What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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@loribmt Hi Lori. Beautiful flower photos! Your garden looks awesome. How wonderful to get some rain. We're still suffering a heat wave that sees no end in sight. Had a smattering of rain yesterday but not enough to matter. The temp went down somewhat but tomorrow promises more of the 30-plus Celsius.
I'm truly sick of the noise of my air conditioner! 😥
Aside from all that negativity, I'm still feeling wretched. Good news though. I sourced a company that makes gluten-free, lactose-free home cooked type of meals and delivers! I just received my first order today, pretty much customized to all my dietary restrictions. I know I'll start feeling like my old self again soon, with the proper food in me! Hope you're glowing in the light of all your accolades following that super interview. You are so loved! Hugs, Laurie

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Aw Laurie, I was hoping by now you’d at least be upgraded to miserable! 😢 Wretched really is such a good word but when it applies to you, it fills me with sadness! I’m so sorry you’re still not back to your normal self.

Your idea of ordering custom food boxes is fantastic! Especially if you’re lactose intolerant and eating gluten free. I sure hope this helps you gain some strength and gets your innards back to functioning properly! I discovered several years ago that I’d become glucose intolerant. Came on with age I guess. Being a life long milk and dairy girl, it was such as shock to realize what was messing with my digestive system. Once I switched over to lactose free foods I was gold again! I can’t take the lactose pills though. They really cause a nasty stomach upset. So as long as I drink lactose free milk, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc., I’m fine.

Oh gosh, glowing in the light of the accolades is intimidating! I’m really touched with all the gracious comments and compliments. But being in a spotlight is only something I enjoy on stage, in costume and not as myself! I am grateful and honored to be a mentor with our Connect community and love interacting with our members…and making some close friends along the way. The little rays of sunshine. 😘


@johnbishop and all...look at your little rodent's coloration...the stipes are beautiful. Sitll visiting, eh? Looks like you have a lot of sunflower lovers and yes, it does help to keep the feeders filled. I do pretty well, but lately they had to wait for the best and for me to clean the feeders.

John. we've had a very wet spring/summer rains are heavy Want some, @artist01 ? I'll send you some rainwater happpily. I've been having flooding on the patio, got another 2inches today, before noon, and then more in evening. yesterday I was concerned as the downpour left about 2inches within an hour and it sat a while, the ground is so saturated.

Love the results re plants, grass is happy, blooms look good. I took a bunch of pictures this afternoon after taking Rob to doc appt and picking up meds. He has maybe a cracked or bruised rib that's causing a lot of additional pain. I was concerned it was gall bladder or liver....don't think so, and he needed to get to doc.

Love your birds, John. Nice selection. I do have pictures for you of my friends, and of my cute little wire ball filled w/sunflower seeds a few days ago. Not being eaten. Why? They're all sprouting! I will definitely add a fun pic of that!

I have a huge crop of mosquitoes this year. Worse than ever and flies and gnats. and spiders. I open the door to let Sam out for a patio visit, get bitten several places. My antibody levels are low and I am having very bad reactions to these bites. Yesterday, I stayed quite, let he home health nurse in the front door and was bitten with 4 skeeters in just that quick time. I spray OFF on bare skin any time I'm out to water of fill feeders or whatever, and learned to spray the bites. It stops the bite irritation faster than anything, also use cortisone and benadryl cream. Yesterday, took 1 benadryl capsule, fell into bed and slept soundly for over an hour. woke up scratching. Got more bites in bed. So, now I have mosquito invasioin......guess I'll get something to spray. This is bad florida...

Had good weather this week, mid 80's,, not extremely humid amazingly except around rains, but sure is wet. Tomorrow will bring higher heat.

seeing more than double now, blurred and can't see what I'm doing.
will tell you latest dx: pulmonary fibrosis, enlarged main pulmonary artery, pulmonary hypertension, sinus pain, etc improved than you Lord, vasculitis....that's it for now. hope I typed it ok andnyou can understand. I can't see, so blessing to all of you lovely folks and I'll get with you and spend time this week0end on sending pics. You'll be sorry


