← Return to 7 years after total knee replacement


7 years after total knee replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Sep 9, 2023 | Replies (28)

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Hi there.......this is your first post on Connect. Welcome--Welcome. We are all patients, former patients, caregivers, and folks with experience to share that may be helpful to others. Just so you know, I now qualify for having both knees replaced as of 4 weeks ago. My first total knee replacement was also my left knee and happened 10 years ago. I have had the same experience as you appear to be having. One time it was some old scar tissue. That took several weeks of working with an MFR therapist to remove it. The next time it was just the "burn" with a cyst along the side. It kept me from my daily walks so I went back to the MFR therapist and she was able to make it go away in just a "few" weeks.

Because I have small fiber neuropathy, I now see the MFR therapist twice a week for sessions to relieve the symptoms of that condition. Whenever my knee is squawking a bit, I let her know and she works on it.

So....I do think these prior surgeries can come back for a visit. Maybe you had that knee tucked up the wrong way when you slept last night. Maybe you helped string blow the lower level of your yard and stepped in a squirrel hole that stretched the tissue. Because these are minor incidents, we tend to forget about them. Think about how your original knee used to complain when you took a stumble. There is still tissue and muscle around the replacement.

The bottom line for me would be to go back to the post-surgery "ice and elevate" routine for a couple of days and see what happens. If nothing helps and the symptoms do not retreat, then it would be advisable to ask an orthopedist to take a look at your knee.

Were both of your knee replacements done at the same time? Is the one giving you trouble the first one or the second one?

May you be safe, protected, and free of inner and outer harm.

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Had knees done 2 days apart when I walked down to therapy had a funny feeling In knees I keep on asking when will that feeling go away the all said soon.never happened went to 7 doctors and they all said they look good from X-rays went the other day he said maybe its your back.well started with a cain went to a rollater and now in a wheel chair was walking with some discomfort but I could handle it than I fell in bath room and berkelium my right tibia after operation could hardly move legs they got me walking but not without pain.go to bed and wake up in a couple of hours and have to go to my recliner because of knee pain after it gets a littlebetter backed to bed that goes on every night i'am now in assisted living when to new Doctor the other day he moved my knee around and thought it could be my back(no pain in back) what to do?And what gets me both knees feel the same