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Donated my kidney: Food/drinks taste weird. Related?

Transplants | Last Active: Sep 22, 2021 | Replies (22)

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I will start the 3 day testing process at the Mayo clinic next week to be a kidney donor for my sister, who has been put on the transplant list. Can anyone tell me how the donor transplant has effected them long-term? Are you still able to go out and drink with your friends? Any health/energy issues after the procedure?

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Replies to "I will start the 3 day testing process at the Mayo clinic next week to be..."

@2kids Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! It is really a gift to be able to test to see if you are a match for your sister!I hope all goes well, and if you cannot be her match, be sure to talk about a paired donation where you can donate to someone and a match is found for your sister, so everyone benefits.

Here is an article from the National Kidney Foundation, about donating a kidney and what to expect afterwards: https://www.kidney.org/transplantation/livingdonors/what-expect-after-donation. As you can see there are some preferred restrictions involved after donation. Living a healthy and active lifestyle is best.

What is the reason your sister needs this transplant?

@2kids, Have you started the evaluation process yet? Which Mayo campus?
I am a recipient (Mayo Rochester) and I am aware of how involved the process is from a recipient point of view. How can I be of assistance as you navigate the tests and the busy schedule? What questions would you like to ask?