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Hi Elizabeth! Along with everything else you’re dealing with, now you’re invaded by skeeters??!! Ugh I hate those things too! They never used to bother me very much but I think now that I have a completely new blood type, they must find me really tasty! And, I react like never before! Huge welts that itch like crazy.
I checked out some solutions for curing the itch! The one that works the best is dipping a spoon in very warm tap water. Then immediately put it on the mosquito bite. It works!! It takes the itch away and if caught early, reduces the swelling!!
It’s really distressing to hear that your sight is very blurry now too. Is that from the sinus infection do you think? You’re having so much going on, Elizabeth. It’s a relief to know you’re getting such good care but I’m sure it’s frustrating that its taking so long to feel better! Keeping this short so you don’t have so much to read. I hope you can sleep well tonight, my dear and wake to a better day tomorrow! It’s time for you to receive some of the blessings you’re always giving to everyone else. ☺️


Mosquitoes, bad news. I haven't seen any mosquitoes in years. My friend in Nigeria is recovering from Malaria & Typhoid. I'd think one of those diseased would be bad enough but he had both at the same time.
I'm sorry to hear about your set back Lizzie. Hope you're back plowing the north 40 in no time


Hi Elizabeth! Along with everything else you’re dealing with, now you’re invaded by skeeters??!! Ugh I hate those things too! They never used to bother me very much but I think now that I have a completely new blood type, they must find me really tasty! And, I react like never before! Huge welts that itch like crazy.
I checked out some solutions for curing the itch! The one that works the best is dipping a spoon in very warm tap water. Then immediately put it on the mosquito bite. It works!! It takes the itch away and if caught early, reduces the swelling!!
It’s really distressing to hear that your sight is very blurry now too. Is that from the sinus infection do you think? You’re having so much going on, Elizabeth. It’s a relief to know you’re getting such good care but I’m sure it’s frustrating that its taking so long to feel better! Keeping this short so you don’t have so much to read. I hope you can sleep well tonight, my dear and wake to a better day tomorrow! It’s time for you to receive some of the blessings you’re always giving to everyone else. ☺️

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@loribmt , @jakedduck1 @artist01, @sueinmn and all..

Thanks for the good thoughts and notes. Laurie, sounds like you found something wonderful that will make good changes in your life. I'm researching this kind of food as soon as I'm a bit stronger and can see better. I had a time yesterday driving with one eye sht, into the sun and with this eye thing comes real light sensitivity. Blurring started in the evening when tired, fatiged-you know the difference! Still eye issues now, so am using cell to hold closer to face, zom some and see what I right. Works for short time, then hands scream
Oh, last night my hands and wrists were yelling at me, aching and some burning nerve pain.. I used Garden of Life CBD Intensive Recovery Lotion, 800mg CBD. Just got it. Sue mentioned the company once, I chk'd it out &like it. NOTE: HANDS STOPPED HURTING, TOTALLY, IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES! Miracle happened. Beginning to hurt now, so will apply...thus is stunning. Used on feet and legs, will use on back later. Did I mention, Frankincense & Myrrh helps my back? Legs?
I ordered from Papa Barkley their CBD Releaf lotion, bogo now. @artscaping , Chris, uses them. It works and comparable to other. Had to mention these finds...need to get this to neuropathy and pain groups....this is so exciting!

Rob got cal from doc. X-ray shows no Rob issue. Om NSAIDs, script, and to go to ED, ha, if worse Doc said could be pleurisy or ?

Tired, but fine. This is a rest day, until I see rheum.next week. I think he's right, naturally, and Vasculitis may be underlying many of these Israelis for years, worsening in 2021. Lungs are worrisome, but hope we have a handle and treatment, infusions and whatever will slow things down. Feels good to be blessed with these doctors, with knowledge my higher power in in control, watching out for me, sending me my Connect Angel's with love, caring, true understanding and great suggestions and support. So many blessings...
Downstairs to visit my patio friends, from inside! And rest. May take a nap. Will take laptop and follow John's guidance re pics. Can't see now...tes, dear Lori, may be from sinus infection. Sphenoid sinus is near optic nerve and can affect sight. Hope to catch this before it's permanent.

All your photos are wonderful. Thank you all..blessings and good thoughts.


@loribmt , @jakedduck1 @artist01, @sueinmn and all..

