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I was just diagnosed with latent TB. Where I picked it up is negotiable. I have been an teacher for 30+ years and a volunteer in the ER of an area hospital for 20 years. I figure between the two I was exposed. I have been given a prescription to take daily for 6 months. I am sitting and staring at the bottle. That is as far as I have gotten after reading about the possible side effects. My doctor told me I read to much and just take it. I am afraid since in my liver function test some numbers were high and my doctor hasn't given me a clue as to why. He is on vacation now so I am waiting for his return before I do anything further. The drug affects the liver so I need answers to my most recent blood test, two weeks ago. I have had positive skin test but negative chest X-Ray's for 20 years and now all of a sudden he gives me the Gold test which was positive and now a prescription, still a clear chest X-Ray. If anyone has been through the 6 month regimen I would appreciate a heads up!

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Replies to "I was just diagnosed with latent TB. Where I picked it up is negotiable. I have..."

My daughter went through the 9 month regimen a few years ago after working as a county jail nurse. This was at the insistence of an Occupational Health doc at a new job. She was only 30 at the time, and had a hard time with it, with many GI issues and a constant headache. At her request, a year later the Infectious Disease doc she was seeing for another issue looked at her numbers, x-rays and chart, and said he would not have treated an asymptomatic case like hers.

If I were in your position, I would consider asking the doc for a referral to an Infectious Disease specialist. Even a phone appointment should get many of your questions answered. There are many options for treatment now, including some that take only 12 doses, exposing you to the drugs for a shorter. If you have concerning lab numbers before you begin, there should be a regular monitoring program in place before you start the meds.

Here is information about treating TB from the CDC - it may help you in your decisions https://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/treatment/decideltbi.htm

Please let me know what you learn from your doc, and what you decide to do next.