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Hemorrhagic pontine stroke

Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases | Last Active: Aug 10, 2021 | Replies (21)

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Hi @nsainato I’m sorry I missed this reply earlier!
Oh wow, does your story ever sound familiar. I’m supposed to be taking my BP routinely and get sidetracked by the slightest enticement! LOL Next thing I know the day has gone by and no BP check. I was taken off blood pressure pills a couple months ago and so far things are holding fairly steady…when I do remember to take a reading!

It’s good you have the cuff so you can keep track of your numbers, especially if you do have any more of those unsteady episodes. It would be interesting to know if your pressure drops during the events. Hopefully you won’t have another one!
From your comment about your eye specialist not decreasing your BP any lower, are you taking medication for blood pressure?

You also mentioned taking care of your husband. Is he having health challenges?

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Replies to "Hi @nsainato I’m sorry I missed this reply earlier! Oh wow, does your story ever sound..."

Yes, I am on BP medication and yes my husband has numerous health issues due to Diabetics. So far I did not have another dizzy spell but very slight pains going up from my left side sinus to the top of my head, which were much milder than last ones.
I am learning to accept this and go on, I am watching what I eat, exercise, hoping to lose some weight but that seems hard to do. My Dr. is not sending me for more test so must not be that serious. Like she said, I am observing my symptoms and if they worsen I will reach out to her then. Thanks for your comments and being there when I was anxious. I will keep you posted.