Trying to recover from a c. diff infection (Clostridium difficile)

Posted by acres @acres, Apr 12, 2016

I am trying to recover from a c.diff infection. This started with taking clindamycin in mid January and 3 days later I became ill with diarrhea and felt sick, loss of appetite etc...Went to the er twice, tested negative for c.diff on my 2nd visit. The Dr. told me to take imodium to rest my colon since I tested negative. That evening I had diarrhea and took the Imodium. Became constipated with pain lower right side. I went to a GI dr. pleading for help, I did another stool test and it came back positive for c.diff. I tried flagyl but could not tolerate the side effects. Tried vancomycin for 10 days. Did not work. Tested positive again, Went to a new gi doctor who prescribed dificid for ten days. I am 31 days post dificid and I have almost constant gut rumbling and urge to go. My 1st bm in the morning is usually semi normal, but after that they are always either pencil thin and or small pieces (2 to 5 times a day). This has been my routine since the vancomycin. I do not get dull blown diarrhea..... My dr. wants me to have a colonoscopy but I an scared that the cleansing will wipe out all my good flora. I currently take 2 florastor pills and 1/2 vsl3 per day. I eat fermented pickles for the probiotics as well..... I have many food intolerances since this whole mess began (fiber, many vegatables, dairy). I also have a strange taste in my mouth most of the time, have very little energy and fight with depression. My primary gave me Xanax .25 but I only take them at night when I cannot sleep...... Went to a nutritionist who put me on a no wheat, soy, dairy, gluten diet. Does not seem to be helping or hurting. I lost 20 pounds and cannot gain any weight (I weigh 120 at 5'7")... I am thinking it might be sibo, or candida but cannot find a dr. to test for these....I am in the right place for help or advice ? The urge to go is awful and limits my once active lifestyle.....
Thank you, Scott

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I assume they gave you Vancomycin to get rid of the C-diff. That's what they gave me and it got rid of it but the recovery is slow.

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Yea, they gave me vancomycin while I was in the hospital, but my GI tract has been a mess since. And the hiatal hernia reopened again, except there’s not enough tissue left to repair it.


I really hope this will be end of story for you. Yes in fact It does take a long time even sometime longer than 6 months. I am 10 months into recovery and still have lots of lingering symptoms. In fact they repeated the c Diff test for me couple days ago and haven’t heard back so I will take that as good news. Sometimes you can develop post inf IBS and this can take time and I think this is what I developed. What are you taking with your antibiotic? Keep us posted and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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I am taking a 30 billion probiotic, a prebiotic, florastor and 1tb of sauerkraut daily because they said being it is fermented it would help. If you have any other advice it would be appreciated


I am taking a 30 billion probiotic, a prebiotic, florastor and 1tb of sauerkraut daily because they said being it is fermented it would help. If you have any other advice it would be appreciated

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This is great that’s what I took. I took as well GI revive by designs for health it has slippery elm in it to heal any inflammation caused by c Diff. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Keep us posted.


I had some of the same problems. Not as bad but I know what you are dealing with. I started with acupuncture about 3 weeks ago and it seems to be helping. You might want to try it.
Of course insurance doesn’t paid for any of it. I’d be interested if any one else has tried this and had success. Good luck.


I assume they gave you Vancomycin to get rid of the C-diff. That's what they gave me and it got rid of it but the recovery is slow.

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Did you have C- diff from an antibiotic? If so what antibiotic where you on?


Did you have C- diff from an antibiotic? If so what antibiotic where you on?

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Yes. I contracted C-diff from taking Clyndamycin, prescribed by my dentist. This happened in February of this year and I'm still trying to heal. I was told it can take up to a year. I am very grateful things are not worse. I read some of the stories on this site and it is awful what this antibiotic has done to so many, too many. I am fortunate that one round of Vanco apparently got rid of the C-diff. I understand it's an imbalance of the bacteria, where the "bad" bacteria takes over, and that's the C-diff. Our bodies need the balance going on in our intestines. Jacque


Yes. I contracted C-diff from taking Clyndamycin, prescribed by my dentist. This happened in February of this year and I'm still trying to heal. I was told it can take up to a year. I am very grateful things are not worse. I read some of the stories on this site and it is awful what this antibiotic has done to so many, too many. I am fortunate that one round of Vanco apparently got rid of the C-diff. I understand it's an imbalance of the bacteria, where the "bad" bacteria takes over, and that's the C-diff. Our bodies need the balance going on in our intestines. Jacque

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Thanks I feel better knowing that one round of Vanco got rid of it for you.. I will be off vanco tomorrow and hope it works for me. Did you have any diaheera after vanco? Do you now take any probotics or anything to help improve?


Thanks I feel better knowing that one round of Vanco got rid of it for you.. I will be off vanco tomorrow and hope it works for me. Did you have any diaheera after vanco? Do you now take any probotics or anything to help improve?

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@minge From what I can recall, it took 2 to 3 weeks to relapse each
time after going off the vancomycin. Please keep us posted on your progress and the best of luck to you!


@minge From what I can recall, it took 2 to 3 weeks to relapse each
time after going off the vancomycin. Please keep us posted on your progress and the best of luck to you!

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I have not vomited with C-diff. Are there any others that only had diaherra and mucus?


Thanks I feel better knowing that one round of Vanco got rid of it for you.. I will be off vanco tomorrow and hope it works for me. Did you have any diaheera after vanco? Do you now take any probotics or anything to help improve?

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No diahrreah. But I could not pass stool without medication. This has been going on since February. I do have a "tortuous intestine", which means it's much longer than I need for a person my size. This has been a life long issue. But since having C-diff it made it worse. I actually was finally becoming regular when I contracted C-diff. Afterwards I tried and did everything the doctors suggested. Miralax, Bisacodyl, probitotics,fiber, lots of water, etc. This is now seven months later and I'm finding that JUST RECENTLY Prunelax minitabs are working for me. (of course, eating right, exercise, fiber, and water but not having to take Miralax, etc.,......which just made me feel awful, bloated, etc.) Prunelax is a natural product and not a chemical. I have to take four of them to work on me though and it took awhile for my body to adjust to them,.....maybe a week or two and all of a sudden it started to work! I also plan on trying a "Senokot" version (or generic) because of the cost but I don't want to mess anything up right now. It's working! I understand what you are going through. I will be hoping that you heal soon! It seems to vary with people. I wish the best to you. Jacque

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