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Hello Cowguy,
My cousin donated a kidney to me at Mayo last December. I am sure you would need initial blood work done locally with a kit sent from Mayo, as well a 24 urine test. If you pass those screenings, they would schedule many tests, some that could be held by zoom meetings. It would be best you call Mayo Transplant Center and ask them if that is where the transplant would take place. They will be eager to help. Different transplant centers have different requirements, but mostly they want to make sure you are healthy enough to donate. Your health will be a priority. You can actually learn quite a bit on their website. https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/transplant-center/living-donor-transplantation/gnc-20203911
Thank you for being willing to step up!

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Replies to "Hello Cowguy, My cousin donated a kidney to me at Mayo last December. I am sure..."

Thank you for the feedback! This whole process seems daunting, but I will persevere.

@cowguy - I have been through the donor process at Mayo. Many preliminary tests can be completed locally before the testing AT Mayo. Some of your travel expenses may be covered by the recipient's insurance. You should also check with NLDAC - National Living Donor Assistance Center. Talk to the Mayo transplant center about application for reimbursement of your travel expenses through NLDAC. If you can get this approved before you have to travel, they may be able to cover travel, lost wages, and dependent care expenses related to your evaluation trip, transplant, and follow-up visits. See http://www.livingdonorassistance.org for more information and be sure to ask the folks at Mayo!