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TKX for the informative reply. I looked up gastroparisis: http://www.MayoClinic.org https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gastroparesissymptoms-causes/syc-20355787 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gastroparesis/symptoms-causes/syc-20355787 I have some of those problems. They started in the 90's. Eating 1/2 a normal meal was close to normal digestion. I became actively lactose intolerant in 2002 & cut out all dairy. Still had lactose belly problems until I began taking OTC multi-digestive enzymes. I now take two caps w each meal. Type II diabetes in 2012 so no or low carbs. The Metformin the Dr put me on gave me gastritis. Was put on omeprazole Rx. Prevacid is the same chemical. Now I am 100% diet-controlled diabetic -> A1c @ 5.6, 5.7 is almost normal. Exercise doesn't help my stomach. Drinking ~10oz of water an hour after I eat does. Another glass at 10PM stops leg and foot cramps caused by dehydration. We take our bodies for granted until things start going wrong. I joke that I used to have a cast iron stomach but now it is rusting. Good Luck to you too. I'm glad you've found that diet and exercise helps.

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Replies to "Hi, TKX for the informative reply. I looked up gastroparisis: http://www.MayoClinic.org https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gastroparesissymptoms-causes/syc-20355787 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gastroparesis/symptoms-causes/syc-20355787 I have some..."

@marko82 thanks for your reply. Now there are so many lactose free products available at the grocery store for you to enjoy. Does plain dairy yogurt bother you? It should not have lactose in it because it gets eaten by the bacteria. Anyways, you can find lactose free dairy milk. I never choose lactose free milk to make yogurt because the bacteria would never grow without the milk sugar, lactose. It would be good for a diabetic diet though. I like to eat the fudge bars made with yogurt. It is a liquid and therefore can be easily digested. There are many options using plant based yogurts today.
There is a higher risk for developing diabetes with the gastoparesis condition. You may have gained control of your digestive problems long before diabetes. That is excellent your diabetes is managed through diet. Exercise should help with that too because it burns more carbohydrates. My mother at 91 is a recent diabetic. She started on metformin with no health issues but was determined to lower her hemoglobin AIC. She now controls her blood sugar with diet and exercise only, no medications. I am not a diabetic but was concerned due to my gastroparesis. My hemoglobin AIC was normal. Now that I know I have this condition I am more aware of foods and their content. Glad you found relief. You are so right. We take our health for granted until we show problems. But somehow we manage our condition to keep going. Nice chatting with you.

Where do you find OTC multi-digestive enzymes? Thanks.