Thanks for the good thoughts and notes. Laurie, sounds like you found something wonderful that will make good changes in your life. I'm researching this kind of food as soon as I'm a bit stronger and can see better. I had a time yesterday driving with one eye sht, into the sun and with this eye thing comes real light sensitivity. Blurring started in the evening when tired, fatiged-you know the difference! Still eye issues now, so am using cell to hold closer to face, zom some and see what I right. Works for short time, then hands scream
Oh, last night my hands and wrists were yelling at me, aching and some burning nerve pain.. I used Garden of Life CBD Intensive Recovery Lotion, 800mg CBD. Just got it. Sue mentioned the company once, I chk'd it out &like it. NOTE: HANDS STOPPED HURTING, TOTALLY, IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES! Miracle happened. Beginning to hurt now, so will apply...thus is stunning. Used on feet and legs, will use on back later. Did I mention, Frankincense & Myrrh helps my back? Legs?
I ordered from Papa Barkley their CBD Releaf lotion, bogo now. @artscaping , Chris, uses them. It works and comparable to other. Had to mention these finds...need to get this to neuropathy and pain groups....this is so exciting!

Rob got cal from doc. X-ray shows no Rob issue. Om NSAIDs, script, and to go to ED, ha, if worse Doc said could be pleurisy or ?

Tired, but fine. This is a rest day, until I see rheum.next week. I think he's right, naturally, and Vasculitis may be underlying many of these Israelis for years, worsening in 2021. Lungs are worrisome, but hope we have a handle and treatment, infusions and whatever will slow things down. Feels good to be blessed with these doctors, with knowledge my higher power in in control, watching out for me, sending me my Connect Angel's with love, caring, true understanding and great suggestions and support. So many blessings...
Downstairs to visit my patio friends, from inside! And rest. May take a nap. Will take laptop and follow John's guidance re pics. Can't see now...tes, dear Lori, may be from sinus infection. Sphenoid sinus is near optic nerve and can affect sight. Hope to catch this before it's permanent.

All your photos are wonderful. Thank you all..blessings and good thoughts.

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Everyone, please forgive the typos, misspellings and word usage eyes bad, really tired. Off to rest..


🎶Two spidey webs and a hot eagle in a birch tree…🎶


🎶Two spidey webs and a hot eagle in a birch tree…🎶

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Lori, How many fish did have to give that eagle to pose for you? Such a great shot I thought it was one of those garden statues carved and painted to be an eagle. 🙃


🎶Two spidey webs and a hot eagle in a birch tree…🎶

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Fabulous! Spider webs fascinate me endlessly. On our morning "a venture" by the Rum River, my daughter and I were noticing wasp nests on the lights, surrounded by spider webs. The wasps were cautiously making their way in and out.


Fabulous! Spider webs fascinate me endlessly. On our morning "a venture" by the Rum River, my daughter and I were noticing wasp nests on the lights, surrounded by spider webs. The wasps were cautiously making their way in and out.

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Thank you, Sue. Spiderwebs really fascinate me too and I have tons of photos. These just really caught my eye this morning. Oo wonder if the wasps make a great dinner entree. 😉 This time of the year the german hornets are nasty!
I do really like the paper wasps though. Their nests are just incredible to watch grow and being repaired. Each striation in color is from another decaying tree being used to make the paper. I’m one of those oddball people who collect the “paper” to use in my artwork. Only after the bees have vacated naturally! 🐝


Thank you, Sue. Spiderwebs really fascinate me too and I have tons of photos. These just really caught my eye this morning. Oo wonder if the wasps make a great dinner entree. 😉 This time of the year the german hornets are nasty!
I do really like the paper wasps though. Their nests are just incredible to watch grow and being repaired. Each striation in color is from another decaying tree being used to make the paper. I’m one of those oddball people who collect the “paper” to use in my artwork. Only after the bees have vacated naturally! 🐝

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I need to dig into last year's photos and find the pictures I took during the first of the pandemic lockdowns. In April 2020 we were confined to our 100 acre community - couldn't even walk on the public road - but fortunately it is connected to a private bird sanctuary, where we walked every morning.
Interesting about the wasp nest "paper" - last fall we made dolls out of burrs, and pine cone bird feeders. Tomorrow we will be collecting acorns for a fall project, and to feed the local squirrels and chipmunks.

Nature is so endlessly fascinating.

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