Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I have had PMR for over 29 years. This is the 4th re occurrence that I have had. I tried taking 20 mil of prednisone for 2 days because symptoms went away . the 3rd day they returned and now I am again back on the pred. What is the amt per day and for how long should I take this drug. thanks fillis

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Also...have you had the c-19 vaccine? In my experience and research, I found that when the PMR is flaring up, it's usually due to the PMR fighting a virus or something else that your immune system should be doing. I was recently flared up and when I got the 1st Moderna shot, the PMR symptoms faded away around 50%. After my second shot most of it is gone...hard to tell if it's more arthritic pain or the PMR now, but mild.


Also...have you had the c-19 vaccine? In my experience and research, I found that when the PMR is flaring up, it's usually due to the PMR fighting a virus or something else that your immune system should be doing. I was recently flared up and when I got the 1st Moderna shot, the PMR symptoms faded away around 50%. After my second shot most of it is gone...hard to tell if it's more arthritic pain or the PMR now, but mild.

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The Covid shots did not stop the PMR reoccurrence. thanks for the answer


am back on Pred think I went off it too soon


am back on Pred think I went off it too soon

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Well, u hope you find a solution. PMR sucks. Everyone that has it is different from everyone else, meaning that we all have a different chemical system, therefore, we all react differently than everyone else. We would be discussing this for years trying to figure out what those differences are. Are you a smoker? Canibis? Drinker? Allergies? Supplements? ETC. What's working for me doesn't always work for anyone else. I hope you find your way with this. 😊


I can usually pinpoint a stress that happened before onslaught of attack.. always different last one was a 5 3/4 long golf team event in the hot sun. But this is less stress then other times when I did not have a relapse. Thank God for Pred


Does anyone recommend Regeneron for PMR?


Hello Ethan, I just joined Mayo clinic connect, so I guess I am a member of this group now? As a background, I was diagnosed four years ago with Giant Cell Arteritis. It is an autoimmune disease and a cousin to PMR. With high doses of Prednisone for 2.5 years, and tapering gradually, I was able to function more normally. Now, in the past month, I feel like my symptoms are returning, but without the high fevers of giant cell arteritis. I just made an appt. with my rheumatologist in a few days, so hopefully she will have some answers for me.
I am so glad there are groups like this one, because I now I will have a lot of questions. Thank you,

Pam H.


I had my Moderna Vax in February and March and was diagnosed in April with PMR. My doctor started me right away on the prednisone, at 15 mg. a day and within one day I started to get full relief. I couldn't believe the difference in my pain level from 10 to 1 in one day!! In all fairness my symptoms started in December, but got gradually worse through April. So I think the vaccination probably had nothing to do with it. I did have a flu vaccination in October though. Hope you get on prednisone quickly. It makes all the difference in the world. Before I started it, I couldn't even get out of a chair without help.

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Mine started after the flue vaccine


I am currently taking 24mg of methylprednisolone. I was taking 16 but flareups were occurring. My doc wants me to try to get back to 16mg - I tried and after 3 days I had a flare. So I went back to 24 and decreased to 20mg - 3 days later the pain came back so I increased again to 24mg. Today is day 3 on 24mg after the flare and tomorrow I will try again to go down t0 20mg on the way to getting down to 16mg. I am also taking methotrexate injections (0.52) weekly but had to stop this week because of medications for a sinus infection. I have a hot tub and using it every night seems to help. But I certainly wish I could sleep - never slept last night until 6am this morning and then only for 4 hours! On the plus side I got a lot of housework done!

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Reading some past posts this early a.m. and your July post made me smile because of the no sleeping and getting housework done. I get in 4 hours if lucky and get up and cook usually. Trying to eat all organic and non-inflammatory foods per Amy Myers book. I was diagnosed with PMR last July and on prednisone since and tapering down but now scared of my bone health. Does your medications affect your bone density? I also had the worse sinus issues all last winter but the prednisone seemed to clear that up. Hope you’re doing well on tapering down.


I'm new to the group. I got my first shot of the vaccine last February and the next day woke up in excruciating pain. The first diagnosis was reactive arthritis and I was prescribed prednisone. It was a bit of an on and off affair for that month until I had my sedimentation rate and C reactive protein measured. Then I was put on 20 mg of prednisone and sent to the rheumatologist. After a few bumps in the road of progress, I'm now at 10 mg of prednisone a day and doing the slow taper. Now my burning question is whether or not I have immunity to the virus. My husband and I both had Covid in August 2020. We both had a mild case and recovered. I just had one shot of the vaccine and didn't get the 2nd shot on the advice of my physician. Now my quandary is what to do: get the 2nd shot? I'm exercising caution: wearing a mask, distancing, etc.

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