this point, connecting with a comprehensive Covid rehab program may be her best option, as they keep cureent with all the latest treatment and therapy choices.
I wish her healing, and peace of mind to bothof you!


My mom was fully vaccinated with Moderna March 2021. She contracted covid May 24, 2021. Was rough for about 2 weeks but life went back to normal. She also tested negative every week thereafter…. She then contracted covid again August 18, 2021. 86 days or 2months 25 days apart. she tested positive the second covid infection for 13 days straight. She has been negative but this round of covid has been debilitating. She still has yet to return to work & she is going crazy not being able to be there and living out her life mission as director of an ALF for adults with mental disabilities/mentally challenged. We have tried so many different treatments and nothing has worked. She sleeps 12+ hours with a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon. My mom is a go to bed around 8-9pm and up coffee made 5am and ready to go- type personality… Now She can’t stay awake and has a long list of symptoms that are still present to this day. She is my best friend and when she struggles & hurting I feel her pain too… I’ve spent hours and hours researching to try and discover treatments that are working for others similar to her…Just know they are getting closer and you will make i through this incredibly challenging time.

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There is a supplement that my wife got me, for my last bout with Covid that I found very helpful in clearing out my respiratory system, nose and throat so that I can breath well. Its called OregaRESP, we bought it at a local Health Food Supply, but you can also buy it on Amazon. It may be helpful for your mom.


What did your Mom learn at her appointment this week? Were any ideas towards healing offered?
Also, this article was referenced in Connect a few days ago, I think it is worth reading simply because it shows 1) post vital symptoms are not that well understood, and have gone on long before Covid, 2) many doctors and scientists are as puzzled as we are, and 3) research is underway.

I will suggest a 3rd possible cause for you Mom's sever reaction - having both the Shingles virus, and Covid twice, are a triple assault on her body. My suspicion is that the combination of Shingles and the first Covid infection affected her immune system in some way.

At this point, connecting with a comprehensive Covid rehab program may be her best option, as they keep cureent with all the latest treatment and therapy choices.
I wish her healing, and peace of mind to bothof you!

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Sue, did you mean to link an article with your post?


My name is Elaine. I had COVID-19 back in February of 2022. Around the end of March, I began to have symptoms of perfuse sweating like getting out of a pool wet, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations. My heart would begin beating so hard it felt like butterflies getting ready to jump out of my chest. My heart rate ranged from 90 to 170 depending on my activity. I would get tunnel vision and ears ringing and felt like I was going to pass out. I had these symptoms 3 to 5 times a week and at no certain time. I had no warning. I chalked it up to my stressful job. I finally told my mom a cardiac nurse for 33 years and she immediately took me to an urgent care. The doctor did an ECG and it was normal. The doctor felt it was anxiety and started Hydralazine. My mom encouraged me to find another job because the stress was affecting my health. I did find a new job that was a blessing and no stress. My mom grilled me with questions such as are you worried about finances, school for my masters, boyfriend, and I was not worried about anything. I did not feel stressed anymore. I am a personal trainer I exercise every day, and I could not tolerate any exercising. When I tried, my heart would start pounding and I was short of breath. The first of June I had an appointment with my PCP. When I told her my symptoms. She ordered a cardiology referral, extensive cardiac work up and 48 hour heart monitor and tons of lab work. She ruled out my gallbladder, the ultrasound was negative. I saw the cardiologist and he ordered a stress test (I failed), 30 day monitor, echocardiogram, and a CT angiogram. All the test results back normal. Both the PCP and the cardiologist told me if I had another episode to the emergency room. I had a terrible episode and went to the emergency room and the doctor did nothing. Next morning, I called my cardiologist, and he started metoprolol 25 mg a day. I did not tolerate the mediation. My heart rate went from 100’s to the 40’s. I had a follow-up with my PCP, and she told me to try taking half in the morning and half in the evening. It took a few weeks, but I was finally able to tolerate the mediation. The medication helped my heart rate and chest pain, but the other symptoms remained. The cardiologist gave a diagnosis of IST because he said my symptoms were not reliably consistent with post COVID POTS. I recently had a follow-up visit with my PCP. She felt I needed a second opinion. She referred me to University of Virginia cardiologist. The cardiologist said there was nothing he could do and to search for a long haul COVID specialist. I am at my wits end. I am 23 years old, and this is debilitating. I need help! I cannot live like this. When I have an episode, I am wiped out and it takes me a day to recover. These episodes last to an hour to two or a4 hours. The metoprolol is not working any more. My heart rate per my apple watch is anywhere from low 90’s to 120’s with no activity. My PCP ordered hormone tests and they were negative. I have new symptoms of hands and feet swelling and craving of salt. This is obviously and sympathetic or parasympathetic issue. My mom and I have no clue what to do or turn to. Any help is appreciated. I feel like I keep getting passed off by these specialists. What treatments are there? How long will this last? Does it last forever? Will this damage my organs? Will this affect me when I am ready to have a family? I have so many questions but mostly I need help, I can't live like this forever.

Elaine from Virginia

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