Osteoporosis bone density test. Did you get yours? How did you do?

After 18 months on Tymlos, my bone density tests are in. For my age, 78, my scores are in the range and the hips have returned to osteopenia. I held my own but did not achieve statistically significant improvement. Now I must make a decision about my future:

-Stay on Tymlos for 6 more months until I have completed the two-year cycle. As soon as the Tymlos is stopped, the disintegration of my newly built-up bone will begin.

-Begin Prolia right now, which will protect my new bone from being reabsorbed. There is a 10% chance I will have a side effect called osteonecrosis, responsible for jaw pain, along with joint pain. These were the same side effects I had with Boniva, a bisphosphonate. A change was made to Tymlos that performed reasonably well with no side effects.

-Stay on Tymlos for 6 more months and then switch to Prolia. My worry... 2 injections a year... a long half-life....and I haven't seen any solutions if there are side effects.

-Discontinue all medication and adjust my diet as well as supplements to get enough D3 and calcium plus Increase my exercise routine. My small fiber neuropathy.....now progressing as I knew it would, makes exercise a challenge.

What are you doing to mitigate the effects on your bones from osteoporosis? How is that choice working for you? What concerns have you had about your future under your chosen strategy?

Stay in touch on Connect. Share your experiences so we all can learn from each other. You have a lifetime invitation. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


@kilh I have heard of people building up to a full dose by only doing a half dose initially. That's something you would need to check with the doctor who has prescribed Tymlos. I think that may be your best plan of action.

I never had BP or heart rate problems from it. My heart rate was slightly elevated, as in the 70s vs 60s where it usually is but that was not a problem and it quickly came back down again.

@bunky44 I agree, most women don't get nearly the suggested amount of protein. When I discovered that was important I started tracking mine. I thought I ate a lot of protein but it turned out I was well below the recommended amount. I now am very conscious of it and track both protein and calcium with myfitnesspal, along with other nutrients that I have to be conscious of like sodium.

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I finally messaged my PA and got the ok to start back on Tymlos at 2 clicks. Does anyone take AlgaeCal or Strontium along with their medication? If so does it help? The only thing is I still did not get any scan scores. It has been almost two years ago since my last one. I guess I need to ask again for my scores. Hope you are fine and staying healthly. KLH


I finally messaged my PA and got the ok to start back on Tymlos at 2 clicks. Does anyone take AlgaeCal or Strontium along with their medication? If so does it help? The only thing is I still did not get any scan scores. It has been almost two years ago since my last one. I guess I need to ask again for my scores. Hope you are fine and staying healthly. KLH

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Thank you both for your reply. It helps to get input from other people and their experiences. It gives me more courage to try Tymlos again with 2 clicks. Maybe I will be able to work up to more clicks as time goes on. Keep in touch as to your progress it sure helps me. Stay healthy and well. KLH


I finally messaged my PA and got the ok to start back on Tymlos at 2 clicks. Does anyone take AlgaeCal or Strontium along with their medication? If so does it help? The only thing is I still did not get any scan scores. It has been almost two years ago since my last one. I guess I need to ask again for my scores. Hope you are fine and staying healthly. KLH

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Reply above to @pianopain12 and @contentandwell I hope you get my reply KLH


I finally messaged my PA and got the ok to start back on Tymlos at 2 clicks. Does anyone take AlgaeCal or Strontium along with their medication? If so does it help? The only thing is I still did not get any scan scores. It has been almost two years ago since my last one. I guess I need to ask again for my scores. Hope you are fine and staying healthly. KLH

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@kilh Both AlgaeCal and Strontium tend to be controversial.
I have read that you can get all of the nutrients supplied by AlgaeCal just by buying them in any pharmacy and for less cost. That way too, you have control over what you are putting in your body - vitamin D, calcium, and protein are important and boron probably helps too. You can get boron naturally from prunes also. Bottom line is you really need to research this yourself to determine if it's right for you, and also check with your doctor.

Regarding Strontium, there is some indication that it makes your bones appear to be stronger in DEXA scans but it has just replaced the calcium in your bones and they are not as strong. I tried just now googling to find articles about it but there did not seem to be anything really definitive.

I take D3, boron, vitamin K2 (https://americanbonehealth.org/nutrition/vitamin-k2-plays-key-role-in-bone-health/)
and calcium if I have not gotten enough calcium in my diet that day. I track my nutrients.
Vitamin D needs to be taken with fatty foods,
More than a certain amount of calcium at one time cannot be used by your body so you need to take that when you are not getting a lot of other calcium. Calcium carbonate needs to be taken with food. Calcium citrate does not.


Reply above to @pianopain12 and @contentandwell I hope you get my reply KLH

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@kilh I hope the smaller amount of Tymlos will not be a problem for you and that you will be able to slowly build up to a more therapeutic dose. Every little bit helps though.


@kilh Both AlgaeCal and Strontium tend to be controversial.
I have read that you can get all of the nutrients supplied by AlgaeCal just by buying them in any pharmacy and for less cost. That way too, you have control over what you are putting in your body - vitamin D, calcium, and protein are important and boron probably helps too. You can get boron naturally from prunes also. Bottom line is you really need to research this yourself to determine if it's right for you, and also check with your doctor.

