Cerebellum Atrophy
My husband has been diagnosed with cerebral atrophy. Is there anyone with similar diagnosis? In January of 1915 he was given 3 to 4 years to live.
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@larryh123 Hi, @larryh Thanks for your query. As a quick answer, http://www.omim.org/entry/hydrocephalus should give you a lot of 'stuff' on the 500+ genes OMIM lists for involvement in hydrocephalus. Some are recessive, most are dominant. This source is free, and targeted toward professionals, but I am on it almost every day. Another great source is Jackson Lab's human phenotype O (I cannot right now remember the word for O) http://hpo.jax.org for hydrocephalus. Jackson is quite proud of their work in this, and rightfully so. These two will lead you toward legitimate info on almost any gene. More later. oldkarl
@oldkarl - Thanks for the great info.
I will be looking at to learn more about hydrocephalus. Since my grandsons were born with it, I have ben hungry for more information.
Your words "legitimate info"are so true. There issue much information to sift through and so much of it is "noise"
I know your posts will help others.
Larry H
Update - this morning my cardio called and they scheduled me to have an implantable loop inserted on Monday. I am pleased at how responsible my whole care team has been.
I do not have a gene for hydrocephalus. My genetic test results are normal.
Hello, I have undergone 2 MRI's and several blood tests, XRays, etc. No help! Alex
Just remembered the address: But to be certain, look up Jackson Labs on Google HPO is Human Phenotype Ontology. It is a great site for anyone. oldkarl
Hi @alexgoldman2
When you say that the x-rays and blood test were no help what do you mean? That they were no help in achieving a diagnosis or the cause? How are you feeling?
Hi. I had my first MRI of several in 2015 with identification of Cerebellar Atrophy. I also have dysarthria, restless legs, loss of balance, neurogenic bladder and more. I have seen numerous neurologists and the last neurologist identified inconsistencies in my MRI's. I'm not sure what is going on. Time will tell. Think positive. Talk with you later. Remember, think positive.
Yes, my husband was recently diagnosed and has had to bleeds in two months requesting hospitalization. He’d apparently had several small bleeds as well as 2 large ones earlier. He was on Eliquis because of AFib and both his neurologist and cardiologist agreed that he needed to stop and avoid all blood thinners to prevent a massive stroke. There is no cure for this rare, totally unpredictable disease. It’s progressive and degenerative. I see people chasing cures, the right doctor, drug, test, cause - it’s irrelevant. None of them is a cure. There are treatments for some types and symptoms, but no cures. I’m terribly sorry. Believe me, I understand completely. Accept it, begin each day as a new day - enjoy what you can as long as you have it. It’s the most anyone gets.
hello, new here. diagnosed when I was 15, I'm 37 now, so 22 years living with this. unknown reason, maybe genetics according to doctors (their go-to answer when they don't know the answer). friends says maybe its because of my habit of taking a bath after playing basketball, change of body temperature and stuff, which is possible I guess. its so hard and just so frustrating at first, especially the physical therapy, that was something. looked at it as a curse before, but now I'm not sure (more of a blessing)