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Post-COVID Syndrome is real

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Nov 15, 2023 | Replies (123)

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I had my Moderna shots in March/April. I had the normal side effects initially that went away. At the beginning of June I suddenly had an episode of intense dizziness, feeling like I was in a dream, rapid heart beat and headache. The dizziness has not gone away - some days worse than others but I cannot drive, feel like I'm in a constant state of "unreality", have headaches and have brain fog. I went to Urgent Care and the ER and their tests show nothing wrong. My GP had me have a blood test which showed nothing wrong. He sent me to a cardiologist where I had a EKG (normal). I wore a heart monitor for three days but it was normal. I then went to a ENT who tested for inner ear problems and Menieres Disease - tests came back normal. I am scheduled to go in for an MRI. The feeling of dizziness is debilitating and the brain fog is affecting my work. I am surprised I have not been fired. My doctor has been reluctant to give me any medication during the time I was having the tests. My anxiety is through the roof. Does anyone else have these symptoms and what have you done about it?Has anyone found medication that can help? There are times when I feel I cannot continue living this way - going from doctor to doctor and no one being able to help me. I cannot imagine my life this way and really need help.

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Replies to "I had my Moderna shots in March/April. I had the normal side effects initially that went..."

@maryglend and @bluff, this discussion is talking about recovering from COVID infection, not reactions to the vaccine. I applaud you for getting the vaccine. Have you also had COVID infection?

If you would like to discuss more about the vaccine, see this discussion:
- Long Term Effects of COVID Vaccinations https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/long-term-effects-of-covid-vaccinations/

And this Vaccine Guide from Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine

I am the same. I’m almost two years in, and I continue to get worse. My head is my main problem. Hearing is muffled, vision is blurry and foggy, thinking is impaired. My eyes nose and mouth are always dry. Tinnitus and noise sensitivity through the roof.
Cannot move my bowel without laxative. Basically I’m a great big mess! I have lost 35 pounds and like you, can’t see living like this much longer.
I’ve seen all sorts of doctors, but diet and supplements just can’t fight this dragon. The tests they do on me do not show my problems.
I am finally in a long Covid Clinic...but so far, no answers there either.
I try to stay hopeful and keep going....it’s very hard.