Regarding Strontium, there is some indication that it makes your bones appear to be stronger in DEXA scans but it has just replaced the calcium in your bones and they are not as strong. I tried just now googling to find articles about it but there did not seem to be anything really definitive.

I take D3, boron, vitamin K2 (https://americanbonehealth.org/nutrition/vitamin-k2-plays-key-role-in-bone-health/)
and calcium if I have not gotten enough calcium in my diet that day. I track my nutrients.
Vitamin D needs to be taken with fatty foods,
More than a certain amount of calcium at one time cannot be used by your body so you need to take that when you are not getting a lot of other calcium. Calcium carbonate needs to be taken with food. Calcium citrate does not.

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JK, thanks for the article regarding Vitamin K. Very informative and I have shared it with friends. Nobody will come right out and endorse Vit. K2, but as far as I can see, the worst thing that could happen if one takes it is"no benefit." I'll definitely take that chance. I've been taking 200mcg of K2 for several years, and my DEXA bone scan shows that I have not moved out of the Osteopenia group to Osteoporosis. I could never take a Vit. K1 supplement, because I have Von Willebrand disease. (Mine is mild, fortunately. I just can't afford the chance of any excess bleeding.) My research has shown that Vitamin K2 is structurally very different from Vitamin K1. There has even been some controversy about whether K1 and K2 belong in the same chemical family. I stick to my Calcium, K2, protein, and Vitamin D3. I'm now considering Whole Body Vibration Therapy, thanks to member Tsc. It makes sense to me, especially because my spinal stenosis prevents me from walking or doing much of the exercise that my bones need to stay strong. I am really grateful to all of you on this forum for sharing your therapies and wisdom. I have certainly made changes to my lifestyle as a result of your help.


@kilh Both AlgaeCal and Strontium tend to be controversial.
I have read that you can get all of the nutrients supplied by AlgaeCal just by buying them in any pharmacy and for less cost. That way too, you have control over what you are putting in your body - vitamin D, calcium, and protein are important and boron probably helps too. You can get boron naturally from prunes also. Bottom line is you really need to research this yourself to determine if it's right for you, and also check with your doctor.

Regarding Strontium, there is some indication that it makes your bones appear to be stronger in DEXA scans but it has just replaced the calcium in your bones and they are not as strong. I tried just now googling to find articles about it but there did not seem to be anything really definitive.

I take D3, boron, vitamin K2 (https://americanbonehealth.org/nutrition/vitamin-k2-plays-key-role-in-bone-health/)
and calcium if I have not gotten enough calcium in my diet that day. I track my nutrients.
Vitamin D needs to be taken with fatty foods,
More than a certain amount of calcium at one time cannot be used by your body so you need to take that when you are not getting a lot of other calcium. Calcium carbonate needs to be taken with food. Calcium citrate does not.

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Which calcium and what mgs? I can’t figure out the difference. And I just finished listening to a doctor who said all- including D3 shd be taken upon waking wo food and only water. I never heard of fatty foods. Thx


Which calcium and what mgs? I can’t figure out the difference. And I just finished listening to a doctor who said all- including D3 shd be taken upon waking wo food and only water. I never heard of fatty foods. Thx

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@happy2bhere The milligrams of calcium would be individual. Most doctors prefer you get your calcium from food. I often do take a small calcium pill for supplementation but I do get most of my calcium from food.

Here's an article about fat helping to increase the absorption of D3.
This article is about calcium. As it concludes, it is better to get it through diet than through supplements.
And one more article about calcium:
Googling for this info I learned something too. Apparently they are thinking that calcium supplements are not very helpful in preventing fractures. Interesting. Something new every day.


@happy2bhere The milligrams of calcium would be individual. Most doctors prefer you get your calcium from food. I often do take a small calcium pill for supplementation but I do get most of my calcium from food.

Here's an article about fat helping to increase the absorption of D3.
This article is about calcium. As it concludes, it is better to get it through diet than through supplements.
And one more article about calcium:
Googling for this info I learned something too. Apparently they are thinking that calcium supplements are not very helpful in preventing fractures. Interesting. Something new every day.

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Thank you for the links. I am lactose intolerant so haven't been on the milk calcium routine for years. I'm reading all of this and appreciate the help. Love learning everyday - we're here anyway-might as well learn something!


Thank you for the links. I am lactose intolerant so haven't been on the milk calcium routine for years. I'm reading all of this and appreciate the help. Love learning everyday - we're here anyway-might as well learn something!

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@happy2bhere I was severely lactose intolerant for a period of time but it has changed and I am no longer. Mine was triggered by medication and I guess my body must have adapted to it because now I can have calcium.

While I was lactose intolerant I discovered Fairlife Milk. It's extra filtered or something so it actually has more calcium and protein than typical milk, and it has no lactose. I love their skim milk, it tastes like 2%. I use a lot of it. I have oatmeal for breakfast most mornings and I always make it with Fairlife milk so that starts my day off with a healthy dose of calcium and protein. Protein is very important for osteoporosis too. Bones are about 50% protein.

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