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New Study Reveals DANGER for immunocompromised.

Transplants | Last Active: Aug 27, 2021 | Replies (53)

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Thank you for posting this, @athenalee. It's good info to have but frankly depressing. I really hoped this third shot would put me in a similar category as non-immunocompromised people but perhaps not.

I hope to fly to Denver in the fall after the birth of my first grandchild and as it is I've been dreading the flight. I thought this third shot would be a big help but perhaps not. It will be a dilemma, for sure.

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Replies to "Thank you for posting this, @athenalee. It's good info to have but frankly depressing. I really..."

Firstly, many congratulations on the pending birth of your first grandchild! I think airplanes are better about their air flow, but that is a long flight, plus I’d be even more concerned in the airport!

PreCovid I use to fly to the west coast once a year for vacation. Always came down with a cold upon landing, until I discovered SinuOrega™ Nasal Spray. I would spray it in my nostrils before boarding and upon landing. Then afterwards for a few days. No more cold. I’ve started using it again now when I’m going out in public. As the delta variant hangs out longer in the nasal passages, I think it’s worth a try for it’s antiviral qualities.

And, eat a big meal before you get to the airport, so you don’t have to take off your mask 😷 until you get through the airport at Denver. I know that’s a drag, but doable; sanitize, and hold your breath when TSA makes you lift up your mask at security check!

Hang in there JK, think of the tales you can tell your grandchild about your first visit.