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Hi its good to see a thread of folks with similar symptoms. The closure and solidarity is needed and is refreshing. Though it must be said that a thread and fixating on these symptoms may also make the situation worse. As others have said this is a very rare and isolating pattern of anatomical disorder. Where the symptoms and worries seem to make a never ending self feeding loop. This seems to be or can be related to globus sensation.

There is definitely a real physical component to all this, I hear and feel a real clicking and can produce and move what seems like loose mangled tissues, ligaments, or cartlidge by pressing the left side of my neck. Right side also but it seems to have more physical integrity. But again one physician told me thats normal, some people have different neck composition thatn produces that. I must also say that psychogenic conditions do produce real crippling results. This is not to discount or invalidate all our suffering and pain, which is real and physical. But again, it seems it could be produced and strengthened through mental health or traumatic physical and emotional events, as mentioned above. I got these symptoms after stretching my neck and taking deep yawns. I felt a sudden scary spasm, a tear of tissue, and kept being fixated on it. Which is impossible for some of us to not do. I went to different doctors and got lots of tests, even an MRI. They found nothing. And the spasms happened a couple of times. But an interesting side note is I knew a friend that got these same symptoms after a yawning/overextension spasm but he never developed the other myriad of crippling symptoms I got from these experiences(which Ill try to not mention to not worry others). He actually told me to not worry that the symptoms eventually stop. I have had many years where its there but i dont feel it, since I'm not fixated on it. I am 30 now and have had this since I was 18. These symptoms are hard and strong but working on yourself and getting therapy will help. If one looks at psychogenic disorders this seems to fit the profile, real physical symptoms that can affect speech, ears, cognition. It can be much to do, as someone else has said, with perception. Maybe we're prone to more sensitivity and more awareness of things. Which can be a folly. But we can keep fighting through different routes.

I suffer through much mental health issues and at the time of this injury I had just learned a partner may have cheated on me, this on top of severe depressive, anxious, reclusive agoraphobic neurotic ways at the time may have pronounced my issues. This happens lots with psychogenic conditions. I would like to recommend the works of an Irish neurologist, Suzanne O'Sullivan, who has done strong research on psychogenic conditions, conditions with roots in the mind that result in real physical affects. The mind and body are connected after all.

These health issues are very confusing and we need all the direction we can get. I am still perplexed and ask myself how can all this happen. But psychogenic explanations give me more answers. Because anatomically the symptoms I had developed did not make sense. There is a real anatomical situation that then produces more issues produced by worry, trauma. Psychogenic issues can be managed through physical and psychological therapy.

Hope these words are received well, and not received as invalidation. To the contrary, I have felt the suffering of these issues too hard and too long.

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Replies to "Hi its good to see a thread of folks with similar symptoms. The closure and solidarity..."

@mdulfod55-I wanted to commend your post. I have gently made these suggestions on these threads in a few areas. It has not been well received by some. But what you wrote is real and accurate...

When things like this come up for someone, and one goes to the doctor, it is very important that the doctor ask about current stress/tension levels in their lives and or for the person to be introspective of themselves. This is not a medical professional “job”, so to speak, as they are there to provide you with an answer and or medication.
Doctors know patients go to them for answers. When they don’t “find” something, sometimes this frustrates a patient, rather than having them
address the issues elsewhere, which very well could be an underlying emotional stressor.
This can cause a lot of harm to a patient, whom is simply caught in a state of stress/worry and hyper focused on something not harming them but is just making them more aware of it. When there is not a “fix”, the doctor shopping continues. Causing a cycle of more worry and fixation til, the next appt.

The mind and body are absolutely connected. Emotions lead to physical symptoms and physical symptoms lead to emotions. And you are correct, it’s not to say there are anatomical issues, not causing, sounds symptoms and annoyances. But it’s how you respond to those sensations and understand that, the body can be loud. It works all the time for you 24/7. It is not always quiet. And depending on what you are currently experiencing personally, sometimes the sensations and sounds can be more amplified. Triggering worry, which keeps the loop going.

Don’t underestimate the power of yourself and your thoughts.