Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Yes. My husband has never had any history of anemia or low iron. He received the Pfizer vaccine in March. He began feeling more tired over the next two months. He saw his physician and she suspected some type of internal bleeding based on the blood test, He had an upper and lower endoscopy. No internal bleeding was found. They are going to try the camera endoscopy next week. We don't think this is going to reveal anything. His iron, ferritin and red blood cell count is extremely low. The only change in has been receiving the vaccine.

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I had the Moderna vaccine 1/20/21. By 2/1 I started feeling extremely tired and symptoms kept coming. By 2/15 I was bedridden. I had severe symptoms - about 20 of them. After 9 doctors (3 ER’s) not being able to figure it out- I figured out on my own that I had iron deficiency without anemia. I had never had this before. I verified this with a blood test and two more doctors afterward. I took 4 weeks off of work and once I started supplementing iron I started to get better within about 4 days. When I got to work, a coworker of mine was also out for weeks and had the Moderna vaccine about a week after mine. He was also bedridden! We found out that he also had a severe iron problem! He also had severe symptoms (we both felt like we were going to die at one point). He also took iron and got better. It’s interesting that you ask this question because I’m constantly wondering if anyone else had this same thing happen. My ferritin was 21 three weeks after supplementing. Now it is 132 and I feel so much better. I hope your husband is also.


I checked the VAERS data - could not find any reports of iron deficiency after vaccine. Sometimes there are coincidences. In your husband's place, I would not assume it was related to the vaccine and keep looking for the cause.

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I submitted my VAERS report in March of 2021, report number 1131445 so there is definitely at least one report because I had the same exact thing happen.


I took the moderna, and Im only 44 years old, I give Blood often, because, Im listed as a sickle cell hero, and i have a Pediatric Patient that receives my blood donations.
After my second dose, i began feeling so tired, didnt know why, just did my check up, and my hemoglobin is low, and my iron is extremely low, i was shocked to say the least, but it explained why i was so tired.
So i began researching, and couldnt find any data, but found this thread.
I have never had this issue before.


I reported as well. I’ve had Pfizer. I don’t know why it does not show either report. Perhaps the word “Temporary”means something.
“Date Form Completed: 09/06/2021
Temporary VAERS
E-Report No: 636277”
I’m 78 and got my booster yesterday. My levels have returned to normal after taking daily pills and an iron infusion. I guess I’ll see what happens next.


@trieste - Except for Astra Zeneca I still can't find anything definitive about a lower blood count after you were vaccinated with Moderna. I'm curious to know why you had your blood tested and also how much of a difference was there? Did your white blood cell count should have increased.

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Not sure why you are not finding anything. I have done my own research (lay person) and have found numerous medical reports regarding the vaccine and anemia.


After reading all of your reports and comments here, I decided to look at VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and search for low hemoglobin or low ferritin reports. There were 420,000 adverse events reported out of 330,000,000 Covid vaccine doses administered. Of those 778 reported low hemoglobin or ferritin, 324 of those from the Pfizer vaccine. We cannot tell from this simple search exactly when, in relation to injection, these events were reported. Now is there a cause/effect proven by reporting. To make a comparison, I also looked at reduced ferritin/hemoglobin in VAERS for the Shingrix and Quadravalent flu vaccines (with far fewer doses delivered than Covid) and found 23 for each, out of 30-40 thousand VAERS reports.

I understand that this is undoubtedly underreported, especially since the discovery is coming some time after the vaccine. So, I would say that there appears to be some indication that some people may experience lower hemoglobin at a point after vaccination. In addition, it is known that some people show lower hemoglobin after having the Covid virus (even after a mild case sometimes.)

Perhaps, at some point we will come to a better understanding of all the interactions between Covid infections, the vaccine, and our bodies.

Has anyone experienced either
1) dangerously low hemoglobin of ferritin after vaccination, or
2) numbers that are not recovering?

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My daughter who is 19 has had similar issues. We just made our second trip to the ER. First time she was at 5.8. She experienced other adverse affects after the second dose of Moderna at the end of February but the low Hemaglobin became noticeable in June. Yesterday was the second time. The hemotologist is give her iron infusions starting next week. She wants her to have upper and lower GI scoped. We believe it's the vaccine. She was healthy before this.


My daughter who is 19 has had similar issues. We just made our second trip to the ER. First time she was at 5.8. She experienced other adverse affects after the second dose of Moderna at the end of February but the low Hemaglobin became noticeable in June. Yesterday was the second time. The hemotologist is give her iron infusions starting next week. She wants her to have upper and lower GI scoped. We believe it's the vaccine. She was healthy before this.

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Thank you. Was this reported to VAERS?


Thank you. Was this reported to VAERS?

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No. Because the doctors will not admit yet that it resulted from the vaccine. They want to run more tests, upper and lower GI, etc.


No. Because the doctors will not admit yet that it resulted from the vaccine. They want to run more tests, upper and lower GI, etc.

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your daughter can report it in VAERS herself - here is the link : She should have her vaccine card in hand as specific information is requested.


I reported it. I still don’t know why I had to have infusions and continue to use iron pills. When you report, you are not saying it is a result of the vaccine. You are just saying that something unusual happened after you had it.

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