Organ pain from auto immune?

Posted by nanke99 @nanke99, Oct 9, 2016

Ok so I've been having upper right quadrant abdomen pain for 1 1/2 years now! I've had a sonogram, an upper GI series and a HIDA scan with contrast- showed nothing. It is definitely in the liver/kidney area, and clearly feels like kidney pain (back) often. My blood work is otherwise normal, excepting the SED and CRP's which have gone down slightly since i have been medicated.
So can Fibro cause organ pain???? Inflammation? My Rheum doesn't seem to think so but I have seen that online. My Gastro doc isn't sure either.
Anyone heard of such a thing?

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I have Sjogrens Syndrom and i never heard of this causing organ pain. I also have upper right quadrant pain. My gastro dr told me its due to my cryptogenic cirrhosis and my GERD. If you find out anything new, please keep us informed.


What does cryptogenic mean? Also, do you have elevated ammonia levels. Mine are only slightly elevated but I am concerned. Thank you for your help.


Hey mollyb 1968
Cryptogenic means they are unsure what exactly caused my cirrhosis. I have never been told about my ammonia levels being elevated but my LFTs are always elevated and my platelettes(spelling) have been running low. I hope this explained better.


how does a sjogren's flare manifest other than tiredness and slight fever?


how does a sjogren's flare manifest other than tiredness and slight fever?

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Good morning @jeanniene and welcome to Mayo Connect. We’re a group of patients, patient’s families and caregivers. We try to help each other with information, resources, and tips from our own experiences. I found this discussion that has already been started. You should be able to connect with other members through the discussion.

Is this your first flare of sjogrens? What has your doctor suggested for treatment?


Good morning @jeanniene and welcome to Mayo Connect. We’re a group of patients, patient’s families and caregivers. We try to help each other with information, resources, and tips from our own experiences. I found this discussion that has already been started. You should be able to connect with other members through the discussion.

Is this your first flare of sjogrens? What has your doctor suggested for treatment?

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Thank you, Becky, for your reply to my question. I have had Sjogren's diagnosis since the 1980's. Plaquenil and Tylenol are all that I use. It is nice to connect with someone who knows that Sjogren's involves more than just dry eyes. Thanks for caring. Jeanniene


how does a sjogren's flare manifest other than tiredness and slight fever?

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Hello @jeanniene. I have “extraglandular” Sjogren’s which erupted dramatically a few months after my liver transplant (which resulted from another autoimmune disease), a year ago. I have peripheral neuropathy in all extremities (numbness, tingling, and pain), tremors, and muscle and joint pain. Plus, oral thrush, sore throat, eye issues.

Sjogren’s Advocate is a good website to learn more about the systemic nature of Sjogren’s that often medical providers know little about.

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