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Hi @mjfalk3, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Tapering off a drug like Wellbutrin requires patience. I'd like to bring a few other members into this discussion who have experience with Wellbutrin (bupropion) like @jimhd @stephee11 @enska @gamesjr @secretwhitepop.

In the meantime, I wonder if this article might offer anything useful for you:
- How Long Does Withdrawal From Wellbutrin Last? https://www.verywellmind.com/wellbutrin-withdrawal-symptoms-timeline-treatment-4176725

MJ, how are you sleeping?

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Replies to "Hi @mjfalk3, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Tapering off a drug like Wellbutrin requires patience. I'd..."

Thank you for the article but most of all for caring! Today I increased from 100sr to 150sr because I’m so sick. Praying this helps. Sleeping a few hours at a time with Melatonin and 3 drops of Cbd oil. Again, thank you for responding.

May I suggest the book "The Anti-Depressant Solution" by Dr. Joseph Glenmullen. According to the book he has spent 30 years with Harvard Medicail School. He specializes in helping people slowly (and I do stress SLOWLY) discontinue taking drugs like Wellburtin. Please be sure to share information in the book with your doctor!