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Sprouted Grain Bread: Anything To It?

Healthy Living | Last Active: Oct 5, 2021 | Replies (28)

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Hello @charliewp, Welcome to Connect. What a great topic. Thanks for starting a discussion. I do try and limit the amount of bread I eat but that's mainly a choice for lowering the carbs I eat. One of my favorite breads is Ezekiel Bread which is 100% sprouted grain or so they say. You will notice we changed your discussion title a little to better describe your question and bring in other members. Here are a couple of articles that may help provide more information for you.

-- Are sprouted grains more nutritious than regular whole grains?: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/sprouted-grains-nutritious-regular-whole-grains-2017110612692
-- Sprouted Grains: What’s With All the Hype?: https://www.myhealthystate.org/sprouted-grains-whats-with-all-the-hype/
-- Mayo Clinic Minute: Why whole grains are the healthier choice: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-why-whole-grains-are-the-healthier-choice/

For myself, it's always been about how the bread tastes and not so much how better one type is for you than another type. That was before I started on making some lifestyle changes and trying to eat healthier. Hopefully some members with more experience and knowledge to share will join the discussion and share what they know. Have you done any other research on the topic other than conversations with your friend?

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Replies to "Hello @charliewp, Welcome to Connect. What a great topic. Thanks for starting a discussion. I do..."

Thanks for the swift answer. Totally agreed about whole grains. I have eaten only whole wheat bread for 50 years. I phrased the question to focus on any differences between standard whole wheat bread and bread made from sprouted wheat.

I came here because I am a native Midwesterner (living in the intermountain West now), and Mayo Clinic is at the very top of the list. That, plus my reading of other articles from Mayo tells me that Mayo is sensible and non-promotional. We all know about fads, and all things nutrition has been highly susceptible to fads for as long as I can remember. I am open-minded but skeptical, and in the proud Midwest tradition of pragmatism, "I am in favor of what works." In the same tradition, "My mother didn't raise a fool." LOL

I remain skeptical but will keep reading, and am not one bit afraid of changing my mind. Oddly enough, I've done that before. Thanks again for the reply.