Hi Mary, I am a believer in alternate medicine as complimentary care, in addition to traditional medicine. I believe that all of our organs, muscles, bones, nerves and our brains function together and sometimes additional strategies help us heal.
That said, any time ANYONE claims they can cure a disease that traditional medicine and science have not yet found a cure for screams CAUTION at me.
Second, herbs are often an important part of alternative medicine treatment. These are sometimes helpful, but they are not innocuous. They can act on or in organs other than the one for which prescribed, and more importantly may interact with prescribed medications. At one point I had a licensed acupuncturist (LAc) tell me to discontinue a prescribed med and replace it with herbs she prescribed. Believe me, I never went near her again.
I believe that, with your husband's history, I would follow the pulmonologist's advice to return to Mayo, where he can get fully coordinated care.
What are you thinking about these options?
He just agreed that I can call Mayo and see if they will take him. He said he tried before but they said they couldn't. Since he is still seeing the kidney doctor at Mayo, I am hoping they will take him. Do any of you have any insight into them approving of a patient?