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Caregiver to liver transplant recipient

Transplants | Last Active: Aug 13, 2021 | Replies (4)

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Oh gosh, I assumed MMR was a typo or a (not so) smartphone correction. Thanks for setting me straight. Since MMR vaccines are usually given as a childhood vaccination, I found this information regarding childhood liver transplant.
- Vaccinations Post-Liver Transplant https://www.chp.edu/our-services/transplant/liver/recovery/life-after/vaccinations
It states "The MMR vaccine is given to children, and transplant recipients do not need to avoid persons vaccinated with MMR."

Having said that, I understand your concern and commend you on your precaution. I think this is a question best answered by your husband's transplant team. Are you or is he able to contact a transplant coordinator through the patient portal or by phone?

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Replies to "Oh gosh, I assumed MMR was a typo or a (not so) smartphone correction. Thanks for..."

Yes, I will contact them. I was just wondering if others had a similar experience. Thank you so much for the information. Happy that the Mayo Clinic has this portal. 🙂